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"So mommy and daddy wrestle here." Becky said showing Gracie the ring in the arena they were using tonight.
"Wow." Gracie said.
"Big huh." Becky said and Gracie nodded.
"Daddy." Gracie said seeing him come in.
"There you two are, I've been looking all over." Seth said.
"What's up." Bevky asked as Gracie moved to Seth.
"Doors are in ten." Seth said.
"We should get ready then." Becky said and they headed back to the private locker room they were sharing.
"Are you wresssing tonight?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Becky said. "My match is first."
"Roman said he'd watch her when you came out to mine." Seth said.
"Okay, I'll be back in a bit." She said kissing both before heading out.

Her match with Lacey was easy but challenging as well. Lacey always tried new things but Becky always had the upper hand. After making Lacey tap she did her usual pictures with the crowd and signed things before going back stage.

"Mommy is all sweaty." Gracie said.
"She had a match." Seth said. "We get sweaty."
Becky smiled and toweled down. She'd shower after going out to help Seth later like usual.
"So what did you two get up to while I was going?" Becky asked.
"I color." Gracie said holding up her ipad.
"Very pretty." Becky said sitting down next to Seth. "You ready for your match?"
"Just need to warm up." Seth said.
"Then I will tag in here and you can go do that." Becky said.
Seth nodded and kissed both before heading out.

"Jojo." Gracie called when Roman came in,
"Hey guys." Becky said looking up from her phone.
"I brought the sitter." Roman said.
"Oh and how much am I paying this sitter?" Becky asked.
"Six dollars." Jojo said. "And all the Gracie hugs I can get."
"Sounds like a bargain." Becky said fishing out the cash and handing it over.
"You don't have to pay her." Roman said.
"Services rendered mean services paid." Becky said. "Six dollars is a steal."
Roman just chuckled.
"Thank you." Jojo said slipping the money into her purse.
"Okay Gracie, Mommy has to go help daddy, so Jojo is going to watch you and Uncle Roman is here too." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and headed to the the entrance and waited for her cue.
After helping deal with Lacey and distract Corbin she watched Seth get the win and they celebrated in the ring. After that they took to the crowd signing things and taking pictures. After that they head back to the locker room. Jojo was in the middle of a story so they slipped into the showers and cleaned up while she finished.
"Someone is sleepy." Roman said holding Gracie while they wheeled their bags out to the car.
"Me." Gracie said yawning.
"We have a drive so you can sleep in the car." Becky said taking her and buckling her in. "Thanks for the help." Seth said.
"I am happy we could help." Roman said. "She's a lucky girl to have found you both."
"We're the lucky ones." Becky said shutting the door.
After some hugs they hit the high way going south to Vancouver for their next live event before Raw in Portland.

"Hey." Becky said opening the locker door to find Stepahnie and Hunter.
"We have a present for our newest wwe family member." Stephanie said.
Becky let them in.
"Gracie luv come here." Becky said.
Gracie came over and Becky squatted to her level.
"Gracie you remember Hunter?" Becky asked and she nodded. "And this is his wife Stephanie."
"Hello beautiful." Stephanie said.
"Hi." Gracie said.
"We brought you a present." Stephanie said handing Gracie the bag.
"For me?" Gracie said.
"Yes." Hunter said smiling.
"Where's daddy?" Gracie asked looking around.
"I'm here." Seth said coming in. "Hey guys."
"We came to meet your daughter." Stephanie said.
"She's quite the girl." Seth said. "Did you get a present?"
"Yep." Gracie said. "Open?"
"Go for it." Becky said.
Gracie pulled the tissue paper out of the bag and then pulled out a Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins plush toy as well as their lasted action figures.
"Wow." Gracie said. "Thank you."
"You are most welcome." Stephanie said.
"How about you go show your hippo your new toys." Becky said.
Gracie nodded and walked over to where her thins were set.
"That was great guys, thanks." Seth said as he helped Becky clean up.
"So how have things been?" Stephanie asked.
"Things have been great." Becky said.
"They have, she's been an angel while we've traveled." Seth said.
"That's good." Hunter said. "We hoped for a smooth transition for all of you."
"Thanks, so far things are good." Becky said. "She has a great understanding of things for a three year old and her patients is better then mine at times."
"She's been through a lot but she was well prepared for what happened and I think having us there at the end worked." Seth said. "Gave her a since of security."
"I am sure it did." Hunter said.
"How fast did mommy and daddy come along?" Stephanie asked.
"Once we talked to McKenna about adopting her she told Gracie she found her mommy and daddy and it was just there." Becky said.
"Wow." Stephanie said.
"McKenna knew what was coming and she wasn't afraid, she knew Gracie would be taken care of and loved. All she wanted was for her light to continue to shine." Seth said.
"That is amazing." Hunter said. "She was young but very wise."
"And she passed that on to Gracie and we get to keep it going." Becky said.
"We've gathered everyone at the ring so you can introduce her at once." Hunter said.
"Okay." Seth said. "Hey sweet girl, you ready to meet more of our wwe family?"
"Okay." Gracie said putting her things down and running over to him.
Seth picked her up and they walked out to the ring where everyone was gathered.
"Wow." Gracie said. "So many people."
"There are a lot." Becky said. "Even more where Uncle Roman is, we'll meet them tomorrow."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"Listen up." Hunter said as everyone quieted down.
"I'd like all of you to meet Gracie." Seth said. "Gracie this is everyone."
"I see you on the Telly." Gracie said.
"You do." Becky said. "They are wrestlers like daddy and I."
"Oh." Gracie said.
One by one everyone said hello. The girls waited until last and Becky took her over to them.
"Becky she is adorable." Dana said. "Hi, I am Dana."
"You flip." Gracie said.
"I do." Dana said.

She met everyone until Naomi was left.
"Here you go." Naomi said giving her a glow bracelet.
"Tank you." Gracie said.
"So how does it feel mom?" Naomi asked.
"I like it." Becky said setting Gracie in the ring apron and watching her crawl inside where Seth was. "I didn't understand why she was on my mind after meeting her for the first time, but going back was right. This was meant to happen."
"He looks like he's on cloud nine." Naomi said seeing Seth fall over as Gracie bulled him over.
"He is." Becky said. "It's like she was meant to be his, ours."
"Fate works like that." Naomi said. "Look at you and Seth. Best friends for ages doing your own thing and then one day it was more."
"Yeah." Becky said smiling.
"Mommy." Gracie said. "Come beat up daddy with me."
Becky smiled and climbed into the ring and playfully beat up Seth then she took Gracie and they pinned him while John Cone counted.
"Winner, Becky Lynch and Gracie Rollins." John said.
"Yay, we won." Gracie cheered.
"Poor Seth beaten by two girls." Hunter joked.
"It's okay daddy is still the champion." Gracie said. "Right."
"Right." Seth said sitting up. "Next time we beat up mommy."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"Bring it on Rollins'." Becky said.

After a bit they headed back to the locker room to get ready for the show. Seth opened the show and the crowd was happy he was back.
"Man, did ya'll miss me or what?" Seth asked. "I know I've been gone for a little while, life works out that way, but I am back and ready to fight."
The OC music hit and they came to the ring.
"Seems like winning has made you think you don't need to show up and do your job, sorry to break it to you but you do. You claimed you wanted to be a fighting champion better then Brock Lesner, but here you've been gone for three weeks. No title defenses, nothing." AJ said.
The crowd booed and Seth smiled.
"It's true." He said. "I haven't been here in three weeks, but tell me in that three weeks how many of your matches did you lose?"
The crowd laughed as AJ looked pissed off.
"For three weeks I watch you come out for a match and you'd do okay other would kick your ass and then Ren and Stempy here would come out and cheat either saving your sorry ass from a loss by pinfall or they'd help you win by chesting. Tell me AJ what happened to you. I know we fought after Mania and you were injured at a live show, but did that injury rattle your brain. Ever since you returned and hooked up with these two you've become less then half the man you were and that man was a record setting champion, now your just a bully and thug."
"I don't answer to you." AJ said.
"You don't, but there are a whole lot of people who want answers." Seth said as Cedric Alexander came to the ring fallowed by Braun Strowman and the Viking Raiders. "Seems to me AJ you boys have been looking to cause issues but only when it's a three on one or two scenario."
"I did not come here for this." AJ said. "I am here to challenge you to that." He pointed to Seth's Universal Belt. "Unless you are to chicken."
"I beat you once and I will beat you again, but it seems there are four other guys in this ring who want to fight you as well, so I will tell you what, you want a go at me and my title, then find yourself two more and tonight we will have a five on five and if you beat my team." Seth said festering to the others. "Then you can have a shot, but if we beat you the one who makes the pin gets a shit at that." He pointed to AJ's title.
"Fine." AJ said leaving the ring in a huff as Seth's music hit and he smiled greeting the other men in the ring.

Once back stage Seth saw Becky sitting by Vince who was talking to Gracie.
"Daddy." Gracie said making Seth smiled.
"She's a beautiful girl." Vince said.
"Thanks." Seth said.
"I hungry." Gracie said.
"Let's go to catering and get you some dinner." Becky said. "I am not on for a bit."
"Okay." Seth said.
In catering they let Gracie pick a few things to eat and then walked back to the dressing room so Becky could stretch and warm up.
"Why is Mommy moving so funny?" Gracie asked.
"She's warming up for her match tonight." Seth said. "See all wrestlers stretch before we go out so we don't hurt ourselves."
"Oh." Gracie said. "Can we go to the gym tomorrow and learn more jumps?"
"Well we have to drive tonight and travel to where Uncle Roman is so we can meet the rest of the wwe family before we go meet Uncle Josh in California, we will work out at the gym there." Seth said.
"Will we see the owins." Gracie asked.
"Yes we will see the ocean." She said. "Mommy loves the beach."
"I do." Becky said. "You little luv will get to see a lot of the world with Daddy and I."
"You will." Seth said. "Next month we are going over to Europe for a tour."
"Maybe we can paint a world map on the wall in the hall and we can put pins in all the places we visit." Becky said.
"That sounds like a good idea." Seth said.
"Okay, I have to go to hair and make up and then out to work, be good for daddy okay." Becky said.
"Okay mommy have fun." Gracie said. "Beat em up."
"I will." Becky said kissing her face and then Seth before heading out.

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