RG 41

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"Good job mommy." Gracie said as Becky flipped a tire. "One more time."
Becky huffed and flipped the tire for the tenth time and collapsed on the floor panting.
"Water?" Gracie asked holding her water bottle.
"Thank you baby." Becky said sitting up and taking a long drink. "That was tough work."
"Yes but you did a great job." Gracie said. "Now it's box jumps and burpees."
"Man you are one tough coach." Charlotte said coming into the gym with Andrade.
"Aunt Charlotte." Gracie said running over to her. "I gotta be tough so mommy is tough."
"She is right." Andrade said.
"Gracias." Gracie said.
"De nada." Andrade said.
"Come on mommy." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and got to work as Charlotte and Andrade set up to start their workout.
"Good job." Gracie said. "Ten air squats and then ten more jumps and burpees."
Becky switched movements and did her squats and then went back to burpees and box jumps.
"Done." Gracie said and Becky laid on the mat breathing.

"Did you kill mommy?" Seth asked.
"I can't kill her she's already dead daddy." Gracie said.
"She got you there." Josh said. "How was her set?"
"Great, she moves very fast." Gracie said. "I had to keep up."
"Mommy has a tank." Seth said.
"She does, I have one too." Gracie said.
"That you do." Seth said. "Are you two finished?"
"We are." Becky said. "Just need to shower and change."
"Okay." Seth said and Becky took Gracie to shower and change before they headed out for breakfast.

"So I got the schedule for Monday and they want to film Raw for this Monday and next Monday." Seth said. "We're going to be there for a good while."
"I can see that." Becky said reading her text. "Maybe Josh and Gracie can hang out at home, get Bella and Kevin ready to go to Nick's."
"We could do that." Josh said.
"I'm going to miss Bella and Kevin." Gracie said.
"I know baby, but once you get back to grandma's after the wedding Josh is going to go get them and bring them to you." Seth said.
"First thing." Josh said.
"Okay." Gracie said. "I'll make sure Uncle Nick knows their schedule."
"Good." Becky said.

"There you are." Seth said coming up to where Becky and Charlotte were stretching.
"Gotta make sure mommy and Aunt Charlotte are ready to Main Event." Gracie said.
"Are they?" Seth asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"We are indeed ready." Becky said standing up.
"We are." Charlotte said.
"Good." Seth said. "Have fun and be careful."
"Yes dad." Both said and Gracie laughed while Seth rolled his eyes.
"Some example you are setting for the kid." Seth said.
"Gracie remember don't try what we are about to do at home." Charlotte said.
"Not without permission and supervision at least." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said and Seth shook his head chuckling. "Go beat em up and take their titles."
Becky smiled and kissed her cheek before kissing Seth and heading out to her music.

Matches in themselves were tough, but when you threw in tools or weapons things good go bad. Kairi was down and Becky could see it. She rolled her under the apron to protect her from any more damage and saw Charlotte and Asuka going at it. The ref checked on her and told her to end the match and take the titles. Charlotte set her up on a table and began climbing the ropes. Charlotte hit her moonsault sending Asuka through the table and Becky quickly set up the ladder and climbed up grabbing the tittles and winning the match.
"Your winner and new WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Charlotte Flair and your Raw Women's Champion The Man, Becky Lynch." Mike announced as the bell sounded. A ref rolled into the ring and held their hands up and as soon as he let go Becky left the ring and rushed to where she left Kairi.
"She needs help." Becky said. "It's a concussion."
The ref nodded signaling to the back that there was an emergency.
"Go find Gracie so she doesn't freak out about the medics coming out." Charlotte said.
Becky nodded and took her two belts and walked up the ramp and into the back.
"Mommy." Gracie said.
"I'm okay baby." Becky said taking her from Seth. "Kairi got hurt not me."
"It was a good match." Seth said. "Becky 2 Belts again."
"That I am." Becky said.

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