RG 54

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"How is she?" Arnold asked.
"Her fever is still high." Elizabeth said.
"They told me the gas wouldn't harm her." Arnold said.
"I don't think it's that." Elizabeth said. "But I do know if we can't get her fever down soon she's going to die."
"What did those people do to her." Arnold asked.
"What is her temperature now Anna?" Elizabeth asked the nanny they hired to care for Gracie.
"104 ma'am." Anna said. "She is calling out for her mommy."
"Her mom is dead." Arnold said.
"She needs a hospital." Anna said. "The meds aren't working to bring her fever down."
"We cannot take her to a hospital." Arnold said.
"Get more cool rags." Elizabeth said and Anna nodded and left the room. "She's going to die."
"If we leave and take her to a hospital they'll know who she is right away." Arnold said. "The Rollin's family along with WWE has her picture everywhere."
"So soon?" Elizabeth asked.
"They're using their fans to spread word." Arnold said. "We cannot risk taking her to the hospital."
"What are we going to do then?" Elizabeth asked as they heard Gracie scream.
Rushing into the room they saw the girl terrified soaked in sweat.
"I want my mommy." Gracie cried. "I want my daddy."
"Shh sweet girl." Elizabeth said. "You are safe here."
"I want to go home." Gracie cried before coughing.
Elizabeth went to move near her and Gracie freaked out.
"No, I want my mommy and daddy." She cried coughing more.
"You have to calm down." Elizabeth said as Anna returned with some cool rags.
"Calm her down now." Arnold snapped.
"Hello Gracie." Anna said. "My name is Anna."
"I want my mommy and daddy." Gracie said.
"I know sweet girl, but right now you are very sick." Anna said.
"I know." Gracie said. "Mommy has to give me my medicine."
"What kind of medicine does she give you?" Anna asked.
"The kind from my doctors." Gracie said coughing. "My tummy hurts."
"It's from the coughing, do you want to try some water?" Anna asked.
"No." Gracie cried. "I want my mommy."
"Arn." Elizabeth said.
"You are here with us where you should have been all along, now knock it off, drink your water and be quiet." Arnold said.
"No." Gracie cried coughing.
"Calm her." Elizabeth said leading Arnold from the room.
"Yelling at her won't help." Elizabeth said. "We knew the hold they were going to have on her was going to be hard to break, but she won't learn to trust us if you act like this."
"Damn people." Arnold said picking up a vase and shattering it against the wall.

"Please, please calm down." Anna said. "The coughing gets worse when you cry."
"I want my mommy and daddy." Gracie said. "Please."
"Your mom is in heaven." Anna said. "And now it's your turn to be here with your grandparents."
"Mommy is in heaven?" Gracie asked confused.
"Yes, but you are safe here." Anna said.
Gracie seemed to lose it crying until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

"She is sleeping." Anna said. "But her fever is still high."
"We gave her meds, all we can do is hope they work." Elizabeth said.

Over the next few weeks Gracie became weaker and weaker.
"She's going to die." Elizabeth said softly leaving the room.
Anna did not understand why they did not take her to a doctor. Why they were willing to let her die. So one night after they had gone to bed Anna snuck Gracie out of the Villa they were staying in, in Italy and rushed Gracie to the nearest hospital.

"Please I need help." She said carrying Gracie in. "She's dying."
Medical staff rushed Gracie to the back and Anna paced the waiting room.
"Excuse me." An Officer said coming up with a second. "Did you bring Gracie Rollins here."
"No, Gracie Sullivan." Anna said. "I am her nanny, she is sick."
"What do you mean her nanny?" The other Officer asked.
"I was paid to take care of her, but she's been sick with fever since she arrived." Anna said.
"Did Arnold and Elizabeth Sullivan hire you." He asked.
"Yes." Anna said. "Their daughter died and Gracie was rescued and reunited with her family."
"How is the girl?" The first Officer asked the nurse who came out.
"She is very sick." The nurse said.
"Her parents are flying in a we speak." The Officer said.
"Her parents?" Anna asked.
"Gracie was kidnapped two weeks ago from a hotel in San Antonio, Texas." The second Officer said. "Her parents are Seth and Rebecca Rollins."
"I did not know." Anna said.
The officers took Anna to get the information on where the Sullivan's were and police were able to catch them as they were trying to flee.

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