RG 29

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"Okay ladies let's sit." Stephanie said. "As you know this is out last week before Survivor Series and we want to make it a good one. So we will be utilizing both Raw tonight and Smackdown tomorrow."
"What's the plan?" Becky asked.
"Tonight we are going to do a five on five elimination match with your teams and tomorrow you and Charlotte will face Bayley and Sasha." Stephanie said.
"Sounds good." Charlotte said.
"Have plans been made for after Survivor Series?" Sasha asked.
"As you know next week Smackdown is moving to Fox and Friday so right now we do not have plans. Next week is the draft so once we have a clearer picture we'll know more about titles." Stephanie said. "I know it's not what you want to hear but it's what it is."
"How is this draft going to be different from the shake up?" Becky asked.
"The executives from both USA and Fox are going to have direct input in each brands roster." Stephanie said. "There will be no more wild card rules on the shoes except for the WWE Womenks Tag Champions."
"Cool." Lexi said.
"We get to cause trouble in both shows." Nikki said.
"Tonight and tomorrow I want the matches kept clean. Save the battle for Survivor Series you fourteen ladies are main eventing." Stephanie said.
"Good." Charlotte said.
"My third main event of the year." Becky said.
"Main Event Mommy." Gracie said.
"You're show over." Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"As is this meeting." Stephanie said. "Thank you for being so patient with us Miss Gracie."
"You're welcome." Gracie said. "Mommy says we're here to work and for every meeting she pays me five dollars for being good. Daddy pays me ten."
Everyone chuckled at that.
"Good way to earn a pay check." Stephanie said.
"I am saving to buy toys for the children's hospital where my mama was." Gracie said. "I have almost four hundred dollars."
"Wow." Stephanie said.
"Her goal is five hundred." Becky said.
"I tell you what, if you can reach that goal I will personally match it and you can buy loads of presents for them." Stephanie said.
"Okay." Gracie said smiling. "Mommy did you hear that?"
"I sure did." Becky said. "Thank you."
"I am always happy to help." Stephanie said.
Becky smiled and helped Gracie pack her things back into her bag and they walked down to the dressing room.
"Daddy, daddy." Gracie said running over to him.
"Hi baby how was the meeting?" Seth asked.
"Mommy is main eventing Survivor Series." Gracie said.
"I heard, congrats babe." Seth said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Daddy, Stephanie said she would match the money I am raising for presents for the kids at the hospital if I reach my goal of five hundred dollars." Gracie said. "That will buy lots of toys and Uncle Josh said he would give me two hundred and fifty if I reached my goal and you said Black and Brave would too."
"That's a lot of money." Seth said.
"It means lots of joy for the sick kids." Gracie said.
"You my sweet girls have such an amazing heart." Becky said sitting next to them and touching her heart making her smiled.
"Thank you mommy." Gracie said. "I know being stuck in the hospital is no fun so if I can bring them a smile and make them forget where they are for a little while I want too."
"And we will do that." Becky said. "You get to be an elf this year."
"Can I have an elf costume?" Gracie asked.
"We'll find one this weekend while we are here in Chicago." Becky said smiled.
"No home?" Gracie asked.
"Next week after Raw, your Grandma is cooking us Thanksgiving Dinner." Seth said.
"This week we have a very important meeting." Becky said.
"With who?" Gracie asked.
"Their names are Arnold and Elizabeth." Seth said.
"Mama's parents?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Becky said. "They would like to meet you and daddy and I think it would be good for you to know them."
"Why?" Gracie asked.
"Why do we want you to meet them or why now?" Seth asked.
"Both?" Gracie asked. "Mama was sad because they weren't around."
"A lot happened and we don't know the full story but they asked to meet you." Becky said. "I think they miss McKenna and they want to know the special girl you are."
"I don't want to." Gracie said bursting into tears and hiding her face in Seth's neck. "Please daddy no."
"Okay calm down." Seth said rubbing her back. "We are not going to force you to do anything."
He looked over at Becky who looked freaked out.
"Daddy is right." Becky said. "If you don't want to meet them you don't have too."
"I don't wanna mommy." Gracie said. "Please."
"Okay." Becky said kissing her head. "You don't have too, I will go and talk with them and you can hang out with daddy."
Gracie hiccuped as she calmed down and Seth held her rubbing her back.
"It's okay sweet girl, daddy got's you and mommy is here." Seth said.
Gracie nodded off and Seth laid her down so she could sleep.
"I wasn't expecting that." Becky said crawling into Seth's lap.
"Me either." He said rubbing her back. "Usually she is so brave and strong."
"I know." Becky said. "Maybe I should call Addison and see if there is anything I should know."
"Yes." Seth said. "Her reaction to this is not the little girl we know."
Becky nodded and hugged Seth both absorbing the situation.

"Hello." Addison said answering her phone.
"Hi, this is Becky Lynch." Becky said.
"Yes hello." Addison said. "How is Gracie?"
"She's good, growing like a weed and very, very happy." Becky said.
"That's good." Addison said.
"I was calling to get some information from you." Becky said.
"Okay." Addison said.
"Can you tell me why Gracie would have such a bad reaction to Arnold and Elizabeth Sullivan?" Becky asked.
"She's never met them." Addison said. "Why?"
"Did you see the twitter posts from their lawyers?" Becky asked.
"I didn't." Addison said.
"Well basically a while back their lawyers posted that they were looking to undo our adoption of Gracie and take her from us. They never filed anything, I was told the backlash they received was very bad. But they gave Seth a letter at the funeral and in it they asked if we'd consider allowing them updates on her or to be a part of her lives and we thought it might be nice for them to meet but when we told Gracie she had a meltdown and she's never had one before." Becky said. "It's really freaked us out."
"Wow." Addison said. "McKenna didn't speak of her parents much to Gracie. She didn't know how to explain them to her because Gracie didn't understand how anyone could not love her or McKenna and honestly the twitter post from their lawyers sounds like a scare tactic. They tried pulling things when McKenna first came to live with me and they tried to stop the pregnancy. McKenna cut them off after that. She knew she had a purpose in this world and it was Gracie."
"She is an amazing little girl." Becky said.
"We sure do miss her." Addison said.
"We're going to be coming down to the hospital in about two weeks, Gracie has been raising money to buy presents for all the kids." Becky said.
"Wow." Addison said. "Let me know if I can help."
"Of course, I have been talking with a Katie Lee to help set things up but she hasn't gotten back to me." Becky said.
"Katie went into early labor, let me talk to my boss about taking things over." Addison said. "I'll call you about it tonight."
"Okay." Becky said. "That would be amazing and if you could let me know what the kids might want and things that could be really useful we'll see to it."
"I can do that." Addison said. "Should I make out a list of each kid and a present they want?"
"Yes." Becky said. "That would be good."
"Okay I can do that and for the reason you called, please be careful with the Sullivan's. I do not want to see Gracie hurt." Addison said.
"I'd die before I let that happen." Becky said.
"It's good to know you love her so much." Addison said.
"We love her as if she was ours, she has a great family around her and more love then anyone could ask for." Becky said.
"McKenna would love that." Addison said.
"We talk about her everyday, I will not let Gracie ever forget her." Becky said.
"Thank you." Addison said. "I need to get back to work, I will call you tonight."
"Thanks." Becky said and they said bye.

"Hey man what's up?" Hunter asked.
"We were thinking about introducing Gracie to McKenna's parents and for the first time since we got here she has a meltdown." Seth said. "She begged us not to make her meet them."
"Wow." Hunter said.
"Becky called Addison the women who was raising McKenna and said to be careful with them, I called and told Peter and he said you might know a private investigator who could look into them for us." Seth said.
"I do and I will get him going." Hunter said. "That little girl is important to all of us."
"She is, even got Stephanie to match the money she is raising to buy presents for the hospital McKenna was at." Seth said.
"A special girl." Hunter said. "I will call my people and they'll contact you."
"Thanks." Seth said. "I better get back so if she wakes and is upset."
Hunter nodded and Seth walked back to his dressing room.
"Cuddling without me?" Seth asked.
"Yep." Gracie said from Becky's lap. "I was listening to mommy's heartbeat, it is so strong."
"That."s good." Seth said sitting down.
"Daddy?" Gracie asked.
"Yes?" Seth asked.
"When I grow up I want to be a doctor and cure what killed my mama." Gracie said.
"Okay." Seth said. "You can be whatever you want to be, mommy and I will support you."
"Thank you." Gracie said leaning over and kissing him. "Best mommy and daddy ever."
Seth smiled and they just hugged their daughter.

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