RG 33

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"Look at her." Becky said using her phone to record some of Gracie skating lesson. "She's taken to it like a duck to water."
Seth looked over at her a chuckled.
"She does seem to have a talent for it and she's really focusing." Seth said as they watched Gracie watch the instructor Lauren do the move and then they watched as she broke it down piece by piece like they did with their wrestling until she got it right.
"Good job." Becky called as Gracie cheered and the Lauren clapped.
"That was a good job Gracie." Lauren said.
"Tank you." Gracie said. "Can I try again?"
"Of course." Lauren said and Gracie continued to do the move until she had it down and then Lauren taught her another move.
"You are very good, took to skating and some turns very well." Lauren said bringing her over after their lesson.
"It was so much fun." Gracie said. "I love it like the dancing this morning."
"For a three year old she took to this really well." Lauren said. "Most kids her age can barely stand on their skates."
"She really wanted to learn." Seth said.
"She breaks each movement down really well." Lauren said. "I usually don't see that at this stage."
"Seth and I wrestle for WWE and we train a lot, she's with us when we do and learns how we do things." Becky said.
"It's a smart tool to learn." Lauren said. "It will help her with all the challenges she faces in life."
"It will." Seth said.
"There is free skating now, so enjoy and Gracie it was very nice meeting you and teaching you how to skate." Lauren said.
"Tank you Miss Lauren." Gracie said.
Lauren walked off the ice and Seth joined Gracie going around the rink
"How was her lesson?" Josh asked coming up with cups of coffee.
"It was good." Becky said showing him the footage. "She's really good."
"She is." Josh said. "Breaking down the move into all it's parts."
"Shows she's learning a lot from spending time with all of us." Becky said. "Go join them and have some fun."
Josh nodded and went on to the ice and joined them. Becky took a few snaps and posted them.
'Ice skating with daddy and Uncle Josh in Wonderland.' Becky said.

"Mommy." Gracie said.
"Hi luv did you have fun?" Becky asked.
"So much." Gracie said. "But my legs are cold."
"Let's get your skates off and then we can warm you up under this warm blanket." Becky said and she did that. "and Uncle Josh got you cocoa."
"Yay." Gracie said taking a drink. "Warm and yummy,"
Becky smiled as Gracie sipped her cocoa and warmed up.
"Mommy?" Gracie asked.
"Yes baby?" Becky asked.
"Why is that man taking pictures of me?" Gracie asked and Becky looked to where she was pointing and she saw the man turn.
"Frank." Becky said.
"I know he's there." Frank said. "He's is the PI hired to check you and Seth out."
"Are we safe?" Becky asked.
"We are." Frank said. "With such a public event I have extra people on hand, they are watching him too."
"Okay." Becky said.
"What is a PI?" Gracie asked as Seth and Josh came over.
"PI?" Seth asked.
"PI means a private investigator." Becky said.
Seth looked over and saw the man taking pictures but when he noticed Seth notice him he took off.
"Why was he here?" Gracie asked.
"I am not sure but we don't have to worry about that." Becky said. "You ready to go explore?"
"Ride time." Gracie said.
"Let's change into our shoes and hit it." Seth said and they did so.
"Look mommy." Gracie said showing her. "I learned like you said."
"You did a great job baby, I am so proud of you." Becky said kissing her cheek.
"I am proud too." Seth said.
"Family shot." Josh said holding up his phone and taking a picture.
'Gracie learned to tie her shoes, a major accomplishment for a three year old.' Josh posted. 'Proud family moment.'
"That is cute." Becky said liking the picture. 'My baby is getting big.'
"I will always be your baby mommy." Gracie said.
"You will." Becky said. "Let's go ride some rides."
Gracie smiled and they headed out to explore Winter Wonderland and have fun.
"You look very, very tired." Seth said as Gracie yawned.
"I am daddy." Gracie said. "Can you carry me please?"
"Of course am can." Seth said scooping her up and Gracie kissed his cheek before curling into him and laying her head in the crook of his neck and falling asleep.
"Daddy does it again." Becky said coming up holding the large stuffed polar bear Seth had won her earlier.
"She's had quite the big night." Seth said.
"She has." Becky said.
"Can you explain to me why she needed the four food tall Penguin?" Josh asked coming up carrying it.
"She wanted it for a girl at the hospital who loves penguins." Becky said.
"Okay." Josh said.
They loaded back into the car and headed to the hotel.

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