RG 8

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(Authors Note: So in this story for now my bad guys will be Sasha Banks and Bayley. It's the characters of these people I am playing with in this story not the real people behind the characters. So please do not hate because I am using them. If you don't like how I am using them you are welcome to stop reading but for now I am using them as I want. Happy reading.)

"So you are here." Sasha said.
"I am." Becky said getting her belt out of it's drawer. "If you would've been here this morning you would have known that."
"I have a life." Sasha said.
"I get that." Becky said. "My name is on the board as well for a match."
Sasha just rolled her eyes so Becky walked into the gorilla.
"I think the crowd has been waiting for you." Stephanie said.
"Well let's not make them wait any longer." Becky said as her music hit she walked out and the crowd cheered.
"Man I love that." Becky said. "Thank you."
The crowd was on high tonight chanting for her and she loved it.
"Now I know I have missed stepping into this ring to fight just as much as you've missed me doing so. So I say enough with the words and we bring someone out here that wants to step to The Man." Becky said and the crowd cheered Yes.
Dana's music hit and Becky smiled. It had been years since she fought Dana and was looking forward to it.
"Dana Brooks." Becky said. "Are you stepping to the man."
Dana walked up to her and Becky smiled.
"Challenge excepted." Becky said a a ref rushed to the ring sliding in and between the two women.
After handing over her title and jacket Becky and Dana squared off. Dana had improved since they last fought but so had Becky. Each got to shine but Becky picked up the win by locking Dana in her dis-arm-her. After the match ended she extended a hand to Dana and helped her stand.
"Good match." Becky said.
Dana nodded and lifted Becky's hand to show her support but then a chair collided with Becky head and she was flung forward and through the ropes to the ground where she landed out cold.
The ref called for help and the paramedics rushed out and she was put on a stretcher and wheeled to the back.

"What was that?" Seth asked rushing forward. "That wasn't in the plans."
"We aren't sure." Stephanie said. "How is she?"
"She took a chair shot to the head and is unconscious still." The medic said.
"What happened?" Becky asked as she began to stir.
"You were hit by a chair and fell out of the ring." Seth said.
"Why?" Becky asked as the medic ran the light in her eyes.
"Stephanie is trying to figure it out." Seth said. "How do you feel?"
"I have a head ache but no blurred vision or anything like that." Becky said.
"That's good." The trainer said. "I think it's just a minor concussion."
Becky sat up and they worked through the test and decided she didn't need to go to the hospital.
"You'll need to take it easy for the next few days." He said. "You know the drill and what to watch out for."
"I do." Becky said.
After that they walked back to the dressing room.
"Hey, she got tired." Naomi said.
"Thanks for watching her." Seth said moving over and covering her with her favorite blanket.
"How are you?" Naomi asked.
"I'll be okay." Becky said. "I don't get her motivation but then she's been different since her return."
"She has." Naomi said. "Let's hope management can figure it out. Things like this make me wish for the smoothness of Smackdown."
"Things were different but change is needed." Becky said.
"I guess, we just knew the girls in our locker room." Naomi said.
"Hi." Lexi said popping in. "I came to bring you these."
"Thanks." Becky said taking her title and jacket.
"I had hoped when she came back things were be better but looks like it's the same old Sasha." Lexi said.
"I don't remember her like this in NXT." Becky said.
"Time changes people." Lexi said. "We can't even be in the same locker room."
"Wow." Becky said. "But's your the sweetest."
"I know, but we've never gotten along and when I came her from Smackdown she felt I should've never been given a chance. She didn't get my whole wicked witch character." Lexi said. "During our match last week she keep doing cheap shots and things that weren't scripted. She is really out of control."
"When management asked me to do the angle to bring her back I didn't know this is who she is." Becky said. "Sure I asked for a war but not like this."
"Stephanie will work things out." Seth said. "Give her a chance."
"I will." Becky said. "You should go get ready for your match." Becky said.
"Okay, can you stay with her until I am back?" Seth asked looking at Naomi.
"No problem." Naomi said. "My dark match isn't until later."
"Thanks." Seth said. "Please take it easy."
Becky nodded and Seth kissed her before heading out.
"She really does look like you." Lexi said.
"The hair." Becky said. "Her's is natural and mine comes from a bottle."
"She must like it, makes her feel more at home." Naomi said. "A connection."
"She does." Becky said.
"Now if she only had a blonde streak." Naomi said making them all laugh softly.
"When you and Seth got together earlier this year I saw kids in your further but not this soon, but seeing you guys with her makes hearts melt." Lexi said. "Lord knows your fans are still going nuts over it."
"I haven't really looked since we posted." Becky said.
"Girl the Brollins army has morphed into the Brollins2 army." Lexi said.
"Or Brollie army." Naomi said.
"People." Becky said rolling her eyes.
"They are happy for you three." Naomi said. "It's like a fairytale come true."
"Speaking of fairytales, you know I love all things Disney so next time you are in Orlando let me know and we'll do a Disney Princess shopping spree and hook her up with the costumes." Lexi said.
"Will do." Becky said. "Tonight we are driving to Tacoma and then flying down to LA for Raw down there next week."
"Doing lives?" Naomi asked.
"Yes, I thought it would be fun to switch it up from Lacey to you." Becky said. "We can do single or team."
"Singles sounds fun." Naomi said.
"Good, I'll let Stephanie know and we can work out a plan Friday in Long Beach." Becky said.

After Seth returned he showered and they packed up and loaded into the car to head North.
"No." Gracie said when Becky picked her up.
"Shh baby I got you." Becky said rubbing her back. "Sleep."
Gracie settled and they checked into the hotel. Once she was down on the bed Becky changed her into some pajamas while Seth got the last of their things.
"Life with a three year old." Seth said.
"You love it." Becky said and he smiled.
"I do." He said. "Just like I love you."
"I love you." Becky said kissing him. "I've been thinking."
"Okay." Seth said.
"I'd like to get married this Christmas in Ireland." Becky said.
"Okay." Seth said smiling.
"Okay?" Becky said.
"I'd marry you tomorrow in a ditch." Seth said. "This Christmas in Ireland sounds amazing."
Becky smiled and kissed him.
"To think our own daughter is going to be our flower girl." Seth said,
"I can picture her dress." Becky said. "She'll look like a Christmas Angel."
"Just like her mom." Seth said.
Becky smiled and kissed him as exhaustion took them to sleep.

"What are you doing?" Seth asked Gracie.
"Snuggling with mommy." Gracie said.
"No snuggles for daddy?" Seth asked pouting.
"Okay." Gracie said climbing over Becky and curling up on Seth's chest.
Becky smiled and took a picture and then pouted.
"Now Mommy is lonely." Becky said.
"No." Gracie said reaching out to Becky.
"We can't have that." Seth said pulling Becky to him and they all snuggled together. "Better?"
"Much." Becky said.
"Are we going to work out today?" Gracie asked.
"She gets that from you." Both said before giggling.
"How about instead of the gym we hit the pool." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie said sitting on Seth and bouncing.
"Water work out and then breakfast." Seth said.
They all changed and headed down to the pool.
"Addi taught me to swim." Gracie said.
"Well since we are going to do some water workout I'd like you to wear this while we do it and then we can free swim after." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said.
Seth grabbed some water weight balls and tension bands.
"Hey guys." Roman said entering with Jojo.
"Jojo." Gracie said running over and hugging her.
"Hey man." Seth said.
"Doing some water workout?" Roman asked.
"Yeah, someone has to take it easy today." Seth said.
"I saw last night, you okay?" Roman asked.
"I"m good." Becky said walking into the water. Gracie and Jojo fallowed by Seth and Roman.
Becky showed Gracie and Jojo what she was doing and they copied her. After a bit they went to swimming and Gracie didn't mind keeping the life vest on since she could swim easier and race everyone around the pool.
"Mommy is so hungry she might just eat Gracie." Becky said snapping her teeth playfully at Gracie.
"No mommy." Gracie said. "Daddy help, she might eat me."
"But Daddy is hungry too." Seth said snapping his teeth too.
"Oh no." Gracie said.
"I gotcha kid." Roman said plunking her from the water.
"Yay, Uncle Roman saved me." Gracie cheered.
Everyone giggled and they climbed out of the pool and headed to change and then grabbed breakfast at the hotel breakfast bar.

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