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While Gracie napped Becky looked through her social media and saw some things from Sasha was posting and just rolled her eyes. She found the pictures she needed and posted them with a comment and let the fire storm take off.

"Mommy." Gracie called.
"I'm here luv." Becky said from the kitchen.
Gracie came into the kitchen and smiled.
"Did you have a nice nap?" Gracie asked.
"Yep." Graciesaid.
"Where is daddy?" She asked.
"Daddy is with Uncle Josh working on some things for Deadboys Fitness." Becky said. "Are you up for doing some shopping?"
"Okay." Gracie said. "Present for daddy?"
"You wanna get Daddy a present?" Becky asked.
"Yeah." Gracie said.
"Well go grab your shoes and we'll go." Becky said.
Gracie came back with her sandals on and they headed out.
"What shall we get daddy?" Becky asked as they walked around the shops."
"No know." Gracie said. "Look?"
"Let's look." Becky said smiling as they entered s shop.
"Daddy ball?" Gracie asked.
"Daddy doesn't play basketball." Becky said. "But he likes watching football."
"Oh." Gracie said.
They continues to look around and Becky found a Chicago Bears cheerleading outfit in Gracie's size so she got it.
"See anything?" Becky asked.
"No." Gracie said.
Becky paid for the outfit and they continued down the street. They explored different shops but Gracie found nothing she liked.
"No idea?" Becky asked.
"No." Gracie said sadly. "Daddy hard to shop for."
"I know." Becky said. "You know what daddy's new favorite thing is?"
"What?" Gracie asked.
"Daddy loves reading to Gracie, so what if we found some books you two can share?" Becky asked.
"Okay." Gracie said.
They walked into the book store and over to the kids section. Becky grabbed a basket and they began exploring.
"I read too?" Gracie said.
"Yes, Daddy is helping you learn." Becky said.
After picking about twenty books they paid and headed it.
"Look." Gracie said as they passed a hat store.
"Daddy does love hats." Becky said. "Wanna pick him a new one?"
"Yeah." Gracie said.
They walked inside and found all kinds of cool things. Becky found herself two new leather jackets and one she knew Seth would like and one that Gracie could wear.
"These three." Gracie said holding three hats.
Becky looked them over and smiled.
"He'll love them all." Becky said.
After paying they headed home. Seth texted he was in his way so Becky changed Gracie into the little costume and they set the gift bags in the table.
"Surprise." Gracie yelled when Seth came in.
"What is this." Seth smiled.
"Presents." Gracie said.
"You in my team's color, that is a good present." Seth said.
"No daddy come." Gracie said pulling him to the table.
"More presents?" Seth asked.
"We went shopping and Gracie wanted to buy you a present, so some are for you, some are for you to share and the costume I thought looked to cute not to buy." Becky said.
"Daddy loves it all just like he loves his girls." Seth said leaning over and kissing Becky. "Should I open them?"
"Yes." Gracie said.
Seth sat down and Becky put Gracie on the table between them to help.
Seth smiled and opened the book bag and took out the books.
"Read." Gracie said.
"These are great." Seth said. "We love reading."
"Yep." Gracie said.
After putting the books back he opened the bag with the hats.
"Wow, these are awesome." Seth said seeing the bears hat, a hat that said deadboys and one that was black with a diamond on it like his coffee shop uses.
"Gracie picked them all herself." Becky said.
"Sweet." Seth said. "They are perfect baby thank you."
"You're welcome." Gracie said. "Play?"
"Yes, you can go play with your dollies while we get dinner." Becky said helping her down.
She ran to her room and Seth smiled.
"They are good." Seth said.
"I also found you a new leather jacket." Becky said pulling it out.
"That's cool." Seth said.
"I got myself a few new ones and one for Gracie." Becky said showing him.
"Seems you had a great afternoon." Seth said.
"I did." Becky said. "I needed a distraction from Sasha's drama."
"I saw." Seth said. "She's out for blood."
"I know, but I am not afraid." Becky said.
"I know." Seth said. "Your fans were on the attack when I looked."
"Gotta love my fans." Becky said.
"Yes, they are loyal." Seth said. "So what shall we do for dinner?"
"I was thinking Thai." Becky said.
"Okay." Seth said. "That one place we had last time."
"Yes." Becky said getting the menu.
They looked it over and ordered for delivery. When it arrived Seth paid and they set the food out.
"Gracie luv dinner is here." Becky said.
Gracie came running out and slid across the floor on her sock right into Seth who was quicker then her fall and caught you.
"Man someone is hungry." Seth chuckled. "Just slow down a little."
"I slide." Gracie said.
"Yes, wood floors and socks can be slippery so be careful." Seth said. "Wanna see what we got?"
"Yes please." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and kissed her cheek and brought her over to the counter where Becky had it set up.
"Yummy." Gracie said.
"It is, what would you like?" Becky asked.
"Try all." Gracie said.
"Okay." Becky said dishing her up a small amount of each things as Seth set her at the table.
To say Gracie loved food was an understatement. She devoured everything and had seconds.
"She was definitely meant to be ours." Seth said. "Food and fitness."
"Yes and I am sure when she is older coffee will come into play." Becky said chuckling.
"I am sure." Seth said. "Do you like dinner?"
"Yes daddy." Gracie said. "Thank you."
"You are most welcome." Seth said.
After dinner Gracie had a bath and settled down to read a book with Seth. Becky took a picture and posted saying story time in the Rollins' house. She then sat next to them and listened as Seth read and Gracie fell asleep on her.
"The end." Seth said looking over and smiling at them both asleep cuddled together. He took a picture and then carried each to bed.

"Mommy look." Gracie said as they walked along the beach.
"Did you find a shell?" Becky asked.
Gracie smiled and held it up.
"That is awesome." Becky said. "Wanna me to stick it in the bag so you can keep it?"
Gracie nodded and Becky took the little shell and put it in a small container in the bag she was carrying.
"So do you like the beach?" Seth asked.
"Yea." Gracie said. "Water?"
"You wanna walked in the water?" Seth asked.
Gracie nodded so they walked down towards the water edge and let the waves walk over their feet making Gracie scream and giggle.
"Big water." Gracie said.
"The ocean is huge." Becky said. "Goes all over the world."
"Wow." Gracie said.
"If you fallow this water you reach an island called Maui, that is where daddy asked me to marry him." Becky said showing her her ring.
"Wow." Gracie said.
"Yes and on Christmas Day in Ireland you get to be our flower girl." Seth said.
"Yes because mommy and daddy are getting married." Becky said.
"Wow." Gracie said. "Grandma in Eyeorland."
"Se is as is more family for you to meet." Becky said. "It's going to be a very magical Christmas this year, our first with a daughter, our first as a couple and the third happiest day of me life."
"It will be a day we never forget." Seth said. "Mine for the rest of my life."
Becky smiled as he leaned down and kissed her.
"Mine too." Gracie said.
"Yes, yours too, Daddy will share." Seth said scooping her up making her squeal. "Shall we explore the boardwalk?"
"Let's." Becky said taking his hand as they walked up the beach.

After Raw in LA they headed home to Iowa.
"Oh my." Becky said seeing Gracie's room.
"Mommy look." Gracie said.
"It's amazing huh." Becky said seeing the finished room.
"Wow, they did a great job." Seth said coming in.
"They did more then that." Becky said. "This room is a little girl's dream."
They wTched Gracie explore everything.
"What's this?" Gracie asked.
"Turn it on." Seth said.
Gracie flicked the switch and the area above her bed lit up with lights like stars.
"Wow." Gracie said.
"That is pretty awesome." Becky said.
"When Wayne called from the furniture store he told me they only had this bed with the lights in stock so I upgraded." Seth said.
"She loves it." Becky said.
"I do Daddy." Gracie said.
"And over here we have your toys and a dolly house like you have at mommy's in California." Seth said. "I even had them put in these cool purple lights that will come on at night so yo can find your way to the bathroom."
"Smart." Becky said.
"How about you explore your room while we work on food." Seth said.
"Okay Daddy." Gracie said.
They left her to explore and walked out to the kitchen.
"Make sure you let them know how thankful we are for what they did, she is beyond happy." Becky said. "They did an amazing job."
"They did." Seth said. "We got some great people around us."
"We do." Becky said leaning up and kissing him. "Now food."
Seth smiled and they looked over some order menus.

(If you are reading this drop me a review and a vote, thx)

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