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"Hey Gracie how are you?" Hunter asked,
"I'm a flower shiny brightly in the sunlight." Gracie said,
"Sounds awesome." Hunter said.
"Mommy and daddy made me a park in my backyard." Gracie said.
"Sounds fun." Hunter said.
"There she is." Seth said coming in.
"We were talking." Hunter said. "I here someone got a park of her own."
"It's not just mine." Gracie said. "I will share it with my baby sister."
"Baby?" Hunter asked.
"We just found out." Becky said. "But remember Gracie we're not anyone else."
"Right." Gracie said.
"Congrats you two." Hunter said. "I am very happy for you."
"Me too." Stephanie said coming in.
"You know?" Gracie asked.
"As our bosses they need to know." Becky said.
"Someone is going to be an amazing big sister." Stephanie said.
"Yep." Gracie said. "Can I play on my IPad?"
"Go for it." Becky said.
Gracie went over and out her head phone on and started her IPad.
"So, now that you're pregnant you know you have to hand over the Raw Women's title, you cannot defend it." Stephanie said.
"I know and I've been thinking." Becky said.
"Yes, I've had to talk her out of so many things." He said.
"Yes, but we came up with an idea." Becky said. "Since Money In the Bank is coming up I thought maybe the winner could not win a contract to face me or Bayley but the Raw title itself."
"We could do that." Hunter said. "We're looking at doing the MITB ladder matches differently this year."
"We heard and I thought someone could win it on the pay per view and on the fallowing Raw since it's a live show I could spring it on them and let the world know about baby Brollins."
"Okay, we'll need to go over it with my dad but no one will know the real story behind the match." Stephanie said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Again congratulations, you've excelled at being a mom and dad to Gracie, I know this baby will get that same love." Stephanie said.
"Thanks." Becky said accepting her hug.
"We'll let you know about storylines, as for tonight we got a promo lined up that we can still have The Man do and it will work out." Hunter said.
"Sounds good." Becky said.
"And you my friend are going to help cement Drew as champion if you're up for it." Hunter said.
"Sounds good, already told him I'm happy to do my part." Seth said.
"Good, we'll let you to settle and again congratulations." Stephanie said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Nia." Becky said coming into the dressing room with Gracie.
"Hey girl." Nia said. "Long time no see."
"Ages." Becky said. "How are your knees?"
"Good." Nia said. "Who is this?"
"I'm Gracie." Gracie said.
"It's nice to meet you Gracie." Nia said. "I'm Nia."
"I saw you break mommy's face." Gracie said.
"Yeah it was an accident, I apologized." Nia said.
"She did." Becky said.
"That's good." Gracie said. "Tia, Tia."
Charlotte smiled as Gracie ran over to her.
"Hey beautiful, how are you?" Charlotte asked.
"I'm a flower shiny brightly in the sunlight." Gracie said.
"Me too." Charlotte said. "I feel like it's been ages since we've seen each other."
"It has been." Becky said. "This pandemic has thrown so much off."
"It has." Charlotte said. "Don't get me wrong I like the go, go, go, but I am enjoying settling into my new house with Andrade, spending time with my dad and learning to relax."
"That's the hard one for me too." Becky said.
"Any word on your next opponent?" Charlotte asked.
"No, with things like they are they want to build for Money In the Bank, so I might not face anyone." Becky said.
"Word is they're going away from the traditional ladder match." Charlotte said.
"Yes, doing something cinematic." Becky said. "Should be interesting."
"I think so." Charlotte said.

"Okay, hang out with daddy while I go do a killer promo." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said. "Can we get grapes?"
"I got a bowl already." Seth said. "They had moon drop grapes."
"Yay, my favorite." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and left them to the grapes and headed out to do her promo. It felt strange because at this time last year she was Becky 2 Belts and this year she still had her raw title, over a year now as champion. She knew everyone in the locker room were itching for their turn at her and the title.
"That was good." Vince said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Stephanie told me your news." Vince said. "I am happy for your family."
"Thanks." Becky said. "It's going to be weird not being here."
"Yes, you've been dominating wwe for two years now, but it gives us time to play with other characters, let some grow." Vince said.
"Yes, looking forward to seeing what's going to happen." Becky said.

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