RG 52

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"Hey thanks for meeting up." Bruno said as Becky and Seth sat down at the table with him and Frank.
"Is something going on?" Seth asked.
"Sorry we're am late." Peter said coming up with Hunter.
"What's going on?" Becky asked.
"I asked everyone to come together because there has been some developments and I need all sides to be aware." Peter said. "As you know I've been watching and waiting to see if the Sullivan's would go the legal route to get to Gracie."
"Have they filed?" Seth asked.
"They filed last Friday in Nashville where you adopted Gracie." Peter said. "However Bruno has been digging into the Sullivan's as you know."
"Did you find something?" Becky asked.
"Lots." Bruno said. "The judge they filed with is an old friend of theirs."
"Which allowed me file to have the case heard by a new judge Monday." Peter said. "At first it was denied, but I showed up in Nashville and talked to the Supreme Court Judge with the evidence and they stepped in and took the case from the judge sighting a bias. Now this upset the Sullivan's."
"So are we going to court?" Becky asked.
"That is what I thought but they withdrew the petition on Friday." Peter said.
"So what now?" Seth asked.
"From what we can gather they are circling the wagons." Bruno said. "Arnold and Elizabeth have gone into seclusion."
"Do you know what they were asking for from the courts?" Hunter asked.
"They petitioned to reverse the adoption and for sole custody." Peter said.
"Now Frank said you sent them a letter." Bruno said.
"Yes, I wanted to let Elizabeth know Gracie loved all the things she gave me that were McKenna's and how I hoped maybe when Gracie was a bit older she'd want to meet them, that I would never close the door for that." Becky said.
"I checked the letter, there were no promises for anything like visits or updates." Frank said.
"Well with them circling the wagon and keeping things under wraps we are upping security." Bruno said.
"Do you think they are planning something?" Seth asked as he felt Becky shake next to him.
"With guys like Arnold Sullivan when things don't go their way they have been known to go to extreme lengths." Bruno said.
"We are going to all we can to protect her." Seth said.
Becky nodded but was scared out of her mind thinking someone wanted to take her baby.
"We'll do what we have to do." Becky said.
"As will we?" Bruno said.

Back at the hotel they found Gracie playing dress up with Jen's make up on Josh.
"Isn't he pretty daddy?" Gracie asked.
"Just beautiful." Seth said making everyone laugh.
"You did great baby." Becky said. "Megan and Jenny would be proud."
"Can we take a picture and show them?" Gracie said.
"Sounds like a good idea." Becky said. "Go stand with your client."
Gracie stood next to Josh who playfully posed for some pictures.
"If I find those on Instagram I know who to blame." Josh said.
"Come on let's go wash you up while these two help Gracie clean up here." Jen said.
Josh and Jen headed into the bathroom and they cleaned up the make up.
"Mommy where did you and daddy go?" Gracie asked.
"We had a meeting." Becky said. "Boring adult things."
"Oh." Gracie said. "Can we have veggie burgers for dinner?"
"That sounds perfect." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and everyone ordered the burger they wanted and they had fun hanging out.

"Looks like it's me and you." Jen said when Becky and Seth with Josh headed to the gym.
"Good, because a I need your help." Gracie said.
"My help?" Jen asked.
"Yes, see next Thursday is mommy's birthday and I made this drawing I want to get out in a shirt and hat for her." Gracie said. "Like I did when they did survivor series."
"Okay, then we better hit the mall." Jen said, "maybe you can help me find her a present."
"I can." Gracie said smiling.
After getting what they needed they headed into the hall.
"Frank." Gracie said.
"Good morning, are we heading out?" Frank asked.
"Yes, we need to make a trip to the mall." Jen said.
"Okay." Frank said. "We have a car that can take you over."
Jen nodded and they headed to the mall with Frank and a couple other guards.
Frank and another guard fallowed them around while one stayed with the car.

"Welcome to Prints I am Jody." A lady said when they came in. "Can I help you?"
"Gracie wants to make a shirt and hat for her mom's birthday." Jen said.
"I made the art on my iPad." Gracie said.
"Well let's hook it up over here and see what you like, we offer many styles and things to print on." Jody said.
They hooked the iPad up and Gracie showed them the artwork she had made.
"That looks amazing." Jody said.
"Becky is going to love it." Jen said.
Jody showed them the different shirts they had and Gracie found a long sleeve, a tee and a tank  she wanted to have the art work on. She found a hat she liked and loved the leggings and sweat pants so got them as well.
"I can have these done in about two hour." Jody said.
"Okay, we will walk around the mall and check in later." Jen said placing the iPad into her bag.

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