RG 56

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"I am exhausted." Becky said laying down on the couch.
"Me too." Gracie said joining her.
"We'll we're home for a while." Seth said closing the door. The last week and a half had them in Orlando filming the week leading to WrestleMania, WrestleMania it's self along with the after math.
"Bex." He said moving over and seeing both her and Gracie asleep on the couch. He smiled and left them be and went to work putting their bags away.

"Thank you." Becky said wrapping her arms around him and kissing his neck.
"You two were out before I shut the door." Seth said.
"I just feel so tired." Becky said as Seth turned around in her arms."
"It's been a busy week and a half." Seth said. "You earned a nap."
Becky smiled and kissed him softly.
"Mommy?" Gracie called from the living room.
"I'm in my room with daddy." Becky said.
Gracie walked in holding her new Elsa blanket looking lost.
"What's up buttercup." Seth asked making her smile.
"Mommy left." Gracie said.
"You were still sleeping when I left her on the couch." Becky said.
"Did you know you and your mommy fell asleep before I even shut the door?" Seth asked scooping her up.
"We were so sleepy." She said snuggling into his neck.
"We were." Becky said. "Have you checked on your doggies?"
"No." She said stretching. "Just woke."
"I bet they might be ready to go out back and go potty by now." Seth said.
"Okay, I take them." Gracie said. "My blanket is stinky, will you wash it please daddy?"
"Okay sweet girl." Seth said setting her down.
"I like buttercup." She said.
"Okay buttercup." Seth said smiling and taking her blanket.
"Thanks daddy." She said.
Seth smiled while Gracie went to get the doggies.
"Come on." Seth said taking Becky's hand and walking to the kitchen.

"OH MY GOODNESS." Gracie screamed.
Seth and Becky both chuckled at her excitement.
"What do you think?" Seth asked as they joined her on the back patio.
"You built me my own park." Gracie said.
"We did." Becky said showing her the sign that read 'Gracie's Fun Land'.
"I love it." Gracie said. "Since I can't go to the park because if COVID, the park came to me."
"That it did." Seth said. "Go have some fun."
Gracie smiled and went to explore her new play structure with Kevin and Bella.

"You did good." Seth said wrapping his arms around Becky.
"Thanks, I am glad she liked it." Becky said. "We don't know how long this pandemic is going to last but now she'll be able to have fun and we'll be able to relax back here and watch our daughter be a kid."
"It's perfect." He said.
"I got one more surprise." Becky said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes." She nodded and walked him over to the side deck that was covered in a sheet.
She let go of his hand and walked over and pulled the sheet down.
"Oh my." Seth said seeing the hammock.
"It reminds me of Hawaii." Becky said.
"It's amazing, thank you." Seth said as he laid down and pulling her down next to him.
"You're welcome." She said kissing him.
"What's this?" Gracie asked.
"Come here my luv." Becky said helping her into the hammock next to her.
"Mommy surprised daddy with a hammock." Seth said. "We can lay here and sway in the breeze."
"I like it." Gracie said.
"Do you like your play set?"
"Yes, it's so cool." Gracie said. "Daddy can you push me on the swing please."
"Of course, let's let mommy rest." Seth said getting up carefully and then taking Gracie from Becky making her giggle.

The days home not being able to go anywhere we're strange. Seth owned his own gym so they could go and use it alone. They did some Instagram videos and lives to keep the fans involved and connect to those who were feeling the affects of COVID.

One morning while sitting in the bath room looking over her calendar the date hit her and she paused.
"No." She said to herself.
Reaching into the drawer she pulled out the box and opened the contents. As she did what was needed she waited only seeing one line she figured with all the craziness going on her monthly would come late she tossed the test into the trash and headed out to start her day.

"Gym time." Gracie said.
"Right you are." Seth said. "You okay?"
"Yep, just feeling a bit nauseous." Becky said.
"You okay to go?" Seth asked.
"Yeah, I just need my morning coffee." Becky said.
"Okay, you can text an order on our way and we'll pick it up." He said.
"Sounds good, let's go burpee princess." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and took her hand and they headed out. She texted their order in and when they arrived at the gym Seth went to grab it while Becky and Gracie went inside.
"Thanks." Becky said taking her glass and taking a drink.
"Thank you daddy." Gracie said sipping on her smoothie.
"You're both welcome." Seth said enjoying his coffee.
After finishing up they got things ready for their work out and began doing their WODs.

"Stinky." Gracie teased as Becky carried her into the house.
"Yes you are." Becky said.
"I worked hard at the gym." Gracie said yawning.
"You did." Becky said. "Let's get you showered while daddy showers and then you can have lunch and get ready for a nap."
"Okay." Gracie said.
Becky bathed her and helped her dress after.
"Come on, I got you Mac and cheese ready." Seth said.
"Yay." Gracie said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
Seth smiled and kissed her before leaving her to go shower and relax.

"Knock, knock." Seth said slightly opening the bath room door.
"Hey." Becky said from the tub.
"Gracie is down for her nap." Seth said.
"Good." Becky said.
"You look better." He said.
"I feel good." She said. "Thanks for doing lunch and nap."
"My pleasure." He said.
Looking down he saw the test.
"What's this?" He asked.
"I thought I might be, but it was negative." She said.
Picking it up he looked down at it.
"There are two lines." He said.
"What?" She asked getting up Nd slipping her robe on.
He showed her and looked up at him.
"No way." She said. "But there was only one line this morning."
"But there are two now." He said.
Becky grabbed her phone and looked up how the test works.
"It says a double line could show up if the test has sat to long." Becky said. "Should I do another one?"
"Maybe you should." Seth said. "Do you have a digital one?"
"No, can you go grab one?" Becky said.
"Of course." He said.
He tossed the test into the bin and and headed out to the store.

"I'm back." He said removing his shades and hat.
"Hi." Becky said nibbling in some almonds.
"One clear blue." He said.
"Thanks." She said taking it. "I will go do what I need to do and you can wait here."
"As you wish." He said.
She walked into the bathroom and looked at the instructions and then went step by step and left it in the sink.
"Well?" Seth asked.
"We have to wait three minutes." She said. "And then I want you to go look first."
"Okay." He said smiling pulling her to him. "Either way I love you."
"I love you too." Becky said kissing him.
When he phone beeped Seth walked into their room while she waited in the living room.

"Well?" Becky asked as Seth came back with little test in his hands. "Seth."
She watched as he raised his eyes to her and smiled.
"Are we?" She said placing her hands on her stomach.
"We are." Seth said.
Becky smiled rushed into his arms and both were happily celebrating.
"Mommy, daddy?" Gracie called from her room.
"Oops." Becky said as Gracie came into the living room. "I'm sorry sweet luv."
Becky picked her up and held her. "Daddy and I got carried away celebrating."
"What are you celebrating?" Gracie asked.
"Well." Becky said looking up at Seth.
"Mommy and I just found out that mommy has a baby in her stomach." Seth said.
"I know that." Gracie said.
"What do you mean, you know that?" Becky asked.
"I dreamed about mama, she told me she sent you a very special angel." Gracie said.
"Really?" Becky asked.
"Uh huh." Gracie said. "She said I am going to be a great big sister to this baby and you and daddy will still love me so I shouldn't be scared."
"You shouldn't be." Seth said taking her from Becky. "Mommy and I will love you as much as we love this baby."
"I know that daddy." Gracie said.
"And the baby is going to love you." Becky said.
"Down daddy." Gracie said and Seth sat her down and she rushed to her room and came back with her step stool and placed it in front of Becky and then climbed up it so she was level with her stomach.
"I love you baby." Gracie said leaning forward and kissing her stomach. "I'm your big sister Gracie and around mommy and daddy's annaversrie we will get to meet you."
Becky felt hot tears hit her cheek and she scooped up Gracie and wrapped herself around her.
"You are an amazing little girl." Seth said kissing her head hugging them both.

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