RG 55

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Quick note: I wrote this chapter and forgot to post it so as R Truth says 'My Bad', please enjoy this chapter and the next.

Life settled down for the little family. They weren't doing live shows just flying in to film Raw and heading home. WWE knew things were being kept tight for the family so Gracie wasn't away from them but they had time to get her well.

"I understand." Seth said speaking with Hunter in the phone. "I will let her know. Bye."
"What's up?" Becky asked looking up from her tablet.
"So with the pandemic happening, they've decided to do things a bit different." Seth said. "We'll be filming raw at the PC and doing more episodes at one filming verses each week."
"Wow." Becky said. "So went do we need to fly down?"
"They'd like us there Monday, we'll film Monday!s Raw which is going to I be a bit different and then do a couple weeks ahead." Seth said.
"Okay." Becky said as Gracie appeared rubbing her eyes.
"Good afternoon my sweet luv." Becky said helping Gracie crawl into her lap.
"Hi." Gracie said snuggling up in Becky.
"Did you have a good nap?" Seth asked.
"Yeah." Gracie said. "Still waking up."
"I can see that." Becky said running her fingers down her spine as she stretched.
"I missed that." Gracie said smiling.
"Me too." Becky said kissing her forehead.
"How come we're not at work?" Gracie asked.
"Well my luv things have changed." Becky said.
"Was it because I was kidnapped?" Gracie asked.
"No, there is an illness going around that makes people very sick." Seth said. "And because of this the government has asked that we stay home as much as possible. I even had to close my school and the coffee shop is only doing to go orders."
"Oh." Gracie said.
"Work is going to be a bit different too, we have to fly to Orlando on Sunday and do some filming for Raw." Becky said.
"Am I going to fly?" Gracie asked.
"Only because I cannot bare to be apart from you right now." Becky said. "So you'll have to wear your mask, even daddy and I will and we'll have to stay away from others."
"No hugs?" Gracie asked.
"Not right now." Becky said. "Air hugs."
"Okay." Gracie said.

Becky smiled and moved her hands over her daughter's back as she woke up.
"How's your back?" Becky asked.
"All loose like only mommy can do." Gracie said. "Mommy?"
"Yes." Becky asked.
"We missed your birthday." Gracie said.
"We did." Becky said. "But that's okay."
"Hey Gracie I think Bella needs to go potty you wanna come help me let her and Kevin out." Seth asked.
"Okay." Gracie said. "Excuse me mommy, I'll be back."
"Okay." Becky said helping he down.
Seth took Gracie and the dogs outside to go potty but took them back in through the garage.
"What is this?" Gracie asked.
"Well I thought maybe you'd like to help me surprise mommy, Jen gave me the gifts you got her, I wrapped them in box." Seth said.
"Daddy that is an amazing idea." Gracie said.
Seth hand her carry the light bag and balloons while he got out her flowers and took the cake.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yep." Gracie said. "Can I yell surprise?"
"Of course." Seth said smiling.
He opened the door and the dogs ran in first and then Gracie fallowed and then him.
"One, two, three." Seth whispered.
"SURPRISE!" Gracie yelled making Becky look up and the dogs bark.
"For me?" Becky asked.
"Happy birthday mommy." Gracie said.
"Happy birthday wife." Seth said leaning down and kissing her.
"Thank you." Becky said as he set the cake down. "That looks amazing."
"Your favorite." He said.
"Sweet." Becky said.
"Presents." Gracie said.
"Awesome." Becky said taking the bag.
Seth took the balloons and let them bounce around the ceiling and placed the flowers in a vase.
"To mommy from Gracie." Becky said.
"Yep." Gracie said smiling as Seth picked her up and sat her on his lap where he sat in the couch.
Becky smiled and opened the present and looked at all the shirt, the workout pants and hat Gracie had her colorings printed on.
"Aunt Jen took me to the shop, but I paid." Gracie said.
"These are perfect baby." Becky said. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Gracie said.
"To my wife, love your husband." Becky said reading the tag.
"Daddy loves calling you wife." Gracie said.
"It shows how much he loves me." Becky said.
"It does." Seth said.
Becky opened the box and felt tears sting her eyes. Sitting there was a family necklace. The first two hoops were woven together a red garnet and a green emerald. Then hanging from them was a silver and emerald green hoop with Gracie's name and date of birth etched on the inside.
"This is beautiful." Becky said. "And we can add to it."
"We can." Seth said. "And will."
Becky smiled and leaned over and kissed him.
"Why is this necklace so special?" Gracie asked.
"This is a family necklace." Becky said. "See this red strand and this green strand are daddy and I. Now this hoop says Gracie and has your birthdate."
"How do you add to it?" Gracie asked.
"Well someday when you become a big sister we'll put a hoop in for your brother or sister with their name and birthdate." Becky said.
"Oh." Gracie said.
"You do know that when we add to our family you aren't going anywhere right?" Seth asked.
"I know." Gracie said.
"Hard to think of sharing us huh." Becky said.
"Yeah, I've never had too." Gracie said.
"I know what you mean." Seth said. "Sharing can feel hard but you know what's cool about having a sibling?"
"What?" Gracie asked looking up at him.
"Well you'll have a best friend, someone that will look up to you and someone you can teach all the amazing things you know." Seth said. "Plus he or she will love you like you hung the moon just for her."
"Wow." Gracie said.
"You know daddy and I have siblings and they're pretty cool to have at times." Becky said. "Plus the cool thing is that when ever this happens you'll get to be part of my pregnancy."
"How long will you be pregnant?" Gracie asked.
"Babies take forty weeks or ten months to grow inside before they're born." Becky said.
"Wow." Gracie said. "What is all involved in pregnancy?"
"There is a lot, but you get to watch my stomach grow as the baby does, the doctors will even take cool pictures where we can see the baby." Becky said. "As for what's all involve I don't have all the knowledge because each pregnancy is different, but there could be morning sickness, weird food cravings and I might need to nap like you do."
"We could nap together." Gracie said.
"Definitely." Becky said.
"Can I talk to the baby?" Gracie asked.
"Of course, this way he or she knows your voice when their born." Becky said.
"Are you going to have a baby soon?" Gracie asked.
"Maybe, daddy and I are trying to make one, but it takes time." Becky said. "But we decided when it happens it happens and we'll be okay with it."
"Me too." Gracie said.
"Good, how about we have cake now." Becky said.
"Yeah." Gracie said excited.
Seth set Gracie on the couch and we to get forks since Becky said they didn't need plates.

After nibbling on the cake Seth cleaned the rest up and out it away while Becky helped Gracie wash up.
"Can I play in my room?" Gracie asked.
"Go for it." Becky said.
Gracie went into her room to play and Becky walked out to where Seth was sitting in the couch. She laid down resting her head in his lap.
"Did you enjoy your day?" Seth asked.
"It was perfect, thank you." Becky said. "You spoil me."
"Always." Seth said.

"So, tonight you're going to do your promo for your match against Shayna at Rumble and then we thought it would be cool off you joined Steve in the ring, have a beer or two." Hunter said.
"Sounds good." Becky said.
"Plus we need to film you arriving in the truck." Hunter said.
"It's here?" Becky asked.
"Let's go see it." Hunter said.
"Come in sweet luv." Becky said and Gracie took her hand and they walked outside.
"Wow." Both said.
"Mommy it's you as a truck." Gracie said.
"This is awesome." Becky said.
"I don't ever remember getting a truck." Seth said coming up.
"No, you got a golden statue." Hunter said.
"You went for gold and I went for power." Becky said. "That's why I am The Man."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Seth chuckled.
"This is Ron, he's going to teach you the basics and we can do your spot." Hunter said.
"Okay, sweet luv stay with daddy." Becky said.
"Okay mommy." Gracie said through her mask.
Seth picked Gracie up and Becky walked over to the truck and did her run through of how to operate and then they filmed her driving up and getting out walking into the PC.

"Hi Uncle Steve." Gracie said.
"Hey kiddo." Steve said. "I am glad to see you."
"Thank you." Gracie said.
"I am also glad you were found and are home where you belong."
"Me too." Gracie said.
"Hey man." Becky said coming in.
"Becky." Steve said hugging her. "I hear we're working together."
"Mommy works with all the greats." Gracie said. "It's because she's the best."
"You know it." Steve said.
They sat and went over the plan for the night and Becky knew it would be fun.

"So I only to film a segment for next week." Seth said.
"Sounds good." Becky said.
"Mommy is going to have beers with Uncle Steve." Gracie said.
"I've done that." Seth chuckled. "Looks like we get to hang out and snack on grapes."
"Yay." Gracie cheered.

Becky did her promo on her WrestleMania match with Shayna.
"Mommy is fire." Gracie said.
"She is." Seth said.
"Thanks." Becky said. "How are you feeling".
"I'm getting sleepy." Gracie said crawling onto her lap.
"Raw is always a long day." Becky said.
"It is." Seth said.
"Why don't you take her back to the hotel for dinner and bed and I'll ride over with Charlotte." Becky said.
"You sure?" Seth asked.
"Yes, she needs to sleep, she's still regaining her strength." Becky said.
"Okay." Seth said. "Sound okay sweet girl?"
"Yeah." Gracie yawned.
"Maybe tomorrow before we have to film we can swim." Becky said.
"We'll see how you feel tomorrow." Seth said. "I'll take the bags over now."
"Okay." Becky said.
She walked them out to their rental car and put Gracie in her booster sleep.
"Make sure she eats." Becky said.
"I will." Seth said. "Have fun."
Becky smiled and kissed him before heading back inside.

"Seth leave?" Charlotte asked.
"He's, Gracie was tired." Becky said. "I hope it's okay I said I catch a ride with you."
"No problem." Charlotte said. "I can drop you off on my way to Andrade's."
"Thanks." Becky said.
"How cool is it you get to drink beers in the ring with Stone Cold Steve Austin." Charlotte said.
"Pretty awesome to be The Man." Rhea said.
"It's pretty cool." Becky said. "Last September Seth was plastered after his time in the ring."
"If I remember correctly all the guys on his team did." Charlotte said.
"They did." Becky said.
"Who all going to be out there?" Rhea asked.
"Steve, Byron and myself and they're considering having the Street Profits come out for a after show exclusive." Becky said.
"Someone is getting stunned." Charlotte said.
"I have a feeling many will be." Becky said. "I better go, filming it shortly, see you after."

Becky walked to Gorilla where Hunter had a cooler waiting for her to go out. When cued she picked it up and walked out. She climbed over Byron and toasted with Steve. By the time the Street Profits came out Becky felt buzzed and enjoyed having a good time.

"Thanks." Seth said holding Becky up when Charlotte knocked on the door.
"I got her to eat some fries, but she's buzzed." Charlotte said.
"Thanks again." Seth chuckled as Becky tugged in his beard.
Once inside Becky peaked in and saw Gracie was out like a light so she left her be and turned to Seth.
"Let's make a baby." She said.
"You are drunk." Seth said.
"Yes and very, very horny." Becky said. "Bed Mr. Rollins."
"As you wish Mrs. Rollins." Seth said picking her up and taking her to bed where he made love to her until both were exhausted and then they slept.

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