Final Chapter RG 58

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"Happy Birthday daddy." Gracie said snuggling on his chest.
"Happy birthday buttercup." Seth smiled wrapping his arms around her hugging her tight,
"I made banana pancakes." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie cheered.
Seth smiled and stood from the couch with her and walked to the dining table. Becky placed plates down  enjoyed breakfast.
"So what are we doing today?" Gracie asked.
"Well since we cannot have a party." Seth said. "Your mommy has arranged a surprise for both of us."
"Really?" Gracie asked.
"Yep so at ten we gotta make sure you two are dressed and out in the front lawn." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said. "Can I have a bubble bath?"
"You can." Becky said.
After eating Seth cleaned up while Becky put Gracie into her bath.
"I love bubbles." Gracie said.
"I know." Becky said.
"How's it going?" Seth asked coming in with a gift bag.
"Good." Becky said.
"What's that daddy?" Gracie asked.
"Well I thought you might like a present." Seth said.
Gracie's eyes lit up and Seth sat the bag in the edge of the tub and she stood and began pulling things out.
"Bath toys." Gracie said.
"Yep." Seth said.
Becky opened them rinsing them off before putting them in the tub.
"Crayons?" Gracie said.
"These are special crayons." Seth said. "They are made for using in the bath."
"Wow." Gracie smiled. "Can I draw?"
Seth smiled and opened the pack and she went to work having run.
"How about you finish up here while I lay out her birthday outfit and get things set for for your surprise." Becky said.
"Okay." Seth said.
"And no peaking." Becky said.
"Okay mommy, I'll watch him." Gracie said.
Both chuckled and Becky took the trash and left.

Becky walked out to the garage and opened the door. The party store had just finished setting up the ballon display and banner. Two large chairs sat decorated side by side. There were two empty tables and she pulled out the presents she ordered online and wrapped. She put Seth's on one side and Gracie's on the other. She texted to see if people were ready and Holly texted back she had them organized and ready.

"Okay my birthday loves, are we ready?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and took their hands and led them out front.
"Wow." Gracie said seeing all the balloons and decorations.
"Since we cannot have a traditional party I have arranged a very special surprise." Becky said. "You two will sit here."
Seth helped Gracie into her chair before sitting himself next to her.
Moments later the first car pulled up decorated with Holly and Bob inside.
"Grandma." Gracie called.
"Happy birthday." Holly said. "I love you all so much."
"We love you mom." Seth said.
Becky who had gloves and a mask on took the presents Holly had ready.
After waving they drove off and more and more friends and family rolled up. Becky collected the presents and thanked everyone for coming over while Seth and Gracie waved and collected birthday wishes.

"Mommy that was amazing." Gracie said after Becky had showered and rejoined them.
"Thank you baby." Becky said hugging her. "I know it wasn't a big blow out party like we wanted but I hope you still had fun."
"It was better then a party, I got a parade, while daddy and I did." Gracie said.
"And you got this mountain of presents." Seth said. "Which I have wiped down with disinfectant so you my dear can dive in."
"Yay." Gracie cheered and they sat and watched as she opened present after present.

"This is some haul." Seth said.
"I am a very lucky girl." Gracie said.
"Very." Becky said. "Are you happy?"
"Yes mommy, I am so happy." Gracie said. "Maybe I can go through my toys and the ones I din't play with we can put in a box for my baby sister for when she's older."
"You really think the baby a girl hun?" Seth said scooping her up.
"I do, but a boy would be okay too, as long as he or she is happy and healthy." Gracie said.
"I agree." Becky said. "But if you want to we can box some of your old toys up."
"Mommy did you show daddy the pictures we found for the baby's room?" Gracie asked.
"I did." Becky said.
"It all looks good and if mommy wants it, that is what we'll get." Seth said.
"My baby sister is going to love it." Gracie said.
Both smiled as Gracie bounced over to Becky and kissed her slightly swollen stomach.
"I think it's time for daddy's presents." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie said. "Come on daddy."
Seth chuckled and let her pull him over to his presents.
"Wow." He said seeing the pile.
"Mine first palease." Gracie said.
Seth s,I led and sat down and took the present she was holding. Opening it he found a pair of shoes that had Gracie's drawings on them.
"Daddy bear?" He asked.
"Yep, since you like the Bears you're daddy bear, mommy is mommy bear, I am sister bear and baby is baby bear." Gracie said.
"That sound awesome and these are cool." Seth said. "Such a beautiful artist."
"Thank you daddy." Gracie said. "Mommy helped me draw the bears outline, I thought it looked cool."
"It's perfect." Seth said. "Thank you."
" Mache helped put them together," Becky said.
"They are great, I love them." He said smiling.
They enjoyed watching him open the rest of his present.
"What about mommy's present?" Gracie asked.
"I have it here." Becky said pulling out the small box.
Seth smiled and took the box and opened it.
"Rings?" Gracie asked.
"Not just any rings." Becky said. "See since daddy and I are wrestlers we can't wear our rings in the ring, they might hurt someone and we don't want that so I had these Silicone ones made."
"Wow." Gracie said. "Now this one is daddy's it has three special things in it, first is this gold stripe, that's is mommy."
"I am green." Gracie said.
"Yes, you are green since your birthstone is emerald." Becky said. "And this Turquoise is for December for when the baby is due."
"This is awesome." Seth said. "Will you."
"With pleasure." Becky said slipping the ring onto his finger before kissing his palm.
"Your turn." Seth said taking the ring out and slipping it on her finger before turning her hand over and kissing her palm as she had his.
"Happy birthday." Becky said.
"Thank you." Seth said kissing her.
"Awwwwweeeeee." Gracie said making them both turn and smiled at her giggling face.

After dinner they enjoyed singing happy birthday to Gracie and having cake.
"Looks like I broke the internet." Becky said.
"Everyone is happy for us." Seth said. "This little one feels like a break from the madness the world has fallen into."
"It does." Becky said. "This pandemic and now this shooting."
"Yeah." Seth said. "My heart hurts for those hurting right now, but I am also of thankful for you, this baby and out sweet Gracie."
"Me too." Becky said and Gracie came out in her new unicorn jammies with a book.
"Story time." Gracie said.
"What are we reading tonight?" Seth asked scooping her up and setting her on his lap.
"This is my new book, Gammy sent it to me from Eyeorland to read on my birthday." Gracie said.
Seth smiled as the cuddled on the couch and read book had personalized just got Gracie.
"My favorite sight in the whole world." Seth said taking a quick pic of Gracie snoozing on Becky.
"Soon we'll have two." Becky said.
"I cannot wait." He said leaning over and kissing her.

Several Moons Later

"Mommy." Gracie said shaking her hand.
Becky's eyes opened and she found the cloth that read five.
"Morning baby." Becky said as she crawling into the bed. "You're up early."
"I had to be." Gracie said.
"Why?" Becky asked.
"Mama said today is the day I get to meet by baby sister." Gracie said rubbing her tummy.
"Did you dream about your mama?" Becky asked.
"Yes, she said today our special angel was coming." Gracie said.
"We'll see." Becky said kissing her forehead. "I love you."
"I love you mommy." Gracie said.
"Are we having a slumber party without daddy?" Seth asked.
"Nope just early morning snuggles." Becky said.
Seth rolled over and wrapped her arm over them.
"Those are my favorite." Seth said.
"Daddy sissy is coming today." Gracie said.
"She is, is she?" Seth asked.
"Yep." Gracie said.
"We'll see." Becky said smiling.

"Was our little one right?" Seth asked several hours later as Becky stood in the kitchen breathing deep.
"I think so." Becky said as the contraction eased up.
"How far apart?" Seth asked.
"About ten minutes." Becky said. "Dr. Ryan said to wait until they're closer together before coming in."
"Understandable." Seth said rubbing her back.
Over the day they monitored and as she got closer Brandon showed up to watch Gracie while Seth took Becky to the hospital.
"Uncle Brandon will bring you when he cans." Becky said.
"I know." Gracie said. "Be strong and brave mommy."
"I will, I know your mama is with me."
"She is." Gracie said kissing her cheek. "Love you."
"Love you." Becky said kissing her forehead before leaving with Seth.

"Daddy." Gracie said sleepily.
"Hi my sweet girl." Seth said taking her from Brandon. "I know it's late but someone wants to meet you."
"Sissy?" Gracie asked.
"Yep." Seth said. "I'll her back down in a bit."
"No problem." Brandon said. "Text me, I'll keep the car warm."
Seth nodded and took Gracie in and up to Becky's room.
"Mommy." Gracie said softly.
"Their she is." Becky said looking up from the baby in her arms.
"Sissy?" Gracie asked.
"Roux."  Becky said.
"Oh mommy she's so beautiful." Gracie said.
"She is." Seth said.
"Happy birthday Roux, I'm your big sister and I love you so much." Gracie said bending down and kissing her head softly.
"We all love her so much." Seth said.
"Are you okay mommy?" Gracie asked.
"Sore but good." Becky said. "So happy to happy to be with my girls and my love."
"My girls." Seth said leaning down and kissing her softly. "Thank you."
"Thank you." Becky said.
"Yes mommy and daddy kiss a lot, it shows how in love they are." Gracie said.
Both chuckled and enjoyed being with their girls.
"Looks like we're raising sisters now." Seth said.
"Yep, not just Gracie anymore." Becky said.
"An adventure we're going to have." Seth said. "Love you."
"Love you." Becky said smiling.

Author Note: Thank you all for reading my story, voting, commenting and enjoying. It's been fun writing Raising Gracie and maybe I might do Raising Sisters down the road, I have dozen of other stories that I am writing with Brollins so look for more from me soon. Thanks again. Chantel

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