RG 31

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"She's out." Seth said chuckling as they saw Gracie sleeping at table.
"She had a big day." Becky said.
After paying Seth carefully picked her up and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"My daddy." She said.
"I'm all yours." Seth said rubbing her back.
They walked back to the hotel and got Josh checked into his room which had the adjourning door to their room so Seth pulled it open while Becky changed Gracie into her pajamas.
"Someone needs a kiss from Uncle Josh and daddy." Becky said.
Both guys chuckled and walked in to the room and kissed her goodnight.
"Sweet dreams sweet girl." Seth said covering her with her blanket.
He clicked the light off and shut the door letting her sleep.

"So what time is your meet and greet tomorrow?" Josh asked.
"From nine to one." Becky said.
"Okay, I thought I might take Gracie and do some holiday shopping." Josh said.
"Let me grab Frank." Seth said.
He walked over to the door and opened it.
"I was just coming to tell you I was going off for tonight but Andrew here will be on watch." Frank said.
"Okay." Seth said. "Tomorrow Becky and I have a fan meet and greet so Gracie is going to be with Josh doing some shopping."
"Okay, I will be with them and Harold will be with you and WWE is providing security there as well." Frank said. "What time?"
"We have to leave here about eight to make it there in time." Seth said.
"Okay." Frank said.
Seth said goodnight and walked back into the room.
"Frank will go with you and Gracie tomorrow we you're covered." Seth said.
"Okay, should we meet for lunch?" Josh asked.
"Yes, have Gracie pick a place and we'll meet." Becky said.
"She'll love that." Josh said. "I should get some shut eye."
"Goodnight." Seth said and Josh headed back to his room and Becky sat down on their bed.
"How are you feeling?" Seth asked kneeling on the floor in front of her.
"I'm feeling so many different things." Becky said. "I want her to have a carefree childhood, but suddenly it doesn't feel like that."
"This won't last for forever." Seth said.
"I know." Becky said.
"I know what you need." Seth said. "You need to just stop thinking about everything outside this room for awhile, why don't you go have a hot shower while I set up a surprise."
"A surprise?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Seth said smiling. "Go."
Becky smiled and lean down and kissed him and stood up.
"And no peaking." Seth said.
Becky smiled and walked into the bath room and closed the door. Colby called down to the lobby and the crew brought up what he arranged and they quickly set everything up and left with a nice tip.
Once he was sure everything's as right he walked into the bathroom. Becky was just coming out of the shower.
"Perfect timing." Seth said.
"Do I need to change?" Becky asked.
"No." He said taking her hand and walking her into their transformed room.
"Seth." Becky said.
"You need to relax and I have the key." Seth said leading her to the massage table. They're were candles lit all over and soft music playing. "Come lay down."
Becky climbed in the table and laid down and Seth slipped off his shoes and shirt leaving him in just his jeans.
"Damn, you look hot." Becky said.
Seth smiled and picked up a bottle of massage oils.
"Just wait, things are going to get hotter." He said.
Becky laid back on the table and Seth pulled her towel down and drizzled oil over her back and began rubbing it over her skin.
"I love your hands." Becky softly moaned.
Seth smiled and leaned down and softly blew on her back heating the oil.
"Ahhh." Becky said. "I like that."
Seth smiled and blew more making her moan softly. He continued to massage the oil into her and would heat it relaxing her more.
"You Mr. Rollins are the devil." Becky said rolling over.
"I try." Seth said smirking before beginning to move oil down her front blowing on it as he went making her moan more.
"Are you relaxed?" Seth asked.
"About everything else yes." She said. "Abuot you no."
Seth smiled and sat her up and she quickly kissed him.
"You naked." She demanded and he complied. "Bed now."
"As you wish wife." Seth said scooping her up and taking her to bed making love to her.

"You have fun with Uncle Josh." Becky said the next morning.
"I will." Gracie said.
Becky kissed her little face and then Seth did leaving her.
"Shall we go get breakfast?" Josh asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
Josh smiled and took her hand and they headed towards the buffet. He dished her a plate and left her with Frank while he dished up.
"Some orange juice for you." Josh said.
"Tank you." Gracie said.
"So after this I though we might hit the mall." Josh said. "I need to find some presents for my family back in California."
"Okay." Gracie said. "I need some help with a present."
"Okay, what do you need?" Josh asked.
"I made some artwork for mama's team for Survivor Series and I want to print it and give each a present." Gracie said.
"Is the work on your IPad?" Josh asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"Okay, I know the place to go." He said.
"Tank you." Gracie said.
Josh smiled and after they finished eating they headed to grab her iPad before heading to the mall.
"Welcome to Ink's, I am Angela, how can I help you?" A worker asked.
"Well my niece Gracie made some artwork on her iPad she'd like to get prints of for some special presents." Josh said.
"We can do that." She said. "Come this way and climb right up here."
Josh helped Gracie onto the stool and she showed them how to plug in the iPad and the different sizes she could choose. Gracie settled with a nine by eleven happy with it's size and had each put on a shirt as well.
"Okay, it will take about an hour to print this." She said. "You can wait or come back?"
"I think we'll come back." Josh said.
"Wait." Gracie said. "Can you print on hats?"
"We can." Angela said.
"I have an idea for mommy and daddy's presents." Gracie said showing them the artwork she made.
"We can do that on hats." Angela said.
"Please." Gracie said.
"Okay." Josh said.
Angela nodded and Gracie picked out the colors and sent them to print.
"Okay, about an hour and a half now." Angela said as Josh paid.
"We'll be back." Josh said slipping the iPad back into Gracie's back pack.
"Tank you." Gracie said.
Angela smiled and they headed out of the shop.
"Where now?" Gracie asked.
"Well I need to find some presents for my mom and my sister." Josh said. "I thought maybe we'd walk around and see what looked good."
"Okay." Gracie said. "My little legs are charged and ready to go."
Josh smiled and they walked around. When he saw something he liked he got it.
"I think she'll love it." Gracie said when Josh showed her the necklace he got for his mom.
"Good." Josh said. "How about we go ride the marry go round."
"Yes." Gracie said nodding.
"I can hold those if you'd like." Frank said.
"Thanks." Josh said handing the two bags over. "Do you wanna leave your backpack with Frank?"
"Yes please." Gracie said taking it off and handing it over. "Tanks."
"You're welcome." Frank said and Josh bought them tickets and Gracie picked out the horse we wanted to ride.
"Should we send mommy and daddy a picture?" Josh asked.
"Yes." Gracie said and Josh took some pictures and sent them to Becky and Seth.

After the ride they walked back to the Ink's to pick up their order.
"All finished." Angela said.
"Wow." Gracie said looking them over.
"Thank you." Josh said.
"Now we gotta wrap them right?" Josh asked as they left the shop.
"Yes." Gracie said.
They walked to the gift wrapping station and the workers helped them wrapping each print, shirt and the hats.

"Mommy, daddy." Gracie called seeing Becky and Seth standing outside the restaurant she choose for lunch.
"There's my girl." Becky said scooping her up. "Did you have a good morning?"
"Yes." Gracie said. "I helped Uncle Josh and Uncle Josh helped me."
"Oh really?" Seth asked. "What did you need help with?"
"A surprise." Gracie said smiling. "Can we eat I am starving."
"Come on." Becky said and they headed inside.
"Anything look good?" Seth asked Gracie.
"Mac and Cheese." Gracie said. "Please."
"Sounds good." Seth said.
"Can I have a milk shake please?" Gracie asked.
"Since they are so big how about we share?" Seth asked.
"Okay, chocolate." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and Gracie colored on the little color sheet the hostess sat at her spot.
When the waiter appeared they ordered.
"So what is this surprise you have?" Becky asked.
"No, no mommy." Gracie said. "You have to wait."
"No fair." Becky pouted.
"You have to wait for Sunday." Gracie said.
"Me too?" Seth asked.
"Yes you too daddy." Gracie said. "But I promise you will love them."
"Okay." Seth said.
"Me too." Becky said.
"Uncle Josh is going to hold onto them for me." Gracie said. "To be safe."
Everyone laughed and the waiter returned with their food.
"The Mac and cheese is fresh from the boiler so it's still hot." He said.
"Thanks." Seth said. "How about a break stick while you let t cool."
"Okay." Gracie said. "Can I have a sip of our shake?"
"Of course." Seth said moving it for her take a drink.
"Yummy." Gracie said.
Gracie munched on her bread while her food cooled down.
"Okay I think it safe for you to eat." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie said and she began eating,
"I take it you like that." Seth asked.
"Yep, wanna try?" Gracie asked.
"Sure." Seth said taking a bite. "That is good."
"The bestest." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and everyone ate their lunch.
"Someone looks sleepy." Becky said.
"I am." Gracie said. "Daddy will you carry me please?"
"Of course I will." Seth said scooping her up.
Gracie laid her head on his shoulder and was out.
"Her favorite place to nap." Becky said.
Seth smiled and they headed back to the hotel.

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