RG 12

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(WARNING; I am putting this here because this chapter contains some edgey violence against Sasha and Bayley. If you are their fan I am sorry but story wise things will work out at some point maybe, lol. Sorry no Gracie in this Chapter but soon. Enjoy and as always, vote and leave me a comment, good, bad or simply asking me what the frell.)

Becky entered first and the crowd was wild. They like her we're ready for the madness to begin. The cell was lowered as Sasha made her way to the ring with Bayley. However Bayley was not allowed inside and once Sasha entered the door was chained shut by a referee.
"This is a Hell in a Cell match for the Raw's Women's Championship, introducing first the challenger from Boston Massachusetts Sasha Banks." Jojo announced and the crowd booed. "Next she is your Raw Women's Champion The Man Becky Lynch." The crowd went nuts and Becky smirked.
The bell sounded and Sasha was quick to pounce knocking Becky down as she began hitting her over and over however Becky was able to get her feet under her and knocked Sasha down and climbed in her hitting her over and over.
As soon as she could Sasha rolled from the ring and grabbed a chair but Becky was quick with a baseball slide kicking her into the side of the cell. She did it three more times before jumping off the apron and smashing Sasha's face into the side of the cage as Bayley screamed for her to stop.
"Look at that, your best friend is here to plead for you." Becky said.
Sasha's face was busted open and she was bleeding from a few spots but she managed to fight back and get away from Becky. Each lady then began pulling things out from under the ring. Sasha went for chairs while Becky went for a table and a ladder. The crowd was chanting 'we want tables' and Becky smiled. She could see Sasha and Bayley talking so she decided to go under the ring. When both girls looked up Becky was gone and as she moved around the ring looking for her Becky was able to sneak out and attack her with a kendo stick until he was busted. She then picked Sasha up and rolled her into the ring. She pinned her but Sasha kicked out and Becky smirked. She was hoping time wasn't up yet and the crowd seemed to love it. She grabbed a steel chair and set it up and drug Sasha to it hitting her face on it over and over. Power bombs were never really Becky's thing but she figured she'd give Sasha a nice surprise. She set her on the top turn buckle and moved the chair into place however when she turned around Sasha jumped taking her back through the chair and almost pinning her but Becky kicked out. Sasha seemed to have some fight in her and rolled out of the ring as started sitting up things but Becky was quick to recover and as Sasha stood on the apron to come back in Becky did a running drop kick sending Sasha into the cage and then to the floor hard. Becky looked at what Sasha had done and added it wedging a chair in the corner with the kendo sticks Sasha already put up. Sasha attacked from behind but Becky was quick to fight back and Sasha was still out of it. Becky managed to plant her on the chair and held her there with a forth kendo stick. She then climbed on the apron and ran and jumped off dropping kicking Sasha who bounced hard in the corner unable to move. As Becky paid catching her breath for a moment she could hear Bayley trying to talk to Sasha but Sasha wasn't responding. Becky heard the crowd chanting her name and rose up making them cheer.

"Looks like Becky has Sasha right where she wants her." Renee said.
"It's been six weeks of build ups to reach this point." Michael said. "When Sasha came back after SummerSlam she looked take over where Becky was but Becky is proving why Sasha is really living in The Man's world."
"Looks like boss time might be up." Corey said.
"Looks like Bayley has knocked the outside official out and is entering the cell." Michael said.
Becky smiled as Bayley rushed towards her and used it against her. She sent Bayley flying into Sasha. Sasha was coming too but trapped so Becky picked up the steel  then chair and began hitting Bayley over and over as Bayley had done to her when they teamed up in the women's champion showcase. Once Bayley was down she got a more things from under the ring. One was several pair of hand cuffs and Becky smiled and cuffed Sasha to the ring post so she couldn't stop her from what she was about to do. With both out of the way Becky relooked the cell door sticking the key in her boot. She then got into the ring and set up the table as the crowd cheered and then she set up the latter. Bayley was beginning to stir so Becky took a huge bull strap from under the ring and rolled Bayley into the ring and began hitting her with it over and over as she screamed. Once she wasn't moving she laid her on the table and tied the strap to one leg and then proceeded to wrap it around Bayley strapping her to the table.
"You did this Sasha." Becky breathed. "You wanted to go to hell now watch as your friend goes first."
Becky climbed the latter and jumped down with a leg dropped sending Bayley through the table as the crowd cheered.

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