RG 35

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"I think some one caught a cold." Becky said as Gracie coughed.
"Mommy." Gracie groaned.
"I know baby." Becky said. "Daddy ran to get you some medicine."
Gracie coughed and Becky new she sounded bad.
"My tummy hurts from coughing." Gracie said.
"I know baby." Becky said feeling her forehead. "You have a slight temp too."
"No." Gracie said.
"We're back." Seth said coming in with Josh.
Becky took the meds from him and poured some in a cup and Gracie took it.
"She is a bit warm." Becky said. "Hopefully this help."
"Daddy." Gracie groaned.
"Here, I picked up some cough drop lollipops, try sucking on it to see if it helps." Seth said.
"I want snuggles." Gracie said raising her arms to him.
Seth smiled and picked her up and sat down on the couch.  Paw Patrol was on and she watched it before nodding off.

"Poor baby." Becky said. "Not how she pictured spending her home time."
"Germs." Seth said. "She'll be okay."
"I know." Becky said. "How is the planning for Deadboys going?"
"Good, we're going to do a Black Friday sale and sell merch at a discount." Josh said.
"Awesome." Becky said. "With the new elements you're adding I bet you get a lot of people signing up."
"Should be good, we're going to have to make more videos." Josh said.
"Let me lay her down." Seth said.
"No." Gracie cried when Seth went to move. "Stay."
"Okay." Seth said kissing her head rubbing her back.
"Blanket." Gracie said. "Please."
"I'll grab it." Josh said running to her room and getting her blanket.
"Tanks." Gracie said snuggling back into Seth and dozing off.
"She's such a daddy's girl." Becky said smiling.
"She is." Seth said. "Are we set for Thursday?"
"We are." Becky said. "If she's still sick we might have to have her stay with your mom while we do Smackdown."
"Okay." Seth said.

"Daddy." Gracie said waking up.
"Hi, how are you feeling?" Seth asked.
"Better." She said softly. "Can I have some juice please."
"Sure." Seth said getting up and walking into the kitchen.
"Where is mommy?" Gracie asked.
"She is running some errands." Seth said pulling out a bottle of her favorite juice.
"Oh." She said sadly.
"She'll be back soon." Seth said.
"Okay, I'll wait." Gracie said.
Seth chuckled and they moved back to the couch.
"Daddy." Gracie said. "When is Grandma coming over?"
"Thursday." Seth said. "Two more days."
"Oh." Gracie said.
"I know lot of waiting huh?" Seth said with a chuckle.
"It is." Gracie said. "I wish mommy was home."
As if on cue the door to the garage open and Becky came in with Josh.
"Mommy." Gracie called handing Seth her juice and scrambling off his lap and running to her,
"Gracie." Becky said smiling and scooping her up. "How are you feeling."
"Better." Gracie said. "You we're gone when I woke up."
"I had some errands to run." Becky said walking into the the living room and sitting by Seth.
"Daddy said that." Gracie said. "But I still missed you."
"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up but Bella needed some supplies." Becky said.
"New toys?" Gracie asked.
"For her yes." Becky said. "Plus I got her a bed for your room like you asked."
"Welly?" Gracie said.
"Yes, daddy and Uncle Josh get to build it." Becky said.
"Work, work." Gracie said.
"It's in the garage, I'll show you." Josh said and Seth chuckled and fallowed him out.

"Mommy?" Gracie asked looking over at Becky.
"Yes baby?" Becky asked.
"Tomorrow is going to be my sad day." Gracie said.
"Why?" Becky asked.
"Tomorrow is mama's birthday." Gracie said.
"I know, but there is no need to be sad." Becky said. "Your daddy and I were talking and I think we should throw a party."
"A party but mama's not here." Gracie said.
"She's not, but we can still celebrate her life, the fact that she was born and lived and had you." Becky said. "Remember your mama is in your heart, she is always, always with you."
"I know." Gracie said.
"I know you miss her and you are always going to miss her but as long as you remember her and love her she will be a part of her." Becky said.
"I don't remember her face." Gracie said. "I see her in pictures and I know she's my mama but in my brain."
"The thing about memories are at times they fade away but they come back too, but you love her right?"
"Right." Gracie said.
"Then she is with you." Becky said.
"Mama's favorite color was purple, can we get purple balloons?" Gracie asked.
"I did." Becky said picking her up and walking out into the garage where they guys were working.
"What's up?" Seth asked.
"Gracie needs to see my errands." Becky said opening the back of her car.
"Wow." Gracie said seeing all the purple party supplies.
"I talked to Addison and she told me all of your mama's favorites so I got them, I even got her favorite food, drink and cake." Becky said. "So it will be sad that your mama is gone we can still celebrate the amazing person she was."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"Remember it's okay to be happy and sad." Seth said.
Gracie nodded and Becky hugged her.
"Owwie." Josh said.
"What happened Uncle Josh?" Gracie asked.
"I pinched my finger." Josh said.
"Ouchie." Gracie said. "Down please."
Becky set her down and she walked over and kissed his finger.
"Better?" She asked.
"All better." Josh said. "Good thing you were here."
Gracie smiled and he showed her what he was doing and let her help.
"She feels so much." Seth said wrapping his arms around Becky.
"She does." Becky said. "I just want her to be happy."
"We all do and I believe she is." Seth said. "I better get back to work."
Becky smiled and watched them put the bed she got together and then move it into her room.
"Right here." Gracie said.
Seth and Josh set it down and Bella wondered over and sniffed it.
"It's your bed sissy." Gracie said. "Mommy got it for you and daddy and Uncle Josh built it. I helped a little too."
Bella climbed up on it and twirled around a few times before laying down.
"Good girl." Gracie said.
"The cool thing I different sheets for it so we can change and wash her sheets like we do yours." Becky said.
"You're the bestest mommy." Gracie said hugging her.

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