RG 45

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A/N: So I am debating on if I want to write a Honeymoon Chapter, let me know if you want one. Enjoy my birthday update.


"Mommy, mommy." Gracie called as Becky came into the lobby.
Becky smiled and scooped Gracie up and hugged her.
"Morning my sweet girl, did you have a fun camp out?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said. "Where is my daddy?"
"I'm right here." Seth said coming in smiling. "Where is my little girl."
"I here daddy." Gracie said.
"There she is." Seth said taking her from Becky and hugging her.
"Daddy I hungry." Gracie said.
"You haven't eaten?" Seth asked.
"Someone knows what today is." Josh said.
"I see." Seth said. "Remember we talked about this."
"I know." Gracie said. "I just gonna miss you so, so, so much."
"We know and we will miss you just as much but you are going to be so busy time will fly I promise." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said.
"You also know breakfast is important, so let's get you fed." Seth said.
"Okay daddy." Gracie said.
Seth took her to eat and Becky sat down with her family.

"How does it feel?" Annette asked.
"Like I married the love of my life yesterday." Becky said.
"You did." Annette said. "I have enjoyed watching you two and you two with Gracie all week. He looks at you like you hung the moon."
"She looks at my son the same way." Holly said sitting down.
"True." Annette said.
"They are going to make adorable babies." Holly said.
"I agree." Annette said.
"Speaking of babies, are there going to be any new ones?" Ken asked.
"Da." Becky said.
"Are you two thinking of babies?" Annette asked.
"I told Seth after WrestleMania this year." Becky said.
"Oh darling." Annette said.
"A baby." Holly said.
"We are just letting things happen as they will." Becky said. "You have one granddaughter and you both have older sons to badger about making you grandparents again."
"Don't do that." Rich said.
"I agree." Brandon said.
"She is right you know." Holly said.
Becky smirked and left to check on Seth and Gracie.
"Mommy." Gracie said.
"Hello my sweet girl." Becky said scooping her up and sitting in her seat placing her on her lap. "How is breakfast."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"Look what I found." Cesaro said setting a bowl down.
"Grapes." Gracie said. "You're the best Uncle Tony."
"Thank you." Cesaro said sitting down.
Gracie smiled and dug into her grapes.

After eating they packed up and said goodbye to their family and headed to the airport.
"So you get some good sleep on this flight, you're going to get in around four in the morning so make sure you don't over whelm grandma and grandpa." Becky said.
"I'll be good." Gracie said. "You'll call me right?"
"Our flight won't last for almost thirteen hours after yours so we will call you to say goodnight." Becky said.
"And daddy will read me a story right?" Gracie said.
"I have a book of stories so I can." Seth said.
"Okay, it's time to be brave now huh?" Gracie said.
"It is." Becky said. "Remember I can see where ever you are and I know everyone is going to take great care of you."
Gracie nodded and Becky hugged her tight.
"I love you." Becky said.
"I love you mommy." Gracie said.
"Come here." Seth said lifting her to him. "I love you."
"I love you daddy." Gracie said hugging him. "Have fun and bring mommy home soon."
"I will." Seth said kissing her forehead. "Do you need someone to carry you?"
"Uncle Josh." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and handed her over to Josh and she buried her head in his shoulder.
"She'll be okay." Holly said. "I have her plan and some surprises to look forward too."
"Thanks mom." Seth said. "Have a safe flight."
"You too." Holly said as Becky and Seth headed toward the gate where their plane was boarding.

"She still asleep?" Holly asked.
"She cried for a bit." Josh said lifting the blanket that was currently covering her on his lap.
"She'll be okay." Holly said.
"She's three." Josh said. "It will be hard at times but she has a great support system around her."
"She does." Holly said. "Let us know if we need to take her."
"I will." Josh said. "I kinda like her clinging on me."
Holly nodded and sat back down and Josh smiled down at Gracie before covering her up.

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