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The Next Day

"Seth." Hunter said walking up with another man. "This is Peter Westmore."
"Seth Rollins." Seth said shaking his hand. "Thank you for coming."
"Hunter has explained the situation and I believe I can help here." Peter said.
"Have you told Rebecca your master plan?" Hunter asked.
"No." Seth said.
"What master plan?" Becky asked walking up with Gracie. "They are cleaning the room so we were heading to the play room."
"Where is your hammer?" Gracie asked making everyone laugh.
"I left it under the ring." Hunter said. "So can you tell me about this play room, see I love playrooms and Seth needs to talk to Becky really fast."
Gracie looked up at Becky.
"It's okay." Becky said. "I'll be right in."
"Okay." Gracie said taking the hand Hunter was holding to her and they walked down the hall.
"Rebecca this is Peter Westmore, he's our attorney." Seth said.
"Why do we need an attorney?" Becky asked.
"Well I've seen you over the past few weeks and the last couple days here and I've noticed something." He said.
"Noticed what?" Becky asked.
"You have fallen in love with Gracie." Seth said and Becky looked at him oddly but felt herself nodding.
"I guess I have." She said.
"And it's clear to me that she's fallen in love you too, so I talked to Addison and she agreed." Seth said.
"Agreed to what?" Becky asked.
"To let us adopt her." Seth said. "Peter is here to help us."
"You want to adopt Gracie?" Becky said.
"I believe she found her new mama on her own without knowing it." Seth said. "Even McKenna noticed it. It would kill you to see her go to a new home."
"A kid is a big commitment." Becky said. "Are we ready."
"Parenthood at anytime is a big commitment and I am sure we will stumble a bit, but together we are stronger and we can do this." Seth said. "I am in if you are."
Becky smiled and leaned up and kissed him hard.
"I'm in." Becky said and they listened to Peter tell them what was needed and they got to work.

One Week Later

"Promise me." McKenna said softly. "You will love her like I do, be the best mama to her."
"I promise." Becky said as she sat holding Gracie next to McKenna. "She will never forget you, you are the reason we get to love her."
"You my sweet baby are going to have an amazing life with your new mommy and finally a daddy." McKenna said. "Be a good girl for them okay."
"I will." Gracie said. "I love you."
"And I you my sweet girl." McKenna said squeezing her hand one more time before drifting off never to wake again.
Becky stood with Gracie wrapped around her front and made her way into the hall. The staff went into the room and Seth appeared with Gracie's bags. Addison was arranging her service for later in the week so Seth and Becky who had legally adopted Gracie as of yesterday took her back to the hotel.

"She ate a little." Seth said.
"She's heartbroken." Becky said. "It's going to take time but we'll help her though it."
Seth nodded and they watched Gracie sleep fitfully until she was curled up next to Becky in their bed sleeping.

Saying Goodbye

"Where are we going?" Gracie asked.
"Today sweet girl we are going to go say goodbye to your mama who's your angel now." Becky said.
"She's with me always right?" Gracie asked,
"Always right in here." Seth said pointing to her heart.
"Always a part of all of us." Becky said. "See today is a chance for all who loved her to say goodbye and lay flowers down at her grave. Remember I told you about that."
"Yes, we can visit her there." Gracie said.
"We can." Seth said. "Do you have your little charm to leave?"
Gracie held up the little box and smiled.
"Good, now it's okay to be sad." He said picking her up as they made their way up the lawn. "Lots of people will be sad, but it's okay to remember your mama being happy too."
"Okay." Gracie said. "As long as you and mommy are with me, I will be okay daddy." Gracie said.
At three her understanding of the world amazed them.
Seth smiled and kissed her head as they made there way to where things were happening. All attention turned to them and Addison smiled.
"Hello." She said.
"Hi Addi." Gracie said as Seth set her down.
"Hello my sweet girl." Addison said hugging her. "How are you?"
"I am sad and happy." Gracie said. "Sad mama is gone, but happy to have my new mommy and daddy."
"It is okay to be both." Addison said.
"That is what daddy said." Gracie said reaching up for Seth who picked her back up.
"McKenna's family is here and I told them about the adoption." Addison said. "They promised not to cause issues."
Both nodded and they walked forward. They sat next to Addison and her family as the priest began the service. After those who knew Addison spoke things were done. Gracie with Becky's help walked over to the white headstone that read her name.
"What does it say?" Gracie asked.
"It say McKenna Marie Sullivan." Becky said. "An angel sent from the heaven to bring us a light."
"Is that me?" Gracie asked.
"Yes my little luv it is." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and opened the box and took out the little charm on a chain and hung it from the raised star with help.
"I have a charm like this mama." Gracie said holding up her new charm bracelet. "Daddy brought it for me as a welcome to the family present and he brought two charms with double hearts so we each have one. One heart is mine and the others is yours, so our hearts will always be linked."
She leaned forward and kissed the head stone. "I miss you mama, but thank you for loving me and giving me my new mommy and daddy."
Becky smiled and kissed her hand and placed it over where Gracie kissed the stone.
"Thank you McKenna, we will never forget you, Gracie will never and we will always be grateful for the joy you have given us. Be at peace knowing your light will continue to shine and grow." Becky said before picking Gracie up and walking back to where Seth stood.
"You okay?" Seth asked.
"We are." Becky said. "Right luv?"
"Right." Gracie said. "Mama is an angel now."
"She is." Seth said. "Do you want to say bye to Addison before we head back to Iowa and you see your new home and meet all the family that is waiting to meet you?"
"Yes please." Gracie said.
They walked over to where Addison stood with her family.
"Bye Addi, thank you." Gracie said.
"You are most welcome and it's see you later." Addison said hugging the girl.
"Deffently." Becky said.
"We packed up her things and sent them to the address you gave us." Addison said.
"Thank you." Seth said.
"But I thought for the ride she might like this." Addison said pulling out a picture frame.
In it was large picture of McKenna and Addison family.
"Where am I?" Gracie asked.
"You are right here." Addison said pointing to McKenna's stomach. "This was taken in the day we found out you were inside your mama."
"Wow." Gracie said.
"We will find a special place to hang this at home." Seth said.
"Okay." Gracie said.
"You have a great life with your mommy and daddy." Addison said hugging her. "Your mama loved that you found your forever family."
"Thank you." Gracie said reaching for Becky who picked her up.
"You three take care and if you need me, you know where to find me." Addison said.
Becky nodded and they headed back to their car without any issues.
"Well luv, we got a drive on our hands to reach Iowa, you ready?" Becky asked.
"Yep." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and turned on Sofia the First for her to watch with her headphone and they headed out.

"Daddy I gotta go potty." Gracie said.
"Okay." Seth said pulling into the rest stop.
Becky took her in and helped her wash up after she went potty.
"I'm sleepy." Gracie said.
"Do you wanna take a nap?" Becky asked as they walked back to the car.
Gracie nodded as she yawned and Becky picked her up and carried her to the car.
"Someone looks sleepy." Seth said as Becky buckled her back into her car seat.
"She is." Becky said pulling out her blanket and covering her up. "Sleep, we'll wake you up for lunch later."
"Okay." Gracie said closing her eyes.
Becky smiled and climbed into the front seat and they were off.
"How are you doing?" Seth asked.
"I'm okay." Becky said holding his hand. "This is a big change but it feels right."
"It does." Seth said. "I'm still in awe of it all."
"I don't see how that family wanted nothing to do with her." Becky said.
"Her father gave me a letter." Seth said fishing it out of his jacket pocket. "While you were with Gracie at McKenna's headstone."
"Oh." Becky said taking the letter. "I am not ready to go there."
"Okay." Seth said.
Becky stuck the letter in her bag and smiled at Gracie's little snore.
"Is your family ready to meet her?" Becky asked.
"They are." Seth said.
"We'll have to take her to Ireland to meet my family soon." Becky said.
"We will." Seth said. "I had a Peter put in the papers for her passport."
"Good." Becky said. "She's going to get a lot of traveling in."
"Yes, I was thinking if we find we need we could hire a nanny to travel with us so if she needs extra hands on her." Seth said. "I have a feeling we won't with everyone once she learns who they all are."
"We'll see, but I am sure you're right." Becky said. "I kinda like the idea of her being with us. Stephanie grew up watching Linda and Vince. She had no nanny."
"True." Seth said. "And she is a fan of wwe already."
"I know there is a lot to figure out." Becky said. "But we'll do all that because if you haven't noticed Mr. Rollins we are stronger together."
"We are." Seth said raising her hand to his lips and kissing it.

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