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"Hey Ma." Becky said opening the video as it popped up.
"Hello darling." Annette said. "How are things?"
"Things are good." Becky said. "We're settling in here before we take off on Saturday for live events and Raw."
"And how is Gracie?" She asked.
"She's cooping really well." Becky said. "I think McKenna and Addison prepared her well for what was happening and I think finding us before McKenna passed helped."
"I am sure it did." Annette said.
"Mommy?" Gracie called.
"Hold on a sec Ma." Becky said getting up and walking to the hall. "Hi sweet girl, did you have a good nap?"
"Yes." She said. "Where is daddy?"
"Daddy is at the school helping the students there." Becky said walking back into the office. "Wanna meet someone?"
"Yeah." Gracie said as Becky sat down.
"Gracie this is your grandma Annette." Becky said. "Ma this is Gracie."
"Hello my sweet girl." Annette said. "I have heard so much about you."
"Mommy says you live in EyeoRland." Gracie said.
"Ireland." Becky said.
"That's what I say." Gracie said.
"And you said it beautifully." Annette said. "And yes I live in Ireland."
"We're going to try and find time to visit soon, but with the schedule you know." Becky's said.
"We understand." Annette said.
After a little more talk they hung up and Becky showed her the things she was finding online.

"There are my girls." Seth said coming in seeing them snuggled in the couch.
"Daddy, Daddy." Gracie called standing up on the couch to reach him.
Seth smiled and scooped her up and kissed her face.
"How was your afternoon?" Seth asked sitting by Becky.
"Good, laundry is done, ordered a ton of stuff online and had it sent to the school so it would be safe." Becky said. "Talked with my ma for a bit and watched some telly."
"Sounds fun." Seth said. "I will let the guys know to watch out for the packages and they are going to come over tomorrow and help take the room apart to paint while we are gone and then set up the bed which they can't deliver until Monday."
"Okay." Becky said. "Your mom called they will be here soon."
"More family to meet." Seth said.
"I have two grandmas." Gracie said.
"You do and three grandpas." Becky said. "And they all love you so much."
She smiled and when the episode ended they got ready for visitors.
"Okay are you ready?" Becky asked Gracie who was in the bathroom when everyone arrived.
"Yes." Gracie said.
Becky led her into the living room and everyone turned to her.
"Oh my." Holly said.
"Come here sweet girl." Seth said and Gracie ran over to him and he scooped him up. "Gracie this is Grandma Holly, Grandpa Bob and Uncle Brandon."
"Hi." Gracie said.
"Hello." Holly said. "It is nice to meet you."
"If I didn't know better I would swear she was yours." Brandon said.
"Grandpa said the same thing." Seth said. "The eyes and hair."
"You are a beautiful girl." Holly said. "I am glad you have joined our family. We needed a sweet girl like you."
Gracie smiled and Holly showed her the present they brought her.
"She is my first grandchild, I get to spoil her." Holly said.
Becky smiled as she watched Gracie pull the Sofia doll out of the bag along with some pajamas.
"Tank you grandma." Gracie said hugging her.
"You are most welcome." Holly said hugging her.
They sat down for dinner after that and Gracie enjoyed the veggie Mac more then the casserole.
"I might have two vegetarians on my hands." Seth said.
"And the issue is?" Becky asked.
"No issue at all." Seth said. "As long as she is happy and healthy."
Becky smiled and they visited some more until Gracie was yawning and then they left so she could be put down to sleep.

"Hi." Seth said seeing Becky sitting on the bed looking over some paper.
"Hi." She said smiling when he kissed her shoulder.
"What's this?" Seth asked.
"Promo ideas from creative." Becky said.
"Is it time for Badass Lynch to make an appearance." He asked.
"I think so." Becky said. "I'm kinda over this storyline. Everyone thinks she took me out with those chair shots."
"Well then go back with an even bigger bang and remind everyone why you are The Man." Seth said.
"That's my plan." Becky said gathering her papers and setting them on the nightstand. "But right now I'd like a reminder of why you are my man."
Seth smiled and pulled her to him kissing her hard as he laid her down on the bed.

"Man them boys work fast." Becky said seeing the empty room.
"Where my bed?" Gracie asked looked at the empty room that was taped off.
"While we are gone the guys from today are going to come back and paint it purple for you and set up your new bed when it comes?" Seth said.
"We're I sleep tonight?" Gracie asked.
"Remember mommy and daddy have to work so we are going on a trip." Becky said. "You'll sleep in the hotel."
"Oh." Gracie said. "Blankey come?"
"Of course your blanket can come." Seth said. "Mommy brings her own blanket too."
Becky smiled as the loaded in the car to head to the airport. Since they were on the west coast this week they had to fly. Gracie did really well traveling and they were thankful for that.
"She is full of energy." Seth said as they checked into the hotel.
"They have a park we can take her too." Becky said.
"Slide?" Gracie said.
"Let's check into our room and change your shoes to trainers." Becky said.
Gracie nodded and rolled her bag along like Becky and Seth were and they went up to their room.

"Hey man." Roman said seeing Seth and Becky watching Gracie run around the small park.
"Hi." Seth said greeting him. "Hi Jojo."
"Hi." Jojo said. "Is she your daughter?"
"She is." Becky said. "Wanna meet her?"
Jojo nodded so Becky called her over.
"He's on tv." Gracie said.
"He is, this is Roman and his daughter Jojo." Seth said.
"Hello beautiful." Roman said making Gracie blush.
"Play?" Gracie asked.
"Go have fun." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and walked over to Jojo and took her hand.
"Play." Gracie said tugging on her hand.
"Can I?" Jojo asked.
"Have at it." Roman said and Jojo ran off with Gracie.
"She's a beauty." Roman said. "You my friend are in trouble."
"Don't I know it." Seth said as Roman sat down.
"We all are." Becky said.
"True." Roman said chuckling. "But they'll both know how to defend themselves."
"They will." Becky said.
"So how are things going?" Roman asked.
"Things have been smooth." Seth said. "I think she's still adjusting and settling, I am sure she will test us at some point."
"She will, they all do." Roman said. "But they'll love you still."
Both nodded and watch Jojo go down the slide with Gracie on her lap.

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