RG 36

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(So I am working on updates for WtW and DP so enjoy this chapter while you wait. To all new readers thank you for reading and voting and commenting. I am off to WWE SuprerShow so I hope to get some inspiration and hopefully we'll have some updates soon. Enjoy and vote away.)

"Hi Grandma." Gracie said hugging Holly.
"Hello sweet pea." Holly said. "How are you feeling?"
"Like a Cloudy sky." Gracie said making Holly look at her oddly.
"Translation?" Holly asked Seth.
"A cloudy sky?" Seth said.
"It means she's had a very long week and battling this cold has left her a little gloomy, so she doesn't know if she wants to rain or clear up and let the sun shine." Becky said scooping her up.
"I'm sorry to hear you're sick." Holly said.
"Mommy said I cannot help cook since we don't want to share my cold with anyone." Gracie said.
"That's okay." Holly said. "I got some decorations to put out and you can help with those."
"I can." Gracie said.
"Why don't I help carry things in and you two can see what all mom needs." Seth said.
Becky nodded and they walked into the kitchen and he went to help carry things in.

Once things were going Gracie found her way onto Seth's lap.
"You feel sleepy?" Seth asked.
"A little, mommy gave me some medicine." Gracie said.
Seth smiled and covered her with the throw off the back of the couch. Seth smiled as she ended up falling asleep on him.
"Still blows me away." Brandon said.
"I know." Seth said. "I have a kid."
"You do." Brandon said. "Any plans to expand more?"
"We're thinking on it." Seth said. "Bex wants to get back to Mania and then we'll see."
"Going to main event again?" Brandon asked.
"Going to try." Becky said. "Hard part is trying to get the fans hooked into a storyline that can bring us there. Right now everyone is looking at the road to WrestleMania the same, how do we get that top booking."
"True." Seth said. "Right now you don't have a strong division."
"We don't." Becky said. "We took all these steps forward and now it feels like we're going backwards again."
"What can be done to change it?" Josh asked.
"Well hopefully after this move to Fox and the draft we can start building the division stronger, but I firmly believe we have to remove the term women." Becky said.
"Like no more women's division?" Brandon asked.
"No." Becky said. "When we go to the ring to wrestle it's always announced as a Women's Division match, where as when the guys go to wrestle it's just a match, we need to stop labeling things, stop going this is the top women's spot, this is the women's main event and just start having men and women on the same footing, let us put on a show, be the superstars we are."
"She's right." Seth said. "We need all the women to have great characters, storylines and matches."
"We do." Becky said. "We've made all this history but enough of it already, let's just put on good shows, get the people invested and have fun."
"I see your point." Brandon said. "So if the women have three matches on a show that are giving the audience what they need and want let them have it."
"Yes, be it one match, ten or none." Becky said. "We're proven we can step up and fight, so let us keep doing that, stop labeling us and putting us in this box."
"Time to break the box." Seth said.
"It is." Becky said.

"How does that look?" Gracie asked.
"Beautiful." Becky said seeing how Gracie put out the thanksgiving decorations.
"Mommy?" Gracie asked.
"Yes?" Becky said putting the last of the silverware down.
"What are you thankful for?" Gracie asked.
"I am thankful for so much." Becky said picking her up and moving to sit down by Seth. "I am thankful for your daddy, for falling in love with him, for finding you and adopting you, I am thankful for my job which allows me to do what I love and reach so many people. I am thankful for our family including the dogs and Daryl."
"Wow." Gracie said.
"I am also thankful the Bears are beating the Lions because you are daddy when they lose are not happy." Becky said making everyone chuckle. "Most of all I am thankful I get to live this amazing life with you and your daddy and that our future looks amazing and bright."
"I love you mommy." Gracie said.
"I love you." Becky said hugging her.
"What about you daddy?" Gracie asked.
"I am thankful for so much." Seth said. "When I started this year I had no clue what was in store for me. Connecting with your mommy on a deeper level, to her opening me to what my life could be. I had never saw the other half of my life until I fell in love with her."
"Wow." Gracie said.
"Wow is right." Seth said. "Your mommy changed everything and now I have so much more to be thankful for."
"Me?" Gracie asked.
"Yes." Seth said. "Next to your mommy you are one I am most thankful for. You've changed my heart so much. I never knew I could love like this, but you showed me I could."
He saw the tears fall from her eyes and gently wiped them away.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you." She said hugging him as Becky joined their hug.

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