RG 11

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One Month Later

"Hell in a Cell." Becky said looking at the poster.
"It's going to be a crazy night." Seth said.
"I asked your mom to keep Gracie that weekend and not to let her watch." Becky said.
"Okay." Seth said. "Are you comfortable doing this match?"
"I am." Becky said. "It's just going to go there and I don't want her watching it."
"I understand." Seth said. "Right now my match with Bray has been hard to plan, he has all these great ideas but it never allows me time to shine."
"That has to be hard." Becky said.
"Mommy daddy?" Gracie called.
"We're in the living room." Seth said.
Gracie has just woken up from her nap and ran out to the living room.
"Hello my little luv." Becky said picking her up.
"Trip?" Gracie asked.
"Yes we have a big show this weekend and you are going to stay with Grandma Holly." Becky said.
"Oh." Gracie said.
"She has some big plans for you and her." Becky said. "Daddy and I will be back in Tuesday."
"Okay." Gracie said softly.
Becky smiled and hugged her daughter.
"You know what we need to do?" Seth said.
"What?" Gracie asked.
"We need to tickle attack mommy." Seth said and both began tickling Becky as she screamed and laughed.
"No fair." She said. "Okay I surrender."
"Yay Gracie and Daddy won." Seth said holding Gracie up as she cheered.
"No fair, it was a handicap match." Becky said.
"No pouting." Gracie said.
Becky giggled and ticked Gracie making her laugh.
"Daddy's turn." Becky said and they began tickling Seth who instantly lost it laughing.
"I give." Seth said chuckling.
"Yay." Gracie said.
"Do you know what we get to do next week?" Becky asked.
"Dress shop." Gracie said.
"Yep, we're going to find Gracie a flower girl dress." Becky said. "Aunt Charlotte is going to meet us in Chicago for shopping."
"Yay." Gracie said.
"A girls trip, Daddy will have to work at the school." Seth said.
"Yep." Becky said. "Them boys and girls need learning."

Life had been comfortable for the little family while work had been a bit more chaotic. Sasha was really embracing the heel roll making things harder and Bray only wanted to win, he didn't want to think about losing. Hell in a Cell was going to be a nasty fight for both if they wanted to stay on top.

"Mom." Seth called coming in.
"Hey guys." Holly said.
"Grandma." Gracie said running over and hugging Holly.
"Hello sweet pea." Holly said. "Ready to have fun with Grandma?"
"Yeah." Gracie said.
"They are having a toddlers day at the pumpkin patch where they can dress up and do all kinds of games and  things so I thought we could do that." Holly said. "Maybe pick a pumpkin for Grandpa Bob to cut up."
"Sounds like fun." Becky said. "She doesn't have a costume."
"Well then we get to go find one." Holly said. "More fun to have."
"Well you two have at it." Seth said.
Gracie's little lip trimbled and Becky took her from Holly.
"Now my little luv, I know this is the first time we've been apart but it will fly by." Becky said. "You'll have so much fun and we'll video call every night so you can tell about all the fun you had."
"Okay mommy." Gracie said. "I miss you."
"I will miss you too, but remember mommy is here." Becky said pressing her heart. "Just like daddy and we are on your charm bracelet too."
Gracie nodded and Becky hugged her.
"You are the bravest girl I know so I know you'll be brave while we're away." Seth said squatting down in front of them. "Grandma can even help you practice being a flower girl."
Gracie nodded burying her facing in his neck while they hugged.
"Mommy loves you." Becky said kissing her cheek.
"Daddy loves you too." Seth said kissing her other cheek at the same time making her smiled.
"I love both of you." Gracie said.
After a few more hugs they headed out. Hell in a Cell was in Sacramento this year so they drove to the airport to catch their flight.

"You seem miles away." Seth said as they walked along the shore of the Sacramento River.
"It's strange but I miss Gracie." Becky said.
"You're her mommy." Seth said. "I miss her too."
"I know it's only been a short time but it feels strange." Becky said. "It feels like she's always been here."
"My mom would call it a parents love." Seth said.
"My ma too." Becky said.
"Do you feel ready for Sunday?" He asked.
"I am more then ready." Becky said. "I don't think anyone save maybe you and Josh know how far I am going to go Sunday."
"You're the main event." Seth said.
"I am." She said. "I like being last."
"You know I'll be rooting for you." He said.
Becky smiled and kissed him.
"I say we go back to the hotel and enjoy being alone." Seth said.
"I like how you think Rollins." Becky said and Seth smiled as they made their way back to hotel.

"I am here with Universal Champion Seth Rollins who just defeated The Fiend Bray Wyatt in Hell in A Cell." Charly said.
"Indeed I did." Seth said. "What a match it was."
"Coming up we will see your fiancée Raw Women's Champion Becky Lynch enter the cell for the first time in her career." Charly said. "Where she will defend her title against Sasha Banks."
"Yes we will." Seth said. "And I have to say I am Team Becky all day everyday for the rest of my life. I know Sasha has been in this match before but Becky has been on a roll no other superstar myself included has been on. She has main evented more pay per views this year then anyone. She shines brightest in the main event, we saw that at WrestleMania and we saw her win and tonight you will see a side of Becky Lynch no one has seen before. The list of her accomplishment is too long to read in full but just know tonight The Man is coming around and Sasha is not safe."
"Damn Straight Fire." Becky said appearing next to him. "Sasha started a war and tonight I take her and her blue hair to hell and show her I am no broken toy."
Seth smiled as Becky smirked.
"Oh great match, I told them we've both be walking out as Champs." Becky said.
"Thank you and good luck." Seth said.
Becky smiled looking at him before she walked away.
"That right there Charly is The Man and she's ready to go to Hell." Seth said.

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