RG 4

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"Food?" Gracie said as Becky woke her.
"Yes." Becky said. "Are you hungry?"
She nodded as her belly grumbled.
"Oh no, sounds like a monster in there needs food." Seth said.
"Yes, says Feed Me." Gracie said as Seth picked her up and they headed into the deli.
"What looks good?" Becky asked.
"All of it." Gracie said. "Mac and Cheese."
"Would you like a sample?" The lady behind the counter asked.
"Yes please." Gracie said.
The lady put some in a small cup with a spoon. Becky took it and blew on it making sure it was cool before letting Gracie try.
"Yummy." She said.
"So you want more?" Seth asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"Okay, we'll do a bowl of Mac and cheese." Seth said.
"Would you like goldfish or grapes with it?" The lady asked.
"Goldfish please." Gracie said.
"And for you two?" She asked.
"I'll do a veggie burger with sweet potato fries." Becky said. "Lettuce wrapped."
"Okay and you?" She asked.
"I'll do a BLT and Fries." Seth said. "Do you want a drink?"
"Can I have that?" Gracie asked pointing to a picture of a milkshake.
"How about we share one." Becky said.
"Okay mommy." Gracie said.
"One chocolate milk shake and one strawberry." Seth said.
"And a water." Becky said.
"Okay, I will bring this out in a few minutes." She said.

They took a seat and Gracie colored on the little mat.

"Here we go." The lady said coming over with three plates and four cups. "I put some of the chocolate into a small cup if that's okay."
"Perfect, thanks." Becky said.
They ate and enjoyed just being together. Seth paid after they finished and they headed out.
"Okay we have a few more hours to go, so do you wanna watch more Sofia or color?" Becky asked.
"Color." Gracie said.
Becky pulled coloring app on the iPad and showed Gracie how to use it before she swatted Becky away and went to work. Becky smiled and climbing into her seat and they got back on the road.
"Look." Gracie said holding up the picture.
"Very nice, wanna save it and print it at home?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said so Becky saved it and Gracie began and new page.
"We'll need to find her some learning apps." Seth said.
"I installed ABC mouse on it last night so we can start her on it tomorrow." Becky said.
"Very wise." Seth said.
"She is already so smart, I want to keep that going." Becky said.
Seth nodded and they made it to Davenport.
"Where are we?" Gracie asked.
"This is where we live." Seth said. "See those two buildings?"
"Yeah." Gracies said.
"Daddy owns them, one is Black and Brave Wrestling Academy and the other is a coffee shop called 392 Dport." Seth said.
"Can we go inside?" Gracie asked.
"Maybe tomorrow, right now we need to show you your forever home." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said smiling.

When they pulled up to the house a few minutes later they saw Gracie take it all in.
"Wow, it's like a castle." Gracie said.
"Almost, Daddy still owes me one of those." Becky said as they climbed out.
She unblocked Gracie and sat her down in the yard.
"Welcome home." Seth said.
"Can we go inside?" Gracie asked.
"We can." Becky said. "But we need to take our things in."
"Okay." Gracie said.
Becky packed up her iPad and put the small backpack on Gracie before getting her own things.
"Can you carry your blanket?" Becky asked.
"Yep." Gracie nodded and Becky handed it to her and they moved to help Seth with the bags.
"Might need to make two trips." Seth said.
"Looks like it." Becky said and they took the first load into the house and then went and got the other as Gracie got to know Frank.
"It tickles." Gracie said giggling as Kevin jumped all over her.
"Kevin be good." Seth said pulling the dog off and rescuing Gracie.
"Tanks Daddy." Gracie said.
"Shall we tour?" Seth asked.
Gracie nodded and Seth and Becky showed her around.
"It's so big." Gracie said. "Will I get lost?"
"No." Becky said.
"Where is my room?" Gracie asked.
"Well we still have to paint and decorate it, but I was thinking right here." Seth said leading her into a room with a window nook.
"We can make it like Sofia if you like." Becky said. "Purple walls and a big bed."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"It's a big change but we'll help you through it." Seth said. "Always talk to use if your scared or confused."
"Okay." Gracie said.
After ending back up in the living room they began going through their bags and getting things ready to be washed. Seth ordered Pizza for dinner to keep things easy.
"Here we go." Seth said setting the photo Addison gave her on the night stand.
"Once we paint we'll find a special place for it." Becky said. "But for now they are right here."
Gracie smiled and climbed on the bed fresh from her bath ready to sleep.
"So daddy and I are right across the hall." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said yawning.
They tucked her in with her favorite blanket and doll and she fell asleep.
"Come on." Seth said. "You need sleep too."
Becky nodded and let him pull her into his room. They kept the hall light on low so if she needed them she could see.

"What a week." Becky said.
"Yes." Seth said kissing her shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too." Becky said turning in his arms and wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you for being such an amazing person."
"For you always." He said leaning down and kissing her.
Becky smiled and kissed him back letting herself get lost in the passion as they made love.

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