RG 32

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"Wow." Gracie said seeing the lights as they walked through the park at Lincoln Park Zoolights.
"This is amazing." Becky said.
"And pretty." Gracie said.
Becky smiled as Gracie took in everything. Seeing how she saw the world was amazing.
"Are we going to put up lights at home?" Gracie said.
"We can." Seth said. "Maybe not this many but we can do some."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"How about some cocoa?" Josh asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
Josh took her hand and walked over to the cart selling cocoa.
"I love this." Becky said.
"The lights?" Seth asked.
"That but seeing how she sees the world." Becky said.
"It's pretty cool." Seth said.
"I hope she always sees the world like this, full of hope and happiness." Becky said. "I get not everything is going to be that, but seeing the good side is amazing."
"I agree." Seth said.
"Mommy we got you one with peppermint." Gracie said.
"Thank you." Becky said taking hers.
"Daddy's is plane like Uncle Josh but I got caramel." Gracie said.
"Sounds yummy." Becky said.
They drank the cocoa and continued to explore the lights.
"Look mommy it's Aunty Charlotte." Gracie said.
"It is." Becky said.
Charlotte smiled seeing them and Becky let Gracie run over to her.
"Hi there munchkin." Charlotte said scooping her up.
"Hi." Gracie said. "Hola Andrade."
"Hola mi hermosa chica." Andrade said.
"What did you say?" Gracie asked.
"Hello my beautiful girl." Andrade said.
"He's right you are beautiful." Charlotte said. "Do you like all the lights?"
"Yes." Gracie said. "They are so pretty."
"What has been your favorite?" Charlotte asked.
"The peacocks." Gracie said.
"The girl has style." Charlotte said.
"She does." Becky said.
"You smell like cocoa." Charlotte said.
"I had caramel cocoa." Gracie said. "It was so yummy."
"Nice." Andrade said.
"These is a lot to see here." Charlotte said.
"We've been exporing for hours." Gracie said.
"Exploring for hours, sounds fun." Charlotte said.
"Yeah, but my itty bitty legs are getting tried." Gracie said.
"Small legs get tired fast." Andrade said.
"Don't we know it." Seth said. "Come here silly girl, you can ride on my shoulders.
"Yay daddy to the rescue." Gracie said reaching for him.
Charlotte handed him over and he put her up on his shoulder.
"Wow." Gracie said. "There is so much to see from up here."
"Be careful." Becky said.
"Come on, let's explore more." Gracie said.
"That is our cue." Becky said. "Enjoy the show."
Charlotte nodded and they continued to walk around and see things.

"I think she's out." Josh said looking up at Gracie who was slumped over Seth's head.
"Help me take her down." Seth said and Josh carefully moved her.
"It's okay." Josh said when her eyes popped open. "You fell asleep on your daddy's head."
"Seepy." Gracie said as Josh moved her up to his shoulder as and she feel back asleep.
"I got her." Josh said. "Give your shoulders a rest."
"Thanks." Seth said as Becky placed the new Christmas blanket they bought for her over her so she was warmer.
"She's had quite the adventure." Becky said as they began walking back towards the it hotel.
"She has." Seth said. "I am glad we got to do this."
"Me too." Becky said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I got a bunch of pictures so she can show everyone back home and in Ireland."
"She'll love it." Seth said.
When they reached their hotel Josh put Gracie down in her bed and Becky slipped her shoes and jacket off and covered her with her green blanket and let her sleep
"I to am going to hit the hay." Josh said. "We're hitting the gym tomorrow right?"
"Yes." Seth said. "Nine right."
"Sounds good." Becky said. "Night."
"Night." Josh said heading to his room.

"Mommy, mommy." Gracie said shaking Becky.
"Gracie what's wrong?" Becky asked sitting up in her bed and turning the light on.
"Snow." Gracie said pointing to the window.
"It did indeed snow." Becky said seeing it snow. "Looks cold and way to early to be up."
"Yeah." Gracie said. "Cuddles?"
Becky smiled and picked Gracie up and put in the bed between them and shut the light off.
"What's this?" Seth asked groggily.
"Cuddles." Gracie said.
"My favorite." Seth said as they all snuggled together falling back asleep.

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