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"She looks so small." Becky said brushing her soft locks.
"She is small." Seth said. "But she's a fighter."
"She is." Becky said.
It had been two days in the hospital now and Gracie was fighting a rare illness doctor weren't sure of what it was. Doctors had her on antibiotics and finally yesterday her fever broke. Now they are waiting for her to wake up.

"Mommy." Gracie cried.
"I'm here." Becky said rushing from the couch along the window to Gracie's bed.
"Mommy." She cried.
"It's okay." Becky said. "You gotta stay calm my sweet girl."
She placed her hand on her stomach and Gracie calmed down.
"Mommy." Gracie said.
"Yes my sweet girl." Becky said. "You are in the hospital, you got sick."
"Sick?" Gracie said.
"Yes, but you are getting better." Becky said.
"Daddy?" Gracie asked.
"He went to get food." Becky said. "Why don't I text him so he can hurry."
"Okay." Gracie said.
Becky grabbed her phone and texted Seth then rang for the nurse.
"Good morning." Nurse Heidi said coming in. "I see someone is awake."
"Daddy." Gracie said.
"He's coming sweet girl." Becky said. "This is Nurse Heidi, she's been helping take care of you."
"It's good to see you finally awake." Heidi said checking the machines. "Can you tell me how you feel?"
"Heavy." She said.
"On your chest and belly?" Heidi asked.
"Yes." Gracie said.
"Your illness is in your lungs." Heidi said. "But the meds you are on is making it go away."
"Such a brave girl fighting this bug." Becky said.
"Daddy." Gracie said lighting up.
Becky turned and saw Seth come in. He set the bags and drinks down and was over to the bed the next moment.
"Hello my sweet girl." Seth said. "How are you feeling?"
"Scared." Gracie said reaching for him.
"You can pick her up just be careful of her IV." Heidi said.
Seth nodded and scooped Gracie up and she attached herself to Seth.
"You're okay." Seth said rubbing her back.
"I am going to let Dr. Reed know she is awake and he'll come in and look her over." Heidi said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"I got you." Seth said as Gracie's little hand dug into his shirt.
"It's okay sweet luv." Becky said. "You are safe here."
She eased up a bit laying her head in his shoulder and relaxing.

"I am told she woke up?" Dr. Reed said coming in.
"She just zonked back out." Seth said rubbing her back.
"Safe in daddy's arms." Dr. Reed said. "Her vitals are looking good and she's going to be tired for a while. But I would say she's on the mend, it's going to take a while for her to return to her full self."
"We understand that." Becky said. "Do we know how she was exposed to this?"
"We are still trying to track this strain." Dr. Reed said. "Gracie has a strong immune system thanks to the great care you two have had in raising her. The fact that some haven't been able to fight this fast shows that. But we have to leave the tracking to the CDC for now,"
"We understand." Seth said.
"She's a fighter." Dr. Reed said. "Her lungs are sounding better."
"That's good news." Becky said. "How much longer do you think she might need to be here?"
"At least a few more days." Dr. Reed said. "I'd like her lungs to sound clear and for her to be awake longer."
"Okay." Becky said.
"I will check in her later." Dr. Reed said before leaving.

"How is she?" Josh asked coming in with Jen.
"She's getting stronger." Becky said.
"Where is she?" Jen asked.
"Doing x-rays with Seth." Becky said. "If they come back clean we get take her home."
"That's great news." Josh said.
"It is." Becky said.
"But there is more." Josh said.
"Dr. Reed worries about long term damage to her lungs, right now if she laughs to much she starts coughing." Becky said. "She has to use an inhaler when that happens."
"Oh." Josh said.
"Uncle Josh and Aunt Jen are here." Gracie said as Seth wheeled her in.
"Of course we are." Josh said. "Heard you were sick and we flew right back."
"Wrelly?" Gracie said.
"Really." Jen said handing her a stuff bear they picked up in the gift shop.
"Thank you." Gracie said. "Mommy."
"Hello my luv." Becky said carefully moving her from the chair to her lap. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired." Gracies yawned. "A bit cold too."
"With that paper gown I would be cold too." Becky said wrapping Gracie in her green blanket from home.
"She looks a lot better." Josh said.
"She's getting stronger each day." Becky said.
"What are you doing about work?" Jen asked.
"We are off lives this weekend, but will have to fly to Lexington for Raw." Becky said.
"If you two can stick around maybe she can just stay at the house." Seth said.
"We're here as long as you need us." Josh said.
"We'd be happy to keep her home with her stuff, I know Bella and Kevin seem lost without her." Jen said.
"Bella cried last night." Josh said.
"Well hopefully her x-rays show she's clear to go home." Seth said.
"And they do." Dr. Reed said coming in. "Her lungs look clear, so I think it's time she goes home."
"Thank you." Becky said.
"I will work on her release papers and meds." Dr. Reed said.
He left and Becky kissed the top of her daughter's head.
While Gracie slept a nurse removed her IV and then Becky got her dressed in warm clothing.
"What's going on?" Gracie asked wake up.
"We get to go home." Seth said. "With you."
Gracie smiled and Seth hugged her calming the slight panic that they were leaving her.

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