RG 2

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Two Weeks Later

"Where is Becky?" Josh asked.
"She had some errands to run." Seth said. "She kinda been out of it lately."
"What do you mean?" Josh asked.
"Something is on her mind and she isn't ready to talk about it yet." Seth said.
"Girls get like that sometimes." Josh said. "Gotta let her work it out herself."
"I know, but I wish she'd tell me so I could help her." Seth said. "It kinda driving me nuts."
"Have you asked her about it?" He asked.
"No." He said. "Maybe I will tonight."
Josh nodded and they finished their work out before Seth headed back to Becky's house since they were in LA this week.

"Hey." Seth said seeing Becky in the living.
"Hi." She smiled. "Good work out?"
"Yes, we missed you." He said sitting down next to her.
"I know, I've been a bit off lately." She said. "Sorry."
"It's okay, I just wish you would tell me what's going on." Seth said.
"You want to know?" She asked turning to him.
"I always want to know what's going on with you." He said taking her hands. "You are the love of my life silly girl."
Becky smiled and leaned forward and kissed him,
"Okay, so you remember Gracie?" Becky asked.
"The girl at the hospital." Seth said nodding.
"She's been in my mind." Becky said. "It's like something wont let me forget about her, she just there."
"Are you worried about her?" He asked.
"I don't feel worried." Becky said.
"Do you want to go visit her?" He asked. "We have a house show near there Friday we could drop in."
"Really?" Becky asked.
"Of course we can go." Seth said.
Becky smiled and kissed him again.
"I don't know why she's been in my mind so much, it's like she captured me." Becky said.
"It's understandable, sometimes we just meet people and there is a connection." Seth said.
Becky nodded and hugged him still unsure why this little girl was on her mind.

Friday Mercy Hospital

"Welcome back." Addison said seeing them. "Back for some more visits."
"Actually we were hoping to see McKenna and Gracie." Becky said.
"Of course, I'll take you down." Addison said. "I do have to warn you, McKenna is very close to dying, Gracie has been a bit of a mess."
"It's understandable." Seth said. "She's losing her world."
"She is." Addison said. "Poor girl."
They walked into the room and Gracie looked up with tears in her eyes but she smiled.
"You came back." She said.
"We did." Becky said as she moved over to where she sat. "I wanted to see you again."
"Me?" Gracie asked.
"Yes you." Becky said.
Gracie smiled and hugged Becky.
"I don't want mama to die." She said softly. "Then I'll be alone."
"You won't be alone." Addison said. "Remember your mama asked me to find you a family, one that is going to love you like she does."
"No one will love me like my mama." Gracie said bursting into tears.
Becky held her as she cried and Addison was paged so they sat and held her letting her cry as she needed until she fell asleep.
"You okay?" Seth asked.
"This is so hard." Becky said rubbing Gracie's back. "Seeing her in pain."
"I know what you mean." Seth said. "You're in pain."
Becky smiled and leaned her head against his just absorbing the moment.

"Gracie?" McKenna asked waking up.
"Hi, she's sleeping right now." Seth said moving over. "She's had a hard day."
"I know." McKenna said. "She's been so brave through all this."
"She is strong." Seth said watching Becky watch Gracie as she held her.
"She's fallen in love with her." McKenna said.
"She has." Seth said. "Your daughter has captured her."
"She's going to need a new mama once I am gone." McKenna said. "She deserves the world."
"She does." Seth said.
McKenna drifted back off and Seth moved over to where Becky sat.
"What time do we have to go?" Becky asked.
"The live show was cancelled, I guess the venue had a pipe bursted so we're good to stay." Seth said. "There is something I need to do, are you okay?"
"I'm good." Becky said.
Seth nodded and kissed her softly before walking into the hall and closing the door.
"How is she?" Addison asked.
"Gracie is sleeping, she wore herself." Seth said.
"This situation is hard on adults but for a three year old." Addison said.
"I understand." Seth said. "But there is something I want to do to ease some of this."
"Oh." Addison said.
"Yes, see Rebecca has fallen in love with that little girl and I would hate to see either of them lose the bond they have formed already." Seth said.
"Do you two want to adopt Gracie?" Addison asked.
"Yes." Seth said. "It would tear Rebecca up to lose her and I would do anything to make her happy. Now I know kids are a lot but I think for all it's what's best."
"I think McKenna would like knowing her daughter found her new mama." Addison said.
They went over what needed to be done and Seth called Hunter for some help.

(Authors Note: Here is part 2, it's not to long because as I am writing this story I haven't been doing it in chapters, it's been one long story so I am trying to give you bits at a time. Let me know if you want more. Review and/or drop a vote below.)

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