RG 22

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(An update is here at last. Enjoy and hopefully more will come this weekend, enjoy, vote and comment. I am upping the drama as asked so please bare with me as they face this next hurtle and all that comes from it.)

"Twining with mommy this time?" Seth said.
"It's easier." Gracie said making him laugh.
"Did you have a good dinner with Josh?. Seth asked,
"Yep, he even let me have purple lemonade." Gracie said.
"Wow, that sounds yummy." Becky said.
"It was and tart." Gracie said making her sour face making them all laugh.
"Time to work out." Becky said.
They headed out to the CrossFit gym Josh had located for them and got to work. Gracie had a great time working out with everyone she even clung to Seth's back as he did wall balls. After showering and changing they headed out for brunch.

"What's that?" Gracie asked looking at the sign on the table.
"Belgian Waffles." Becky said. "Wanna try?"
"Okay." Gracie said. "Can I have extra berries?"
"Of course." Becky said.
When the waitress came over the ordered.
"Extra berries please." Gracie said.
"Yes." Becky said. "And no bacon."
"Would she like sausage instead?" The waitress asked.
"She doesn't like meat." Seth said.
"We do have veggie bacon." The waitress said. "As well as veggie sausage."
"Can I try both please?" Gracie asked.
"Sure." Seth said and the waitress wrote it down before getting the rest of their orders.

As they were waiting Becky's phone was going wild.
"What's going on?" Seth asked.
"Not sure." Becky said. "I haven't looked at it since yesterday."
Picking up her phone she almost dropped it.
"What's wrong mommy?" Gracie asked.
"Nothing luv." Becky said. "Just adult things daddy and I have to take care of."
"Okay." Gracie said.
"How about we go see if we can win a prize while we wait for brunch to arrive?" Josh said.
"Okay." Gracie said.
Once they were gone Becky opened her phone again.
"What's wrong?" Seth asked and she showed him the tweet that was sparking the twitter verse.
"What?" Seth said. "The Sullivan's are suing WWE super couple Rollins and Lynch for custody of their grandchild."
Becky pulled up the feed and looked at what was being said.
"Arnold and Elizabeth Sullivan are the biological grandparents to three year old Gracie Marie Rollins who the couple adopted back in August of this year after her biological mother the Sullivan's only daughter passed away from cancer." Becky read.
"My clients have been grief stricken over the loss of their daughter and while trying to process all that they learned their only granddaughter was adopted to strangers. My clients only wish to raise their granddaughter in a loving and supportive home, the same home in which their daughter was raised in. Roger Kempt of Kempt and Sons stated." Seth said. "We will also show the life style that Rollins and Lynch lead is no life with a young child. She deserves stability and structure. The Sullivan's only wish to do what is right for Gracie and that is to have her with family."
"How can they do this?" Becky said. "Their letter said they only wished we'd think about sending them pictures of Gracie and let them know how she was doing, but nothing about wanting to take her."
"I will go call Peter and see if he knows what's going on." Seth said stepping outside while Gracie and Josh came back over.
"Look mommy a doggy." Gracie said holding up her stuffed toy.
"I see." Becky said.
"Where is daddy?" Gracie asked.
"He has to make a phone call." Becky said and the waitress brought food over.
Gracie dove into her waffles and veggies sides. Becky smiled as she munched away happily.
"He is in town and wants to meet up later." Seth said sitting back down.
"Okay." Becky said.
"This looks yummy." Seth said.
"Mine is so good." Gracie said.
"I see." Seth said.
Everyone ate and after brunch they walked around town doing some shopping and just exploring. Josh took Gracie back to the hotel for her nap and they went to meet up with Peter.

"Let's sit." Peter said when they arrived at the office he was using. "I have some news on the matter."
"Did they file paperwork?" Becky asked.
"As of today no." Peter said. "I have had people checking and they will continue but so far the Sullivan's have had nothing filed."
"Then why the Twitter issue?" Seth asked.
"From what I gather Mrs. Sullivan is not happy with the lack of communication from you two in regulars to her letter." Peter said.
"At McKenna's service they gave Seth this letter." Becky said. "All they asked was for us to consider sending updates, but right now we hadn't decided on if we wanted to or not."
Peter took the letter and read it over.
"Do you think they will file to over turn our adoption?" Seth asked.
"If they do they are going to have a fight on their hands." Peter said. "The fact that they turned their own daughter out when she was diagnosed with cancer and made the choice to have Gracie is going to work against them. I contacted Addison and she told me they had never met Gracie or even saw McKenna after they gave up on her."
"This seems like a nightmare." Becky said. "This little girl is already our heart."
"I know that." Peter said. "I will keep all ears out on this and if anything comes up I will let you know."
"We're getting ready to do a tour through Europe, is that going to be an issue?" Becky asked.
"No, right now you two have sole custody of Gracie, you adopted her." Peter said. "So take her and have fun."
"Will do." Seth said. "Thanks for meeting with us."
"Anytime." Peter said.

"Feel better?" Seth asked.
"A bit, I just wish I knew why they went to Twitter and not just file." Becky said. "I don't like to think of playing games about this. Gracie is our world and the thought of anyone trying to hurt her makes me blood boil."
"That Irish flame in you is doubled with the mama bear flame." Seth said.
"Damn right." Becky said smirking.
"Well hopefully Peter can figure it out and I gave my family the heads up so they won't reply or talk about it."
"Good." Becky said. "I will text my family too."
She pulled out her phone and did just that with a lot of we will explain when we see you soons.

"Mommy." Gracie said when they entered the room.
"No love for daddy?" Seth teased.
"Daddddddddyyyyy." Gracie screamed and rushed at him making him smile and catch her. "Better?" Gracie asked.
"Better." Seth said smiling. "How did you get so silly?"
"From mommy." Gracie said.
"Yep." Seth agreed. "Ready to head to the live show?"
"Yes." Gracie said.
They did a small house show around three thousand people chanting and screaming for them. Josh kept Gracie distracted while Becky and Seth got ready for their matches. Becky was teaming with Rhea and Bianca against Natalia, Dana and Lacey. It was a hard match but they were victorious Becky managing to make Lacey tap out. Seth was facing Ricochet in a fun match letting the kid gain some more experience and allowing Seth time to still recover after the trip. After the show they had dinner at a little pizza place.
"It's pepperoni." Seth said. "Wanna try?"
"Okay." Gracie said taking a bite and eating it. "Yummy."
"So pepperoni is okay." Becky asked.
"Only on pizza with lots of cheese." Gracie said making everyone smile.
"Okay." Becky said.
After pizza they took Gracie to a park where she wore herself out playing and they headed back to the hotel to crash.

"Mommy." Gracie whined pulling in Becky's hand.
Becky instantly shot up and looked down at her daughter.
"What's wrong?" Becky asked.
"My tummy hurts." Gracie said. "Feels like fire."
"Sounds like you have heart burn." Becky said.
"I don't like it." Gracie cried.
"What's wrong?" Seth asked waking up.
"Gracie has heart burn." Becky said.
"Oh." Seth said. "Probably from the pepperoni."
"Mommy." Gracie whined.
"What do we do." Asked Seth.
"I have some meds she can take." Becky said getting up and walking over to her bag.
Seth picked Gracie up as Becky got the pink medicine and some water.
"Okay, so drink this." Becky said and Gracie drank the liquid but made a gross face. "And now drink some water."
Seth helped her hold the glass and she drank it all gone.
"It will take a little bit to start working so you curl up on Daddy and he'll rub your back until you feel better." Becky said.
"Blanky." Gracie said and Becky got her blanket and she curled up on Seth chest as he leaned back against the head board and rubbed her back. Within minutes she was out like a light.
"The magical touch of daddy." Becky said snapping a picture.
"I hope I am always able to make her feel better this way." Seth said.
Becky nodded and curled up with them and all three were out again.

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