Raising Gracie & Roux Christmas 2021

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"Mommy." Gracie said coming into the living room.
"Hi sweetness." Becky said.
"Is it Christmas yet?" Gracie asked.
"Soon." Becky said. "Remember to count the rings on your countdown chain."
Gracie smiled and walked to where her paper chain was hanging.
"One, two, three." She counted out loud.
"Sounds right." Becky said.
"Waiting is hard work." Gracie said making Becky giggle.
"Yes but you have good practice at it." Becky said as Gracie skipped over to the couch and sat down.
"I do." Gracie said.
"Are you feeling a bit bored?" Becky asked.
"Yeah." Gracie said. "I did all of today's school work, I read my book too Roux for her nap story."
"Hmm." Becky said. "What should we do to pass the time?"
"What smells so amazing in here?" Seth asked coming in.
Gracie sniffed the air and looked at Becky.
"Mommy?" Gracie said.
"Gracie." Becky said.
"It smells like gingerbread." Gracie said.
"Does it?" Becky teased.
"Gingerbread house?" Gracie asked.
"Well you did such a great job at it last year, I thought you'd like to do it again." Becky said.
"Yay." Gracie said. "Mommy is the best."
"Go put your apron on and we'll get started." Becky said.
Gracie rushed to the kitchen and Becky fallowed after giving Seth a kiss.
"Where is Roux?" He asked.
"She should be waking up from her nap at any moment." Becky said as as if on cue.
"Dada, dada." Roux called over the monitor.
"That's my cue." Seth smiled and headed for the nursery while Becky joined Gracie at the table to make their gingerbread house.

"Look mommy Roux likes frosting." Gracie said as Roux sucked on Gracie's fingers.
"Are you spoiling your sister?" Becky asked.
"Only a taste." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and they cleaned up.
"Daddy what do you think?" Gracie asked.
"This house looks even better their ours." Seth said.
"It taste better too." Gracie said making him chuckle.
"I am sure." Seth said.
"Dada." Roux said.
"Yep daddy." Gracie said. "She's getting so smart."
"She is." Becky said picking Roux up as she stood on wobbly legs.
"Mama." Roux smiled.
"Hi sweet face." Becky said kissing her cheek.
"Mommy does it confuse Roux when I call you mommy?" Gracie asked.
"No." Becky said.
"Remember when babies first start talking they do not speak like you and I." Seth said scooping Gracie into his lap. "They use little words they can sound out."
"Like mama, Dada and Gar-gar?" Gracie asked.
"Yes, most babies call their mommy's mama when they are little. Now for you mama means McKenna." Becky said. "As your mommy I am so proud to share the title with her. It's thanks to McKenna that we got you. When Roux is older and under stands better we will tell her all about your mama."
"Will Roux love my mama too?" Gracie asked.
"I am sure she will, because she gave us you." Seth said.
"And mama gave us Roux." Gracie said. "Our special Angel sent from Heaven."
"Yes." Becky said smiling. "Daddy and I love both our girls, being your parents has been life fulfilling."
Gracie smiled as Seth kissed the top of her head in agreement.

"Oh my." Becky said tears in her eyes as she watched her daughter dance in the nutcracker ballet.
Seth smiled and handed her a tissue while adjusting Roux who was dozing on his shoulder.
Gracie had been taking dance lessons all year, she learned quickly was having a blast. At five years old now she was placed a year ahead in first grade. When she tested to start school the school informed them Gracie was already advanced past the kindergarten grade and if they didn't want her to become bored they should place her in first. After talking it over they agreed. Right now with their traveling schedule she only attended school two days a week if she was in town, but most was done online. They knew education was important but Gracie enjoyed traveling and showing Roux the world as they did. They turned their adventures in some towns into learning games and made sure the time she spent on her school work was there each day. Even on school break she had work to do and happily did it. She also continued with dance, ice skating and horseback riding.

Becky stood with the rest of the family and clapped as the final bow from the dancers took place before the kids scurried into the audience to find their family.
"Mommy, mommy." Gracie called.
"Oh baby that was beautiful." Becky said scooping her up. "You were amazing."
"Thank you mommy." Gracie smiled hugging her.
"You did amazing baby." Seth said. "I am proud of you."
"Thanks daddy." Gracie said. "Did Roux see me?"
"She did right before she nodded off, they music was very relaxing to her." Seth said.
Gracie smiled and leaned over and kissed Roux's head.
"How about we go get you changed and head home." Becky said.
Gracie nodded and Becky took her back stage.

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