RG 39

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"Oh my goodness." Gracie said seeing the living room filled with boxes and tubes of wrapping paper.
"Looks like we have a long day ahead of us." Becky said.
"Are these all for the kids at the hospital?" Gracie asked.
"They are." Becky said.
"They are going to love this." Gracie said.
"Oh wow." Holly said coming in.
"Grandma." Gracie called and ran over and hugged her.
"How are you sweet pea?" Holly asked.
"Glad to be home." Gracie said.
"I bet." Holly said. "Hello dear."
"Hello." Becky said. "Come to help?"
"Indeed I have." Holly said.
"I say we dig in." Becky said. "Each box has a label for who they are for and a written out tag."
"Can I pick wrapping paper?" Gracie asked.
"You may." Becky said.
"Why don't I start down here and you that end and we'll meet in the middle." Holly said.
"Sounds like a plan." Becky said. "Gracie can be out helper getting us wrapping paper and tape as we need it."
Everyone agreed and they got to work wrapping and labeling presents.

"Gracie?" Seth said asking coming in and looking around.
"She passed out under the empty tubes." Becky said coming in from the kitchen.
"I see." Seth chuckled taking a picture. "How was wrapping."
"It went good." Becky said. "Your mom was a huge help as was Gracie."
"The truck will be here tomorrow to get everything and take it to the hospital and then next week we can deliver them." Seth said.
"Yes." Becky said. "I would say operation Gracie Gives Back has been a success."
"She's an amazing little girl with an amazing heart." Seth said.
"Dinner is done." Becky said. "See if you can wake her while I dish her up some Mac and cheese."
Seth nodded and Becky walked back to the kitchen and Seth began moving the tubes off of Gracie.
"Gracie." Seth said softly. "Time to wake up, mommy has Mac and cheese."
"Mac and cheese?" Gracie said shooting up and sniffing the air.
"Yes." Seth chuckled. "Come eat."
He helped her out of the mess of tubes and they walked into the kitchen.
"There's my little help." Becky said.
"I smell Mac and cheese." Gracie said.
"Yes, I made your favorite." Becky said setting a bowl down. "You need it after all the hard work you put in."
Gracie nodded and Seth sat her down in her seat and Becky dished Seth and herself a plate and they sat down and ate.

"You still sleepy?" Becky asked.
"Kind of." Gracie said. "Can I play with my toys in my room?"
"Of course, go have fun." Becky said and Gracie ran off with Bella.
"Okay, the presents are now in the garage." Seth said.
"Thank you." Becky said yawning.
"You looked wiped." Seth said pulling her into his arms.
"I am." Becky said yawning. "How was the school?"
"Good, the guys are doing great, go some good training in."
"That's good." Becky said.
"Why don't you go lay down and I'll keep an eye on Gracie." Seth said.
"You sure?" Becky asked.
"I am." Seth said smiling.
"Thank you." Becky said kissing him lightly before walking to their room and and laying down in the bed.

"Hi daddy." Gracie said looking up from her doll house. "Where is mommy?"
"Mommy is laying down because she is sleepy." Seth said.
"Can you play dollies with me?" Gracie asked. "You can be the daddy doll?"
"Of course." Seth said and he sat down and played dolls with Gracie. After a bit a flash caught his eye and he looked up and smiled seeing Becky taking a picture of him.
'Daddy and dollies a little girls dream.' Becky said.
"Mommy." Gracie said smiling before yawning.
"I think someone is ready for sleep." Becky said.
"I am." Gracie said and she began cleaning up. "I think Bella needs to go potty."
"I'll take her out while mommy helps you change." Seth said scooping up the little dog and leaving the room. Becky smiled and helped Gracie pick out her pajamas and change.
"Did you have fun today?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Gracie said. "I like wrapping presents and I know the kids will love them."
"You did an amazing job raising money to do this." Becky said.
"Mommy do you think I could do it again next year?" Gracie asked.
"I think that is a good idea." Becky said. "How did you get so amazing."
"You, daddy and my mama made me that way." Gracie said. "Mommy?"
"What is it?" Becky asked.
"Do you think my mama is proud of me?" Gracie asked.
"My sweet girl, I am more then sure that she is proud of you." Becky said.
"I miss her." Gracie said.
"I know you do but she's here in your heart." Becky said. "How about you dream about her tonight and tell her all the amazing things you've done so far his year."
"I like that." Gracie said as Seth came back in with Bella.
"Come in Bella bed time." Gracie said and the little dog barked and ran to her bed and Gracie tucked her in and kissed her head. "Sweet dreams."
Bella licked her face and then settled down to sleep.
Seth scooped Gracie up and carried her to her bed.
"Night daddy, I love you." Gracies said.
"I love you." Seth said kissing her cheek. "So much."
Gracie smiled and hugged him.
"Night my sweet girl." Becky said kissing her. "Love you."
"Love you." Gracie said and Becky covered her with her comforter and she was out.

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