Chapter 4 - Five Million Dollars

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"Little white rabbit" was the nickname that Qiu Qian had given Bai Lang the first time they had met.

He had called Bai Lang in this way for ten years. Bai Lang knew there was no chance of him making him change it, so he didn't bother to waste any energy on it.

Actually listening to it now, there was some sense of nostalgia.

Bai Lang stood up and nodded at Qiu Qian. "Yes. Thank you Mr Qiu for finding the time to see me."

Actually the Qiu Qian of ten years later didn't change much. Especially his face which wouldn't lose to many young stars. And his untamed charisma, which when Qiu Qian was young made him seem older than his age, would also when he was older make it difficult to tell his age.

A cigarette dangled casually from Qiu Qian's mouth and he ambled over carelessly to another couch and threw himself onto it. "Sit, say whatever it is you want to say."

Bai Lang sat properly. He didn't beat around the bush. "I want to borrow money from Mr Qiu."

"Oh?" Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. He didn't disguise his surprise. "How much?"

"Five million." Bai Lang said calmly. "In cash."

"Five million in cash...." Qiu Qian smoked his cigar. Very slowly he blew a puff at Bai Lang. "That's a lot of money ah. Do you mind letting me know the reason?"

"Of course. My brother Bai Li owes five million to an underground money lender. There is no choice but to repay it." Bai Lang lowered his eyes and considered whether or not he should pretend to be the previous him: naive with unrealistic stubbornness and perseverance. But after thinking about it for a few moments he thought, what was the point?

"If it's not managed well, then if the news is leaked, then I'm afraid that it will affect my endorsement deals." After finishing speaking, Bai Lang couldn't resist the urge to turn his head and cough twice because of the second hand smoke.

Qiu Qian's eyes flashed with obvious calculation. He seemed to be questioning of Bai Lang and his suddenly different behaviour.

"But you don't look nervous ah, so it seems like you don't really care if it's repaid or not?"

Qiu Qian spoke lightly like a feather, but in reality he really immediately grasped a crucial point.

Because if Bai Lang didn't help borrow to repay the money, then the misfortune Bai Li would bring to Bai Lang was the damages from those endorsement deals. However if Bai Lang helped him, then the person who would take on the burden of those debts would be Bai Lang himself. No matter if he borrowed or didn't borrow, in actuality there was no difference to Bai Lang. The only real difference was whether or not his parents and his brother could live peacefully.

"You're right." Bai Lang could not help but smile bitterly. "Whether or not it's repaid makes no difference to me. In the end it will be me that owes money. So I want to ask Mr Qiu for help. After lending this time, to make sure that there isn't a second time. That will be better for the company too."

"Am I so effective? How come I didn't know." Qiu Qian snuffed out his cigar and raised his chin. "Why don't you explain it to me?"

"... to be your kept lover. The five million is the price. Bai Li will never dare to touch someone who is Mr Qiu's person."

Bai Lang's voice was steady, however he still couldn't help but lower his gaze.

Qiu Qian froze for a few seconds, and then suddenly laughed uproariously.

"Keep you!? Hahaha- I didn't hear wrong right!? Hahahaha!!"

Bai Long couldn't control a flush from rising onto his face. He still remembered the first time he rejected Qiu Qian. The way he had spoken had been extremely iron-willed, even though at that time he had been frightened to death. So right now in the face of Qiu Qian's loud laughter, Bai Lang could only mock himself in his heart.

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