Chapter 43 - Coming out of the Closet

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The two people used the opportunity of the personal press conference called by Qiu Qian to come out of the closet.

At that time the internet was still full of rumors about Su Quan and three men in the photos with him. This drew away a lot of the attention and fire, so the opinions about their coming out of the closest wasn't as crazy as it could have been.

But of course it was impossible to avoid attacks and judgement completely. There were definitely pointing the finger at them saying they weren't filial, and because there was also the five year old Qiu XiaoHai involved between them, there were many conservative parents who had very strong opinions.

The majority of them accused Qiu Qian and Bai Lang of providing a bad growing up environment and example for Qiu XiaoHai. Also their coming out of the closet meant that Qiu XiaoHai would have to endure being pointed at and judged. This was extremely irresponsible. This topic was immediately raised by a reporter in a high-pitched and accusatory tone as soon as the press conference started: "Mr Qiu, don't you think you are being irresponsible towards your son?"

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow and asked if a murderer's son can also be considered guilty?

The reporter who asked the question paused. He said in a conservative manner that as long as the son had nothing to do with the crime, then no.

Qiu Qian shrugged. "So if people point and stare at the murderer's son, whose fault is it?"

"But isn't homosexuality possibly hereditary?" The journalist didn't want to admit loss.

"If it is then it is, so what? The question of genetics cannot be controlled by the individual so what do you want me to say?" Qiu Qian's face was filled with disdain.

The reporter's face went red. "Even so, can Mr Qiu please explain why you tricked a woman into giving birth for you!?"

When Qiu Qian heard this, he suddenly laughed. "Not bad. If you want me to answer, then you first have to backup your question with proof. If you don't have any then..."

Qiu Qian didn't finish his sentence. Suddenly everyone realized that although they supposedly could ask anything they wanted at this press conference and it was even broadcasted live, however whether or not "something" would happen to them after or not was guaranteed. Thus all the following question was like hitting cotton, neither painful nor itchy. Bai Lang, who was sitting at home watching it on TV, shook his head. It wasn't as though nobody ever threatened the media, but to do it so brazenly, Qiu Qian must be one of the top few.

Anyway no matter what, once Su Quan's issues died down, Bai Lang and Qiu Qian were henceforth seen as a pair. Everybody knew and there was no need to hide anymore.

The prudent thing to do at this time would be for Bai Lang to lower his exposure and stay away from the spotlight for a while in order to make the fuss die down quicker. However luckily or unluckily he wasn't able to do that, because right now he had gotten nominated for best male actor for the Golden Emperor's Award.

If she had gotten the news one month earlier then Fang Hua would have laughed happily.

However when she received the notification letter in her office, Fang Hua felt for the same time that this gold card really gave her a headache.

Of course for someone new to the industry like Bai Lang, even to receive a nomination itself was very high praise. To him getting a nomination really was already like giving him an award.

However if she didn't want Bai Lang to waste the golden opportunities and popularity brought by the nomination, and asked him to expose himself in various way on a lot of different programs, then the issues regarding his coming out of the closet would immediately follow. And if his coming out of the closet was constantly discussed and over-exposed, then this wasn't good for Bai Lang.

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