Chapter 11 - Following Car

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"We attended the same training program. We studied for over half a year together." Kang Jian immediately explained. "So we became close."

Actually during training days, Bai Lang and Kang Jian could really only be called acquaintances that sometimes ran into each other.

"Its like this." Fan Shan nodded her head. "The training program is a good foundation ah. Once you come out to work, your fellow students can help support you. If there's problems you can discuss together. It's good to keep networking." As she spoke she looked at Bai Lang.

Everyone had seen how Bai Lang had given to the green bean soup to Chen DongLi. How would he reply now?

Unexpectedly, Bai Lang said very lightly, "You troubled yourself. In the future you don't need to do so anymore." {T/N: He's replying to KJ about the green bean soup.} After he spoke he stood up and said to Director Zhou, "It's getting a bit late. I'll take my leave now so I can change into the next outfit."

Kang Jian visibly froze. He stared at Bai Lang's cold attitude with disbelief. He couldn't understand how someone who was warm and gentle on the phone two weeks ago now seemed like he had suddenly completely changed.

Director Zhou ignored Kang Jian's awkward expression. He smiled and looked at his watch. He said to Bai Lang, "Go ahead. Take your time. The next scene is of the landlord so you don't need to rush."

Bai Lang nodded. He nodded at the people at the table, of course not including Kang Jian, and then left.

Both Fan Shan and Yu QianQian looked shocked. This was because they had never before seen this cold side of the gentle and friendly Bai Lang. They were curious about what Kang Jian had done to make the usually good tempered Bai Lang reject him in this manner. When they looked at him, their eyes both expressed disdain at his manner of "not being close but pretending to be close".

As for Kang Jian's senior brother Wu ShenEn, he felt as though Kang Jian had made him lose face. Hence he was very unhappy and his entire face fell heavily. Thus he also gave his leave and went to his dressing room to fix his makeup. He also dragged the awkward and confused Kang Jian with him.


As soon as they entered, Wu ShenEn slammed the door and immediately begun cursing.

"What the hell are you trying to do!? Look at this disgusting face of yours, trying to stick it where people don't want you! Even if you don't care, you should think about my position, I'm your senior brother don't forget!!"

Kang Jian's expression was frozen. "Senior brother, what, what's the matter? Are you having problems with Bai Lang?"

"Problems!? He's been eyeing my position, waiting for a chance to drag me down. How can we not have problems? Don't mess things up for me even more you idiot! Can't you see he doesn't want to be close to you! Can't even be bothered looking at you in the eye. Even I think he's quite cool ah!!"

"But, but I'm really close with Bai Lang. I'm not lying! Look, I have lots of call logs with him in my phone..." Kang Jian hurriedly dug out his phone.

"Was that before or after he got famous? Don't tell me it's from before. You're already this old, do you think making friends is still the same as when you were in primary school? Please grow up!" Wu ShenEn scolded him angrily. "You made me lose face with you, what kind of pig teammate are you? In the future don't come here again, when I go back I'll tell Old Hao about it. You make me so angry!"

"No, senior brother! I really didn't know. I, I was fooled by Bai Lang okay?" When Kang Jian heard this he really panicked. If he couldn't even follow Wu ShenEn to his filming set then it was a huge loss for the recently debuted Kang Jian who desperately needed to show himself. "Please I beg you to overlook it. Just forgive me this once. I definitely won't do it again."

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