ROAMS - Extra 4

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When the bell rang at the end of class, there was a flurry of conversation and the sound of people packing up which filled the room.

Rong Zan was also packing up his books and pens. His movements were very speedy and efficient, as well as being quiet.

At this time Shi Ting turned around. First she looked at the seat directly behind her, then moved her glance to Rong Zan who was behind slightly to the right. She said in a gentle voice, "Next class is science, shouldn't you wake Xiao Hai up early?"

{T/N: Actually says "experiment" class, I assume it's science class. In this case I think the students have their normal classroom which they attend most pen and paper type classes, and then go to special classrooms for science, sport etc.}

Rong Zan glanced up at Shi Ting. He had deep set features as well as a pair of deep, narrow eyes. The appearance was exquisitely perfect, but because of his expression there was also a sense of coldness and hardness. "It's still early."

Shi Ting didn't seem affected and smiled. She picked up her book and stood up. "You need to give him some time to wash his face ba. It also takes at least 5 minutes to walk to the science classroom." The way she stood up and pushed back her chair was also gentle and elegant looking.

Rong Zan didn't reply. He only nodded his head. "See you in the classroom."

Shi Ting behaved as though she didn't understand this dismissal. Instead she said gently, "Then I'll go and mind the table next to the window. Let's be in the same group next class. See you."

"En." Rong Zan agreed. Then he began to organize the things he needed to bring to the science class. After finishing Rong Zan opened Qiu XiaoHai's bag and began to organize for him too. He made his movements slightly bigger this time.

Because of these movements, the Qiu XiaoHai who had been lying on the table sleeping without moving finally moved his mouth and slowly woke up.

After waking up, the first thing Qiu XiaoHai did was stretch lazily. He also yawned. At the same time Rong Zan reached for the thin jacket which had slid off Qiu XiaoHai's shoulders and pulled it back up in a smooth, practiced motion. This was the jacket that Rong Zan had laid on him during class.

Qiu XiaoHai hadn't completely woken up it. He rubbed his face. Rong Zan handed him the jacket. "Put it on."

As though he was used to being commanded, Qiu XiaoHai took the clothes and messily stuck his arms into it.

Rong Zan picked up the things he had prepared and stood up. He helped smooth down Qiu XiaoHai's flipped up collar. "Let's go, next class is science."

"Haaa—-" Qiu XiaoHai yawned again. "Finally a fun one...."

"Being able to sleep while standing, I have to give it to you." Rong Zan helped support Qiu XiaoHai.

"One day I'll definitely master it." Qiu XiaoHai's voice was thick. Then he added, "Oh, I need to go to the toilet."

"There's enough time." Rong Zan's brow slightly moved. "It's on the way."

Qiu XiaoHai looked around then grabbed the water bottle which was hanging on the back of his chair. "We should also bring our water bottles. Just then you didn't drink any water right? You need to drink more ah. Drink more and go to the toilet more, it's good for your body. My coach and Ah Bai both say that." After talking he unscrewed the cap and drank a few gulps. Then he handed it to Rong Zan. "Drink some."

Rong Zan took it with one hand. Without hesitation he drank a few mouthfuls.

Qiu XiaoHai stood to one side grinning and nodding his head. Thus Rong Zan drank a few more mouthfuls.

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