Chapter 45 - Using Love to Embrace Nature

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Qiu Qian's trap for Bai Li required some time to completely take effect. Bai Lang knew what had caused the fire however as for the exact plan that followed, Qiu Qian didn't give him any details. He knew that if Bai Lang knew about it, it would only worry him. However Qiu Qian firmly believed that the three Bai family members needed to be chased out of those two apartments. Who asked them to cause trouble for Bai Lang all because of those two apartments?

Bai Lang also didn't have much time to look into this matter. Other than being busy filming Chaos Street, he also had to attend a wide variety of programs because of his Golden Emperor nomination. Of course all of these programs had been given specific instructions and a list of topics that they were not allowed to discuss. The same rule applied to everyone.

Other than that Bai Lang also accepted a special job. The country's aviation dragon, Rong Air, invited Bai Lang to attend a press conference to announce that he would be their spokesperson for the next five years.

Usually this type of spokesperson was signed on from year to year, so a five year contract can be considered significantly long. Also previously Rong Air had never called a press conference for the specific purpose of introducing a spokesperson. So by doing this the Rong family was plainly making a statement that they were supporting the Bai Lang who had just come out of the closet.

In the press conference, not only did the very private CEO Rong Ai appear, even Rong SiQi made an appearance as a member of the Rong family. It was first time he had ever admitted in public his identity as a young master of the Rong family.

When this was exposed, it almost gobbled up all the attention of the reporters. Bai Lang naturally didn't mind. He was both amused and touched by Rong SiQi's stubborn insistence on getting involved in this matter, even though previously he had clearly stated that he didn't want his identity to be known because it might affect his music. And the scene during the press release that made the reporters the most excited, was the scene of Rong SiQi and Bai Lang embracing as close friends.

Not only that but at this time Qiu Qian was also sitting underneath the stage, arms crossed, having mingled in unannounced with the reporters. This distracted the reporters even more. Both on the stage and off the stage there were so many interview opportunities that they only hated that they didn't bring even more cameras and crew!

So with the support of his friends, his lover and his family (Qiu XiaoHai who could only stay at home to watch TV), this period of wind and rain brought on by the photographs on the internet, didn't cause much fluctuations in Bai Lang's mood. In fact the kindness, friendship and support shown by the people around him, including Zhu Kuan, Que QiMing and even Sun XiBin who he had not even known for very long, all made Bai Lang feel that his life after rebirth was really very beautiful.

But of course, not everything could be so smooth and easy.

Only just after the fuss had begin to die down, Bai Lang once again received an invitation to a special program: Using Love to Embrace Nature.

Other than Bai Lang, the invitation specifically stated it also wanted to invite Qiu Qian and Qiu XiaoHai.


The main formula of the program Using Love to Embrace Nature involved inviting three famous star's families to go on a backpacking and camping trip into nature for three days and two nights. After editing it would show the comedic interaction of the families, lovers spats, as well their awkwardness and lack of experience in dealing with outdoorsy type situations, in order to entertain the audience. The concept was healthy, natural and family-friendly and it was a very popular program.

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