Chapter 54 - Qiu Qian vs Kang Jian

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After Chaos Street had broadcasted for around a month, there was almost no young people who didn't recognize the two roles Chen FengGe and Luo Zai.

Other than its fixed time slot on television, Chaos Street was also trending on the internet. Because it was popular, all of the online streaming sites promoted it well. With the support of various internet giants like Full Circle, the download and streaming of Chaos Street on various online platforms far exceeded that of just on its official website. It had pretty much reached the extent of being readily available anywhere and everywhere that the audience felt like watching it. This meant it could attract audience's attention even better.

Of course the episodes online was a few episodes behind that being broadcasted on television. This was to thank the audience members who were willing to tune in at the set time every day. If those on the internet wanted to catch up then they would need to pay a fee similar to that of purchasing an ice cream. This was originally a small service provided to those who were both impatient but didn't want to sit through advertisements. However they didn't expect that the people who subscribed to this service soon blew out as the promotions got bigger and bigger. When an analysis after one month of broadcasting it was found that approximately 20% of the audience watched it via a platform other than TV.

All of this represented one thing. And that was that Bai Lang had become popular again.

It wasn't just Bai Lang. The first male lead Sun XinBin and also a few supporting stars, all got a lot of attention from fans.

Because the popularity of this drama arose from the entire team. From the director, producer, guest stars, main stars, and even people responsible for the background music and special effects, on each level they had brought an above-average effort. The combined together effort could be summarized by the audience in three words: "great to watch".

Without a doubt, the fact that the budget was large was one of the primary reasons behind this. Also this drama had been through three years of reflection. After it was carefully and meticulously edited and re-examined, of course it would become better and stronger. Also another reason that the majority of people weren't aware of was that the patron and boss of this drama practically appeared on set every single day. In these circumstances how did anyone dare to slack off?

So the fact that Chaos Street got popular was very natural. There wasn't even a single thread of artifice.

Under this kind of great promotion it took only two weeks of broadcasting Chaos Street for Bai Lang to gain back his previous popularity. It was just as Kang Jian said and really wasn't an exaggeration.

Soon, the main characters as well as some supporting characters in the drama were all notified that they would be participating in some variety show programs. After all popularity was a wave. Right now any programs that were able to invite some members of the show, whether they be main or supporting, to come on to discuss some interesting snippets and clips, would experience a significant rise in viewership. So these invitations began to flood in like flakes of snow during a snowstorm.

Thus once people started to talk, very quickly the gossip that Boss Qiu would come to visit the set every day was soon exposed and spread out. Even the fact that Boss Qiu had gotten angry because of Bai Lang's kissing scene was talked about, with exaggerated vinegar for effect. Under this kind of gossip, Qiu Qian's image practically became that of stereotypical modern jealous husband. It made Bai Lang laugh for a long time.

However this type of chatter meant that Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's relationship was easier for fans to accept three years later.

After what had happened, Bai Lang no longer cared to think about whether or not his relationship with Qiu Qian was showy, and whether he should try to mask it somewhat. Life was so unpredictable that it was important to grasp every moment. This was how Bai Lang and Qiu Qian felt after experiencing these three years.

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