Chapter 46 - Ah Bai's Fish

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There were three stars attending this episode of Using Love to Embrace Nature. They were Ruan Ying, Li YouFeng and Chen Xun. All of them came with their families so there were nine people altogether.

There were two male stars and one female star, and they had two daughters and one son.

The only female star was Ruan Ying.

Ruan Ying had been in the singing world for seven to eight years. In a time were newcomers were changed often, she can be considered a singer with a lot of experience. Prior to debuting she had been a guzhen {T/N: Chinese zither} teacher. Her debut song was suitably had an ancient Chinese theme with a guzhen playing. Paired with her delicate features and warm and gentle voice, it pushed Ruan Ying to the heights of popularity. After that she had gone down this warm and romantic singer image for many years. Her audience also didn't get sick of her and so she got the title of Popular Goddess. It was unknown if this title meant Ruan Ying was unable to change her image for so many years, however actually Ruan Ying quite liked it herself.

Of the other two stars, Li YouFeng originally started off as a folk singer. His uncle appearance was popular with university students. Chen Xun was a talk show host from a variety program, he was comedic and fast-witted. Every episode of Using Love to Embrace Nature, would invite at least one star with a fun-loving personality to make the atmosphere more lively and in this episode this was Chen Xun's hidden job.

However they didn't expect that on the way to the campground when Chen Xun cracked a couple of jokes and made a bit of noise on the bus, he was actually rudely reprimanded by a frowning Ruan Ying. She said that her daughter got car sick and couldn't he please be a bit quieter? Saying this was like pouring icy water on Chen Xun's head.

Chen Xun was professional and usually he would have been able to smile and simply let it go. However right now his wife and son were both sitting by his side, watching, and so it was much harder to swallow than usual. So everyone on the crew could tell that from the beginning, Chen Xun didn't seem to want to talk to Ruan Ying. This really was an unfortunate beginning.

Not unexpectedly, in the following interactions, without Chen Xun's lively and slapstick humor to liven the atmosphere, everything became much more cold and stilted. And Li YouFeng's family had his wife has the figurehead. This meant that Li YouFeng didn't talk but was only responsible for following her orders. This sharp-mouthed auntie really was a matching pair with this big uncle, however although they were very harmonious it wasn't cute at all ah. So the filming crew really felt worried. In this entire group of people, probably only the kids were worth filming.

So when they heard Ruan Ying's daughter Zhao YingZheng speak up in a milky voice, everyone jolted to attention. Although according to the schedule, after delegating the tasks of setting up camp, it was time to go into the forest to find forage some wild vegetables and fruit, however natural interaction was the most important. So the production crew naturally brought out pre-prepared fishing rods.

Li YouFeng and Chen Xun had also been watching how the neighbouring group seemed to be catching fish left and right and so their heart was also moved. Thus a few people enthusiastically got into this originally should have been quite boring fishing activity.

However after more than ten minutes passed, the water in the lake was still calm and un-moving. By this time the pink-faced Zhao YingZheng had already started making an impatient tantrum.

Where was the fish?! How come there was no fish ah? Daddy, I want fish, I want fish.....

Of course screaming like this probably made the fish scatter even more. There was even less movement on everyone's fishing rods. Ruan Ying's husband Zhao QiPring, who was a small boss of a car dealership, usually acted like a big lord in this family. He had never been tortured like this before. In addition the cameras kept filming from the side so he irritably told his daughter to be quiet.

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