Chapter 60 - Complete Defeat

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Li Sha filed for a divorce. As for the two people embroiled in a stormy affair out of wedlock, Lin ChenYuan and Kang Jian, what happened to them?

First Lin ChenYuan. The day that Li Sha had come to make a fuss he had turned around and stabbed Kang Jian in the back. The reason for that was completely because he was scared of offending Li Min. After the night at the club when he was violently treated by Kang Jian, Lin ChenYuan woke up from his beautiful illusion. He saw clearly that someone like Kang Jian definitely wasn't really in love with him.

He knew that if the two people's relationship became an issue later, there was no doubt that Kang Jian wouldn't stand by him to support him. This could be seen clearly just from the fact that Kang Jian had earned 20 million but didn't even want to buy a measly little apartment for him. After thinking about it for a long time, Lin ChenYuan's heart went cold and he felt as though his suspicions were correct.

Thus from that day, Lin ChenYuan had in secret starting preparing some "special photos" of when he and Kang Jian were together. The most important thing was he needed to paint himself into the image of a victim, otherwise when things got exposed, he would end up in the pitiful state of being tricked by Kang Jian into giving up his body, and also at the same time offending and being the target of Li Min and Li Sha's revenge. That definitely wasn't worth it.

Thus Lin ChenYuan didn't feel a little bit guilty about preparing a reverse attack. The day of Li Sha's fuss, Lin ChenYuan had gone with the two security guards to the police station and filed an official statement accusing of Kang Jian of threatening and blackmail.

Kang Jian found this development so ridiculous he didn't know if he should cry or laugh!!

This type of brainless story, was there really someone who would believe it!?

After Kang Jian watched Lin ChenYuan leave the security officers, he laughed coldly. He wasn't really worried about himself. The fact that Lin ChenYuan would turn around to bite him, the important thing was he was scared of Li Min's revenge. But saying he threatened him!? Blackmail!? Forced him!? Kang Jian didn't believe Lin ChenYuan really had any real evidence! So, if he wanted to report then just let him report!! He definitely had the means to hire the best and most expensive lawyers to prove his innocence!!

It should be strange that Kang Jian was able to think so openly about this kind of thing, because right now Kang Jian really didn't have any spare time to pay attention to it.

From the moment Li Sha had stormed into his apartment with a group of people, Kang Jian was kicked out by Li Sha and Li Min. All of the fame and reputation that he had worked so hard to accumulate were immediately eliminated by the reporter's ugly news.

When Kang Jian's words were broadcasted, the effect was that his painstakingly curated image of someone that appeared to be a player on the surface but was actually loyal inside, was completely destroyed and changed into that of an unseemly beast!! Or something even worse!! His career has an actor took a major hit.

Of course this was if Kang Jian still even had a path left as an actor. After Li Sha filed her divorce, Li Min put out the word that if anyone gave Kang Jian any work, then they should expect Harmony Entertainment's revenge.

Even so Kang Jian was the one who said those vicious words himself, however afterwards he still more or less blamed Li Sha for her impulsiveness and inability to see the big picture!! This stupid woman, what couldn't be said behind closed doors? He was just acting like a big man in front of Lin ChenYuan. Afterwards he might even have been willing to coax and pacify Li Sha! But now that it had gotten to this point, there wasn't any chance of that. Kang Jian really hated Li Sha's idiocy and impulsiveness.

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