Chapter 12 - Grocery Basket

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A silver SUV parked outside the grand doors of Total Entertainment.

The journalists who had been waiting by the door all swarmed forward at this time, and the cameras flashed blindingly.

Six burly security guards immediately came over to ensure the safety of area outside the car door.

A few impatient reporters had already started to yell.

"Mr Bai, do you have any explanation for the news report today?"

"Is the watch on your wrist real or is it an A grade replica Mr Bai?"

"What's your thoughts on purchasing an A grade replica? Mr Bai can you say a few things?"

"Mr Bai shouldn't you make some explanation as to where you were sleeping last night? The fans are very curious ah!!"

Bai Lang ensured that his sunglasses were worn correctly on his nose. He didn't delay but opened the door of the car decisively.

The lights of cameras flashed like crazy and the voices of the reporters became even more piercing.

"Mr Bai, can you please reply to our questions!?"

"These are all the fan's questions, Mr Bai shouldn't you respond properly ah!?"

"Mr Bai, can you please let us know who your patron is ah!? Or is it only that you're deliberately trying to create news to promote yourself!?"

"I want to ask about the day your car sped in the city Mr Bai, are you creating dangers for the public!?"

In the face of these aggressive questions, Bai Lang acted as Fang Hua had instructed him on the phone. His footsteps didn't stop and he only smiled slightly and waved his hand. "Thank you for everyone's concern. Hope everyone has a good day."

The cameras flashed blindingly.

"Mr Bai, today you are still wearing that watch ah!!"

"Mr Bai do you really like this watch or is it some special significant gift!?"

"Mr Bai you're wearing a diamond watch and living in a luxurious residence but have you given anything to your family!?"

"Mr Bai, can I ask what dish you made that night!?"

This question of a particular publication made Bai Lang pause. He turned around and looked for the person who asked the question.

This caused the crowd of reporters being restrained by the security guards to go into frenzy, fighting with each other as to who could scream their question the loudest.

Very quickly, Bai Lang found the young woman wearing thick-rimmed glasses. She was being squeezed inside the crowd with her head full of sweat. In her hand she held a microphone asking her own question, trying to get his attention.


Bai Lang smiled it. Under her shocked and joyful gaze, he turned around and walked into the company.


When Bai Lang walked into Fang Hua's office, there were seven or eight newspapers spread out over her desk.

The newspapers were all entertainment publications and they were all filled with Bai Lang's pictures.

The articles accompanying the newspapers mostly contained the same questions that Bai Lang had been asked outside.

A large amount were candid photos taken from while Bai Lang, wearing sunglasses, was shopping at a supermarket.

In them Bai Lang was wearing a dark blue lined with silver shirt paired with gray trousers. His sleeves were rolled up and in one hand he held a grocery basket. It was clear that the photographs were taken by the same person and then distributed to the various large publications.

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