Chapter 8 - Missed Call

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By the time they left the shoot, it was already 10PM in the evening.

It was long past the scheduled shooting time. However since the result was worth it, everyone bore their tiredness.

Hong Hong brought the car over to pick him up. "I've moved everything over already. Tomorrow I'll take care of the rent for your old place."

In the afternoon while Bai Lang was working, Hong Hong had asked him for the key to his home and helped him move over to the new place without any delay.

"All of it? Even the things in the fridge?" Bai Lang was sitting in the backseat.

Hong Hong turned the steering wheel. "Yes. Is there anything else that needs to be done?"

"No." Bai Lang thought about it. "Are you hungry? Do you want to have supper?"

As it was the first day with a new assistant, Bai Lang this small boss ought to have taken him out to eat.

Hong Hong paused for a long time before replying, "Okay."

It looked like he was actually unwilling but because of the future needs of working together, he had agreed.

Bai Lang smiled a little. However he told Hong Hong to take him to the new house that Qiu Qian had given him.

Once they arrived, the previously cold and luxurious living room was now filled with boxes. It was lucky that Bai Lang's old apartment came with furniture, otherwise if he had to move it all over it would really be a big headache.

Bai Lang asked Hong Hong to sit and went to the fridge to confirm that Hong Hong had indeed moved all the contents over.

After busying himself for ten minutes, Bai Lang brought out two steaming hot tomato egg noodles from the kitchen. From the pale gold broth a fragrant steam wafted out. There was also a egg flower and a few pieces of tomato. It looked both light and delicious.

"It's just tomato egg noodle soup. See if it's too your liking." Bai Lang put down the bowl and called his guest over.

Hong Hong's expression was a little bit strange. Since Bai Lang had gone to busy himself in the kitchen, he hadn't given any opinions. Now he took the pair of chopsticks and started to directly eat. Since his second mouthful, "su-su-su" the sound of slurping echoed in the room. Bai Lang felt satisfied in his heart and so slowly began to eat his own bowl.

In his past life Bai Lang only discovered about his heart problem a few months before death. At that time the impact on Bai Lang had been quite heavy. Probably it was for this reason that Bai Lang lost his head and agreed to Kang Jian's request to come out of the closet in such a manner. After all he didn't have long in the world, so there was no point dragging it out. {T/N: Er, author wrote it like this, but just to be clear his lifespan might be shortened somewhat especially if he doesn't take care of himself, but it's not like he's going to drop dead on the spot or anything unless he's placed under immense shock/pressure and neglecting himself like in his previous life.}

But even so, Bai Lang had also thought about taking care of himself well. The doctor had told him have a regular lifestyle and a healthy diet. Bai Lang had also spent some time researching it. It just so happened to be that on the cooking programme two years prior, Bai Lang had been given a chance to see many star's cooking and in order to achieve a good effect for the show, Bai Lang had also spent a lot of time researching cooking and recipes.

As he cooked more and more, Bai Lang developed an interest in it. After his rebirth, Bai Lang still didn't like to eat things cooked from outside. He liked to get fresh ingredients to make things himself. It was more to his taste as well as being more healthy.

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