Chapter 22 - Sunscreen Oil

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The watch returned to Bai Lang's wrist.

It was just that Qiu Qian was very displeased about Bai Lang's "disappearance". When his search for answers only yielded several vague statements, it made him even more dissatisfied. Thus he expressed that Bai Lang definitely needed a punishment, just like when Qiu XiaoHai ran way.

So thus with one more week of the holiday time left, Qiu Qian ordered Bai Lang to pack a suitcase and leave with them that afternoon.

Bai Lang obeyed and packed a simple backpack. As he was leaving he grabbed his phone and couldn't help asking, "Where are we going?"

Qiu Qian coldly glanced at Bai Lang's phone. "Oh so you still know how to use it? Too bad because we are going somewhere where you won't be able to get any reception."

"...." Bai Lang was speechless. Was this holding a grudge? "Five days after new years, Sister Fang will probably contact me."

"What do you have an assistant for? If she can't find you she will find Er Hong." Qiu Qian lifted up a big bag that was Qiu XiaoHai's luggage. "Let's go."

Qiu XiaoHai was happily jumping up and down. He ran over to grab Bai Lang's hand. "Ah Bai let's go, this time we can go play together!"

Bai Lang glanced at Qiu Qian who was walking in front then whispered in a low voice, "Do you know where we are going?"

Qiu XiaoHai grinned sunnily. "No idea."


This child really made one worry.


Without any further discussion, the car drove towards the back mountain then immediately took a turn towards the highway.

There there was an about thirty or forty minutes car journey in which Qiu XiaoHai didn't stop talking, mostly about the boat he had taken when he went back to Xindao with daddy and how big and how pretty it was. Bai Lang of course played the part of the conversation partner, making the appropriate responses. Outside the window he could only see more highway. This way when he next realized what was happening they were already at the entrance of A City's international airport.

"...." Bai Lang and Qiu XiaoHai were kicked out of the car. Bai Lang adjusted his sunglasses in a slightly shocked manner, "I didn't bring my passport."

"I have it." Qiu Qian was just talking into the phone and responded to him between sentences.

Not long later, Qiu Qian's assistant Xiao Li who often helped transport Qiu XiaoHai appeared out of nowhere. Qiu Qian threw the keys at him and after a few more sentences grabbed two big bags and at the same time put his arm around Bai Lang's waist and started walking towards the front door. "Let's go, what are standing around like an idiot for?"

Bai Lang couldn't help but freeze. He quickly looked around them.

Two big men walking, one of whom had his arm around the other's waist, what was that if not coming out of the closet? Also he was still holding Qiu XiaoHai's hand....

So Bai Lang dug his heels into the pavement, clearly a rejecting motion. "You...."

Qiu Qian was also wearing sunglasses. But underneath his sunglasses his mouth twitched slightly. "I said before that you needed to be punished, did you think I was joking?"

Bai Lang didn't know what to say. He could only frown. What kind of "punishment" was this? Was it punishing him or was it punishing Sister Fang?

Qiu Qian raised his eyebrow. "Last time didn't you say you didn't care? Now you do?" {T/N: Referring when BL told HH to let the newspapers write what they wanted.}

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