Chapter 15 - Little Rabbit Steamed Bun

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"—! Wu ow—-"

The punished Qiu XiaoHai cried until his entire face was red. He looked extremely pitiful but he still clung onto Qiu Qian's neck and refused to let go.

In the end Qiu Qian was still a father. He smacked until his heart softened however his mouth still wasn't good. "Looks like you really want me to attach a leash to your neck. Trust me I will do it. How many times have you run away now, you tell me!"

"Wuwu...." Qiu XiaoHai miserably cried and rubbed himself against Qiu Qian's head. "... Three times."

"My ass! It's five times!" Qiu Qian added a few more slaps on Qiu XiaoHai's butt. "If you run away again then mark my words, I won't come looking for you. You can run to wherever you like and see if I care!"

Bai Lang watched this silently. It was a side of Qiu Qian he had never seen before. He turned around and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of warm water. Qiu XiaoHai had cried until his voice was hoarse and he had just eaten a pancake so he was probably thirsty. This way he could avoid hearing what he probably shouldn't listen to.

Qiu XiaoHai hiccuped and said in a pitiful voice, ".... I won't run away. I just want to be together with daddy....."

"Didn't I tell you it's not convenient? I'm often not here," Qiu Qian frowned. "Don't I always go back to see you? I also sign off on your homework every day." {T/N: I'm not sure about this term, I believe it's like a form the parent has to sign off every day that the child has completed the tasks set by the teacher. I think this is trying to say that QQ at least drops in to see his son every day if he is in the country.}

"But, but I didn't see it ah. Every time it's when I'm sleeping." Qiu XiaoHai's tears fell town non-stop.

"Ancestor, you can't blame me for your sleeping ah," Qiu Qian said. "I'm also wondering if I gave birth to a pig for a child, how come everytime you're sleeping?"

"I'm, I'm not a pig!! It's only because I drink the soup that I fall asleep," Qiu XiaoHai was so anxious he stammered. "I also don't like to drink it. Can you tell Auntie Yang not to make me drink the soup anymore."

Qiu Qian's face went dark and he laughed coldly. "Auntie Yang works hard to make you soup every day and you don't like it? Are you some kind of young master? Me, your father, never had this kind of fortune. If you don't drink it I'll beat you."

Qiu XiaoHai had thick skin and he wasn't scared of being hit. He raised his head and said in a loud voice, "If daddy lets me live with him then I'll drink it!"

This topic came around again. Qiu Qian felt impatient and stood up. "That's enough, let's go home. Anyway I'm going on an overseas trip soon. So if you want to run away again go ahead and run! No one will pay any attention to you."

At this time Bai Lang had just come out of the kitchen holding the glass. He saw Qiu Qian holding Qiu XiaoHai who was yelling, "I don't want! I want to go with you!" He handed over the glass.

"Drink this before you go. He probably wants to scream some more." Bai Lang said.

Qiu Qian took the glass. "Do you have any earplugs? Lend me a pair."

The Qiu XiaoHai who was in the midst of hollering suddenly stopped and stared at the glass. He suddenly pointed at Bai Lang and said to Qiu Qian, "How about I stay here with Jiang XinCheng? He can help me do my homework. I, I'll wait here for daddy to come home! Okay? Okay? Okay?"

Qiu Qian said, "What's the difference? If you're waiting for me, isn't everywhere the same?"

"I, I like Jiang XinCheng ma. Ah Zan also lives next door. I can go and find him to play!" Qiu XiaoHai's fist clenched Qiu Qian's collar.

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