Chapter 9 - Jiang XinCheng

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Bai Lang paused for a moment, then said, "He's not my friend."

Of course Qiu Qian didn't miss Bai Lang's pause. "'Not my friend' can have a lot of meanings. Lover? Enemy? Random bystander?"

Bai Lang didn't reply but instead asked a question of his own. "What did you talk about?"

It was unknown whether or not he was trying to evade the question. Bai Lang turned and walked to the dressing table on the far side of the room and seemed to be looking for something.

Qiu Qian stared at Bai Lang. "Not much. Hanged up after asking for his name. Why, are you scared of my saying the wrong thing?"

"I've been stabbed by him before, in the back. You should be careful." Bai Lang found the hairdryer. He said down dressing table and began to blow dry his hair.

"Hu—" A loud sound filled the room.

"Stabbed?" Qiu Qian frowned. This was another thing that the report hadn't mentioned. "What kind of being stabbed?"

According to the report, other than being scammed two years ago {T/N: When he initially signed onto the old entertainment company}, Bai Lang's life had been mostly unremarkable. As for his relationship with Kang Jian, it was completely not in the report.... This report was definitely defective.

"In a deadly manner, I almost lost my life." Bai Lang's voice floated vaguely over the loud sound of the hair dryer.

This kind of answer was clearly being deliberately vague. Qiu Qian felt dissatisfied. "Be more specific."

But Bai Lang's only answer was the loud hum of the hair dryer and his expressionless profile.

This made Qiu Qian think of the time Bai Lang had gone back to T City. At that time, sitting in his car, Bai Lang also had this kind of face.

It was empty and completely devoid of any emotion.

Qiu Qian frowned. He looked down at the phone number again. "This Kang Jian is really thick skinned ah. He can still act as though nothing ever happened?"

"Isn't that more frightening?" Bai Lang continued to dry his hair.

"Do you need me to help you?" Qiu Qian threw away the phone.

There was a loud "ka-cha" sound. The loud and noisy sound in the room suddenly ceased, plunging it back into silence. Bai Lang had finished drying his hair. He switched off the electricity and at the same time spoke, very clearly.

"I can do it myself."

"Pretty cool." Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. It was clear he wasn't in a good mood. "But you're not allowed to think about other men. Come here!"

After their "exchange", Qiu Qian often commanded Bai Lang in this way. As though he wanted to remind Bai Lang about their relationship.

Bai Lang turned his head. His expressionless face from before was gone, instead replaced by the look of helplessness that he often wore these days. He still walked over to the bed and without waiting for Qiu Qian to make any moves, voluntarily lowered his head and gave the other man a short kiss. However Qiu Qian immediately grabbed the back of his head and deepened the kiss with fervor.

"Remember." After Qiu Qian released Bai Lang's lips, he licked them. "Go and change your phone number today."

"En." Bai Lang suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. "Breakfast is bacon omelette, do you want it?"

In terms of effort, Bai Lang really had spent a lot on Qiu Qian. These days he came five days a week. Although he didn't stay the night every time, however he would definitely completely exhaust Bai Lang before leaving. Also the Qiu Qian who originally didn't have anything here, now had a towel, pajamas, toothbrush, bowl, chopsticks, slippers and the most evil, an ashtray. A complete set.

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