Chapter 47 - Wedding Feast

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"A wedding invitation?" Bai Lang was surprised. He took the red-colored envelope held out by Fang Hua. "For me?"

"Yes. Li Sha and Kang Jian's wedding invitation. It's set for the middle of next month." Fang Hua raised her brow. "Both you and Qiu Qian are invited. Your invitation is sent by Kang Jian. Qiu Qian is invited by Li Sha and Harmony Entertainment."

Bai Lang raised his eyebrow. He opened the envelope and glanced at it to confirm it. It really was a proper invitation to Kang Jian's wedding. Both parent's names were listed. The wedding invitation also came with a small fashionable thank you card for guests. It was a photo of Li Sha in dress, shrunken down to business card size, for the guests to keep as a commemoration.

In the card, Li Sha was wearing a blue colored dress encrusted with rhinestones. The high waistline was unable to completely hide her protruding belly. And the girl also didn't seem to want to hide it. She used one hand to hold her stomach and was leaning against the straight and tall Kang Jian who was wearing a suit. Both of their faces looked blissfully happy.

Except this blissfully happy woman still had time to come out to find trouble for him. Bai Lang thought about the invitation he had received before to attend Using Love to Embrace Nature, and now there was this wedding invitation. Bai Lang really didn't understand and so he handed the invitation back to Fang Hua. "I'm not interested. Throw it away ba."

Fang Hua took it back with understanding. She smiled, "I really don't know what that small-hearted couple is thinking. They act like they have a beef with you and Qiu Qian, going around everywhere making trouble, but when they got married they still send over an invitation? What kind of emotional conflict are they going through? If they want to make people uncomfortable this isn't a very effective method."

"Who knows," Bai Lang smiled helplessly, "Is Brother Qiu going?"

"The company doesn't need the big boss to go out personally to make contacts." Fang Hua waved her hands. "If you don't go of course he won't either. I'll just directly send over a gift in the company's name."

Bai Lang nodded. Suddenly he smiled and said, "Other people's companies have joyous news. I wonder if our company will too?"

"Our company?" Fang Hua paused. Her eyes opened wide and she asked, "Are you guys going to have a wedding too?"

"....." Bai Lang was speechless. This really was him hitting his own face. "I'm asking about Sister Fang and Brother Cheng."

Fang Hua's face changed slightly. "What kind of silly nonsense has Ah Cheng been spouting again?"

After Chaos Street, Qiu Qian had instructed Lin GongCheng into send a group of people to follow Bai Lang every day about his business.

Other than being responsible for blocking the reporters, initially he had also been wary whether Su Quan or Bai Li would come up with any new tricks. So of course Fang Hua also had to get involved in this. Using the excuse of needing to communicate for work, Lin GongCheng's pursuit of Fang Hua for the second time around had been quite successful. This event that had never occured in his past life now seemed like it had signs of life.

Also thinking about it, Kang Jian's development this life had also gone down a completely different road to before. If not for the fact that Bai Lang had asked Fang Hua to help stuff Kang Jian into the production that ended up having a drug scandal, then Kang Jian would not have been forced to leave his original media company and ended up joining Harmony Entertainment. After that he met Li Sha and now he was even going to have a child.

It was hard to say if this was good or bad. However this was approximately all that Kang Jian could do right now. In his past life, Kang Jian's fiancee Shen LingLing's family background was higher by quite a few levels compared to Li Sha's, which showed the extent of Kang Jian's ambition. So Bai Lang originally felt that Li Sha was only a stepping stone in Kang Jian's life. He didn't expect that Kang Jian would actually decide to marry and have a child with her. From this, his desperation at being driven into a corner could be seen. Because up until right now, other than his initial debut movie, he had only gotten an assortment of minor roles and hadn't had any major productions.

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