Chapter 23 - Airport Photograph

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Qiu Qian suddenly slapped Bai Lang's butt. "Turn around. I've finished with the back."

Bai Lang was still frozen. Very slowly he obediently rolled over. After a few seconds of thinking he finally opened his mouth, "Regarding the phone, really the reason was because–"

However he didn't get to finish before Qiu Qian pinched his waist fiercely.

"Wrong answer," Qiu Qian narrowed his eyes. "Right now there's only two answer options. Number 1: 'Okay, let's try it'. Number 2: 'You're disgusting. Leave your money and get out.' Of these two, which one do you want to pick?"

Bai Lang was silent.

This kind of method was abrupt and blunt. But at the same it didn't leave any room for vagueness.

Qiu Qian came closer to Bai Lang. He licked Bai Lang's lips in an a dangerous manner.

"I should remind you that you only have one chance. If you chose wrong then there won't be a second chance."

Bai Lang looked into Qiu Qian's eyes and heard his warning. He wanted to laugh helplessly.

If you ask me to chose like this then how can I give any other answer?

Bai Lang admitted to himself that it was just Qiu Qian had guessed, that his heart had been somewhat moved by their time together.

Probably because the days after his rebirth were too lonely.

Suddenly returning to ten years ago, although the people around him seemed familiar however they were also like strangers. The things that had happened within the Bai family also hurt Bai Lang's heart a lot.

So after getting together with Qiu Qian, Bai Lang would naturally place his feelings onto him. No matter if it was friendship, feelings of gratefulness or if were some other type of nameless emotion. Then with the addition of Qiu XiaoHai's warmth and intimacy, the kind of warmth that made one's heart soften, Bai Lang couldn't help but think that if his days could just go on like this, then it would be pretty good.

That was why, when Qiu Qian took Qiu XiaoHai home for new years, the cold and empty apartment forced Bai Lang face the cold, harsh reality once again.

A warm and peaceful life. It was all just an illusion. Like an oasis in the dessert, it was just a beautiful mirage.

Because Bai Lang also knew that Ya Qi's words were not just spoken out of anger and an unwillingness to accept the situation. There was some truth to it too.

Take the Qiu Qian of his past life for an example. In his life there had been many rumored partners, all of them small stars from the time before they got famous.

The time to cycle from one to the next was not fast but neither was it slow. The pattern was one every 1-2 years.

As for these stars who had become famous because of Qiu Qian, their fans might not know a thing but the people inside the industry were very clear.

As for why Qiu Qian was like this and if the reason was really Su Quan as Ya Qi said, then Bai Lang couldn't be sure.

However actually that wasn't important. The important thing was after 1-2 years then their relationship should also follow this same trajectory and finish.

Just history repeating itself.

So Qiu Qian's guess was actually very accurate.

The moment that Bai Lang had switched off his phone, he really had made a decision in his heart. He had made the decision that he would use these days of being alone to rebuild the walls around his heart.

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