Chapter 61 - Grand Finale

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Kang Jian, who was chased by the media and mocked by everyone, had been hiding for nearly half a month.

This previously bright and showy individual was right now not quite at the level of a stinky homeless beggar, however he wasn't far off with heavy eyebags and a pitiful appearance. In order to hide from the reporters and the underground money lenders, he didn't dare to go back for his luggage and car at the hotel. Every day he wouldn't stay long in the same place. With this kind of despairing feelings and crushing anxiety, Kang Jian actually persisted for half a month and can be considered quite a good effort.

Of course Kang Jian didn't know that his every moment was still being closely monitored by Qiu Qian's people. And they would now and again notify the underground money lenders, causing them to often appear within Kang Jian's sights in order to increase his fear and anxiety. This was to push him to look for his loved ones, so that they could get their money back.

However even though Kang Jian had been wandering around outside for quite some time, they didn't see him go to look for anyone for help. However for a few days ago, he had started hiding out in a small alley near Total Entertainment's big building, surreptitiously observing the place. And if one thought about who in Total Entertainment was the focus of Kang Jian's thoughts? Then the answer could only be Bai Lang.

At this time Kang Jian completely realized Qiu Qian's conjecture from before, however Qiu Qian didn't feel any joy at being right. It only made him more determined to take care of Kang Jian and his thoughts, otherwise it would be leaving too despicable of a tail!

So Qiu Qian also didn't want to waste any more effort. He planned to tell people just to grab Kang Jian and "take care of him" once and for all. However in this he was met with Bai Lang's resistance. Right now Kang Jian was still the focus of the entire country's attention and pursuit. Bai Lang didn't want Qiu Qian to take such a risk over Kang Jian and leave some kind of trail which others could use to hold over him in the future. It simply wasn't worth it and wasn't necessary.

It was rare that these two people would have a disagreement but at this time Kang Jian was unable to hold on any longer. On a particular morning he rushed into Total Entertainment's building and said bluntly that he wanted to meet with Bai Lang and talk to him. The receptionist of course rejected him but he simply sat down on the couch in the lobby and said he would wait until Bai Lang appeared. He said if he didn't see Bai Lang then he wouldn't leave.

Of course Total Entertainment had ways to make people leave. Asking a few security guards to throw him out was as easy as anything. However the news spread to Bai Lang's ears. Thinking about it, Bai Lang thought that making things clear and finally airing out his thoughts was also a way of dealing with things. So he got into a car and headed towards Total Entertainment's building. He agreed to meet with Kang Jian.

At this time Qiu Qian was at his shipping company partaking in a very important video conference. So the news was delayed by half an hour to reach him, and by then it was too late to stop it. Qiu Qian was so angry he knocked over a table, fired the female secretary who had prevented the news being sent into the meeting room, and then instructed for his car to speed towards Total Entertainment's big building.

At the same time, Bai Lang was already in a meeting room inside Total Entertainment, and met with Kang Jian.


"Ah Lang! You definitely have to help me!"

When Kang Jian saw Bai Lang come in, he rushed over and threw himself at Bai Lang's feet.

Beside Bai Lang was the tall and built Hong Hong. Hong Hong came forward and easily kicked Kang Jian aside.

Although Kang Jian was pushed aside however he didn't get up. He continued to kneel there and with red eyes, he said fervently, "I know there's been some misunderstanding between you and me Ah Lang! You think I did something to wrong you!! No matter what, I'll apologize first!! I'm really sorry!! Ah Lang!! Everything is my fault!! My fault!!"

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