Chapter 41 - Attack and Counter-attack

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These photos were posted the same time, around midday, on online forums.

At this time Bai Lang was at Qiu XiaoHai's kindergarten attending a sports carnival. Qiu Qian had left for V country the day before due to the business venture. Before he left he had assigned many of his people to Bai Lang's side, including even Lin GongCheng. He had also sent people to watch the people that needed to be watched. Only this way was Bai Lang able to push him out of the country. Bai Lang had taken a day off to go to the sports carnival with the identity of a parent.

The people at the school no longer felt surprised. They were already used to the Qiu XiaoHai and Bai Lang team. Qiu XiaoHai's class teacher as well as the nanny all had Bai Lang's phone number. {T/N: Although it's not specifically stated I think can assume by this time QQ has found another nanny for QXH, because after all BL and him both busy and Hong Hong/Xiao Li also have other responsibilities. But nanny doesn't live with them, probably just responsible for picking him up and taking care of him until BL or QQ get home.}

If Qiu XiaoHai got a fever or fell over in school and they couldn't find Qiu Qian, they would automatically switch to calling Bai Lang. Even if Bai Lang didn't pick up he would definitely return the call not long after. His gentle and warm voice had already changed the class teacher as well as the nanny from small fans into loyal major fans.

Qiu XiaoHai performed very well at the sports carnival. In these few months he had been nurtured by Bai Lang until he was very healthy. He got first place in the 100m race for the kindergarten class. The second place also smashed the glasses of the people who were watching {T/N: surprised them}, it was the beautiful and academic looking Rong Zan. Bai Lang was holding a small water bottle and waiting at the finish line. He was almost bowled over by the overly excited Qiu XiaoHai who jumped on him. The sunlight, green plains and large and beautiful smiles really killed off a lot of people's mobile phone's storage space.

Thus when Bai Lang held the trophy-winning and sleeping Qiu XiaoHai back home, he didn't know that right now on the internet things things had already became a chaotic mess.


The people that threw the hugest fuss were Su Quan's fans who had already been holding themselves back for too long.

The sudden termination of Su Quan's contract by Total Entertainment had initially made the fans jump out straight away to point to accusatory finger at Total Entertainment and their lack of explanation. But ever since the words "different pathways" had been released and Su Quan also didn't come out to protest against it, they had gradually quietened back down again.

After all this reason was vague but pointed to the fact that there was some greater play behind the scenes. Although Total Entertainment's methods were rough however if it meant that their male god Su could find a better place and a more appropriate company, then so what if he was fired from a small organisation like Total Entertainment?

But what was this!! Turned out things were like this!? When Su Quan's fans saw the posts they became incensed.

Actually when the two series of photos were posted there wasn't much text accompanying it. The fans actually quietly observed for a little while and there were even some people who asked what the point of it was. After all in order to judge and delve deeper into the meaning behind these photos, that meant they would have to first admit that their male god was gay.

The photos taken of Su Quan and Qiu Qian were mostly taken at private clubs and the like, some of them were blurry or shaky. It was clearly taken by fans on the down low. However the photos of Bai Lang were different. They were taken from official news outlets. The headline that accompanied it was: "The Truth That I Know". It looked as though it was something that someone on the inside posted after really not being able to tolerate it any longer, and finally came out to find justice for Su Quan.

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