Chapter 30 - Young Master Bai

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When the reporters standing on either side of the red carpet saw this unexpected combo descend from the car, the previously relatively controlled scene became immediately chaotic. They could barely contain their instincts and after the first person threw out a question, the rest also didn't control themselves any longer and also began yelling at the top of their lungs.

"Mr Qiu, Mr Qiu!! It's rare for you to attend these kind of events, why are you at the premiere tonight?

"Mr Qiu! Can you look over here please!! Thank you!!"

"Today you came in the same car as Mr Bai, what's your relationship? Mr Qiu and Mr Bai it seems you shouldn't know each other well ah?"

"Is it true the two of you previously took a holiday together!? Can we ask where did you go!?"

"Did the two of you leave the company together today? Or did you come from some other place?"

"Mr Qiu what's your identity at the premiere tonight? As the CEO of Total Entertainment, or as Mr Bai's friend?"

"Mr Bai! Can you tell us your relationship with Mr Qiu? Is it just boss and employee or is there some other kind of relationship!?"

"Gold's premiere today is very grand and expensive. Is it because of Mr Qiu's assistance ah!?"

"Mr Qiu is it because you're interested in this movie, or is it that you're interested in Mr Bai? Mr Qiu can you please tell us?"

The lights flashed non stop on Bai Lang and Qiu Qian's faces. The two of them were separated by only step, they walked shoulder to shoulder.

Bai Lang took out the public smile he used to deal with the media and gazed calmly into the cameras. Qiu Qian was also very familiar with this kind of scene. No matter what kind of provoking questions was asked, he only treated it like air.

Fang Hua was at the moment standing at the end of the red carpet wearing a very unnatural smile. She wasn't given much notice about this event.

When Qiu Qian had decided to appear together with Bai Lang, he had "kindly" informed Fang Hua in advance. However Fang Hua only had time to rush out in a panic. Thank God Qiu Qian and remembered to maintain a distance from Bai Lang, however the reaction of the reporters were still extremely sensitive.

"Mr Qiu!! Can you reply to the questions!?"

"If Mr Qiu doesn't want to reply then Mr Bai you should ba! The fans will definitely be curious!!"

"Mr Qiu previously you also "went out" with some artists from Total Entertainment. Are you going out now with Mr Bai!?"

"Mr Bai what are your views on Mr Qiu previously going out with your colleagues!?"

"Mr Bai, can I ask if the diamond watch on your arm is a gift from Mr Qiu ah?"

"Mr Bai today you also wearing the watch right? Can you please show it to us?"

"Mr Qiu, did you give him the watch!?"

"Mr Qiu, can you at least choose one question to answer. Everyone is very curious ah!!"

"Can you stop for a moment Mr Qiu!? Can we take a photograph of you two together!"

Within the more and more sharp questions, there was one that was slightly more kind. Qiu Qian decided to answer it. He patted Bai Lang's shoulder.

Bai Lang turned around and Qiu Qian pointed in the director of the reporter. "Let's take a photo together."

Bai Lang thus smiled and stood next to Qiu Qian. Because of the difference in their heights, Qiu Qian very slightly tilted his head.

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