Chapter 38 - Crime Accessory

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In the days after Bai Lang didn't fight the decision to have him stay at the hospital for a few more days, although there actually wasn't anything wrong with him.

He knew that Qiu Qian needed some time to slowly to get used to it. And staying in the hospital would at least reduce Qiu Qian's anxiety.

In the days that he stayed at the hospital, each member of the Rong family also came to give their regards.

Grandfather Rong had been sent into the emergency ward and had undergone surgery on the same night. Because he had obtained medication speedily, he didn't have any great injuries. After the surgery finished the next morning, his condition and recovery were both good and he would be able to leave the hospital in around two more days.

However no matter what, the Rong family remembered their debt of gratitude to Bai Lang. This type of gratitude was something that was difficult to use money to quantify. So the new generation head of the Rong family, Rong SiChen, who was also the eldest son of Rong Ai and Rong SiQi's elder brother, represented the Rong family to vow seriously that in the future if Bai Lang ever had any requests, the Rong family would do their utmost to fulfill it.

{T/N: Author previously said the eldest brother is called Rong He so I guess she changed it. Not important..}

And when Rong SiChen came to say this, Qiu XiaoHai and Rong Zan who hadn't gone back to school, were busy playing on the couch in the hospital room and eating the little rabbit steamed buns that Hong Hong had bought for them.


The secrecy and security that veiled Bai Lang's trip to the hospital was the same top tier level that surrounded Rong Ai's.

This included not only the staff involved in the treatment but also even the people sending the food and doing the cleaning in the special VIP ward. All of them had been trained and instructed specifically and the security work was extremely thorough.

Thus on the second day of Bai Lang's hospital stay, when Qiu Qian went to Wang Yun's office in University Hospital, Wang Yun completely had no idea that Bai Lang was staying in the very same hospital.

When Wang Yun opened the door and saw Qiu Qian standing outside, there was a flash of shock in his eyes. Then he smiled and said, "What a rare visitor. How come you had time to come today?"

"I had time so I came here to have a chat. Do you have time?" There was a nicotine stick dangling from Qiu Qian's mouth and his words were very calm.

{T/N: The Chinese said "quit smoking stick", so I assume it's like a nicotine replacement stick to help people stop smoking.}

Wang Yun also immediately noticed the object inside Qiu Qian's mouth. His expression froze then he stepped back to let Qiu Qian into his office.

"You specifically came all this way so how can I not have time?"

Qiu Qian didn't respond to the emphasis that Wang Yun put on the word "specifically". He entered the office, pulled up a swivel chair in front of the desk and sat down, looking around.

The single person office was quite empty. On the left was a metal shelf which only had a few documents and even the desk was very clean. Other than the computer there was a pen holder, a box of business cards and a tea set. It was clear that Wang Yun hadn't settled in for very long.

Wang Yun closed the door behind Qiu Qian and after dwardling for a bit he finally sat down on the seat behind the table. He seemed to be thinking about something but suddenly he sat up straight and said, "Do you want tea? I'll go get some water for tea."

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