Chapter 36 - Life Saving Medication

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Qi ShaoDong, a vice president of Vision Construction.

He was also the younger brother of Qi ShaoHua who was the heir of Vision Construction.

These two brothers weren't like the ones in the Qiu family who fought each other for power and control.

Because the Qi family had stared clearly from a long time ago that only the first wife's son Qi ShaoHua would have the right to inherit the family enterprises. As for Qi ShaoDong this son that was born after the original wife had passed away, he could only obtain a small percentage of the inheritance and that was it. After all the Qi family relied on the first wife's Wei family connections and money to establish themselves and it was only in the last couple of years that they had really become a business empire.

Thus ever since young Qi ShaoDong had been raised in a free and easy manner. Not much attention was placed on him and also not much pressure.

However he seemed to be ambitious. He went overseas to study and after returning he obediently started working at the company from the bottom up and had already climbed up to the position of a vice president. Of course within this Qi ShaoDong's mother had also secretly helped her son behind the scenes. But no matter how hard Qi ShaoDong worked it was impossible for him to surpass his older brother. And so perhaps out of a sense of guilt, the Qi family was very lax in their attitude towards Qi ShaoDong's behaviour in his personal life.

Qi ShaoDong had a reputation. He was often featured on the tabloid news as someone who liked to destroy other people's relationships.

It was though he was trying to make up for something he lacked. For some reason Qi ShaoDong, who had both looks and money, seemed to like stealing other people's girlfriends. And it wasn't any random person, but they were always people who were tipped to and anticipated to inherit family businesses or conglomerates. In the beginning no one thought Qi ShaoDong was doing it on purpose. After all before men and women were married they were all still considered single, but after two or three successive similar cases, it seemed less coincidental and more purposeful. Thus his reputation was established

And right now the Qiu family was also investing in the real estate business. In a few projects they were the competitors of Vision Construction. In regards to this vice president with the special identity, Qiu Qian had already had him investigated before.

Qiu Qian thus put aside Qiu XiaoHai and went into the study to take out that a little black box from from the draw. He took out the earpiece and then returned to watch the TV.

Right now the screen was showing the next star to arrive. Qiu XiaoHai was crouched on the corner of the couch and was waving his hands about as if trying to flick aside the person that was currently blocking Ah Bai from view on the screen. However this was the TV so that was not possible. Qiu Qian couldn't help rubbing Qiu XiaoHai's head when he saw his innocent behavior.

"... let me introduce you. This is Vision Entertainment vice president Qi ShaoDong. And this person I don't need to introduce, Young Master Qi no doubt you recognize him straight away." Within the environmental noise, Su Quan's voice was transmitted through the earpiece.

"Haha, indeed. I am Mr Bai's loyal fan ah." A voice that was both casual but which also wasn't lacking in elegance replied. "I'm Qi ShaoDong, it's an honor to meet you Mr Bai. I've admired you for a long time."

"An honor to meet you. Mr Qi is too kind." Bai Lang's voice was very polite.

"I'm not saying it out of politeness," Qi ShaoDong's voice carried laughter. "Li ChuanQing in Beyond Jade and Gold really made me and my group of friends sweat and self-reflect. That type of elegance isn't something any of us can compare to. Right now we're using it as an example to study by."

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