Chapter 26 - New Owner

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Two weeks later, the first official photographs from Beyond Gold and Jade were posted onto the internet.

In the main character Li ChuanQing's standalone photos, Bai Lang was wearing a tailor's work uniform and he also had a tape measure around his neck.

His eyes were downcast and there was a vague smile on his face. There was a bright light which shone onto one side of his face, however this left a contrasting shadow on the other. It hinted that underneath the main character's quiet smile there were turbulent feelings hidden. With the addition of the loose shirt which was tucked into fitting suit pants, this angle made Bai Lang's waist and neckline look very long and seductive. Within his elegant appearance there was a hint of sensuality. These oddities made him look even more beautiful and fascinating.

Zhu Kuan successfully used these contrasts and juxtapositions to imbue the images with a strong sense of feelings. From this, his style from 10 years later could already be seen. Thus under Zhu Kuan's camera, Bai Lang's image became much more multi-layered and complex than previously.

When the images were published, it immediately became a hot discussion topic among Bai Lang's fans. Most of the fans expressed they liked it very much, however there were also those who said they missed Bai Lang's previous warm and innocent appearance. Luckily those in the former outnumbered the latter. Bai Lang guessed that UNI's ad also had helped pave the way for this change, otherwise based on his past life, he remembered how many obstacles he faced when trying to change his image after Partners.

However Bai Lang actually forgot that after his rebirth, although he was in the body of a 24 year old young person, his everyday actions and dress had already lost the immaturity of a youth. Even in the incident with the photos at the supermarket, the face that Bai Lang had shown the world was that of gentleness mixed with maturity.

Fang Hua also probably had been affected by this. Thus when Bai Lang attended fan meets or during promotional activities, the styling she arranged for him reflected his own personal poise, and so the image was that of someone who was had matured early and was elegant and sensible. This helped a long way in rounding out Bai Lang's strong initial impression in Partners.

After three months, Gold had finished approximately two-thirds of its filming. This speed was very fast.

However Bai Lang had been carefully observing the issue of funding this whole time but he hadn't found any clues yet.

By contrast, Zhu Kuan who was not good at hiding things, had been extremely cheerful as of late.

Bai Lang felt this was a bit odd and so taking advantage of the lunch break, he couldn't help asking.

"Director Zhu, you seem to be in a good mood recently. Did something good happen?"

On that day, both Zhu Kuan and Que QiMing were surrounding Bai Lang and his large lunch boxes. Bai Lang thus had the opportunity to casually ask this question.

By this time Zhu Kuan and Bai Lang had already become closer. He didn't hesitate to use his chopsticks to take a third piece of meat wrapped around asparagus. He stuffed it in his mouth and chewed loudly. "Something good really did happen, haha. During the new year I was actually a bit troubled but I didn't expect that someone would suddenly stuff a pillow under my head as I slept {T/N: Means unexpected help came}. I can't believe Old Zhao and I actually encountered something like this. Our fortune must be too good."

"Old Zhao" was his friend Zhao JingXuan, who was the boss of a textile company and who had invited Zhu Kuan back into the country.

Bai Lang immediately stopped eating. Since he had mentioned Old Zhao, then it definitely had something to do with the funding.

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