Chapter 10 - Green Bean Soup

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Kang Jian's appearance was not classically handsome.

He was tall with a good body however while his nose was straight, his eyes were slightly small and he had an inner double lid. His chin was squarish and his cheekbones prominent. When he was young, among a crowd of handsome male stars, he didn't particularly stand out. However as he got older, his appearance was more suitable for a going down a mature pathway. After he had undergone the styling for his role, he had the image of someone who looked casual and playful on the outside but hid a deep emotions on the inside. In this way Kang Jian became a "killer" of older women. {T/N: As in he's very popular with this demographic.}

At this time in his previous life, Bai Lang and Kang Jian were just ordinary friends. Kang Jian took a lot of initiative in this regard. If he wasn't calling to chat then he was turning up at Bai Lang's door with supper.

Afterwards when the ugly news regarding Bai Lang's family got around, Kang Jian began to contact him less. In contrast due to the release of his first movie and also UNI's advertisement, Kang Jian's star was on the rise and he became gradually known by the audience. Bai Lang naturally thought the reason for the decrease in contact was because Kang Jian was busy working.

It was not until a few years later when Bai Lang became famous again because of the popularity of Who is Hosting Dinner?, that Kang Jian's frequent contact returned. At that time although Kang Jian could not be considered an A-lister, he frequently acted in small productions as either the male lead or in an important supporting male role. Compared to the popular again Bai Lang, he can be considered around same level of fame.

Thus Kang Jian never tried to hide the fact that he and Bai Lang were old friends. The two of them had different styles and thus there wasn't much chance of them competing against each other. Occasionally when they appeared in the supermarket together, they could create some minor news and give the fans a favorable impression of two close male friends being affectionate towards each other.

This was also the beginning of the two people's relationship.

The change in relationship was also initiated by Kang Jian.

Kang Jian was bisexual. He was okay with either men or women. According to what Kang Jian told Bai Lang, he actually preferred men over women, however the reality of his circumstances made it difficult for him to find someone good.

And Bai Lang was clean and beautiful, his personality was calm and he wasn't the type to quibble over small things. He also knew how to take care of others. After they got to know each other, it wasn't as though Kang Jian didn't have any genuine feelings. However at that time he was more concerned with his own career. Since Bai Lang had a lot of troublesome news, Kang Jian decided to not pursue him anymore.

But when Bai Lang became popular for the second time, Kang Jian's heart began to itch again. Also by that time Kang Jian had also familiarized himself with Bai Lang's personality. He was pleased with the fact that Bai Lang was low-key, and wasn't the type of person to nag or get jealous. After testing him a few times, he found out that Bai Lang didn't seem to have any prejudice towards homosexuals. So he seized the opportunity when Bai Lang was drunk and sealed the deal with him.

Afterwards Kang Jian spent some time pacifying the shocked Bai Lang.

He made long speeches about his long and difficult secret love for the other person, it was only because he really couldn't suppress it any longer that it burst out and he lost control.

In movies this type of infatuated and lovesick male character would often appear. Kang Jian's acting was dripping with emotions. It had to be said that Kang Jian's method was extremely correct. This type of "good friend turned lover" pathway was extremely effective on the innocent and naive Bai Lang. This way he would be more easily forgiven and accepted. Bai Lang at this time was still bearing the heavy burden of repaying Bai Li's debts. Something like having a relationship was a luxury for him.

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