Chapter 56 - New Opportunity

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While Bai Lang was occupied with filming Ending, Kang Jian's entire heart and focus was placed on his trading company.

Long before Kang Jian's thoughts had moved to Li Sha's apartment, Qiu Qian had already made the arrangement to allow Kang Jian to use the money he had on hand to experience the sweetness of doing business. This way, he could lure Kang Jian to borrow more money and place it down this bottomless black hole. If at this time Kang Jian's company went under, then it would be enough for Kang Jian to lose entire life savings and never be able to raise his head again in front of Li Min. However even so his supporting mountain Li Sha probably would not be able to be moved. After all at that time Kang Jian had not actually cheated on her.

But then the addition of Lin ChenYuan's matter really made Qiu Qian lose his temper. He vindictively decided to make Kang Jian even greedier. The more greedy he became and the higher he reached, the greater his fall would be. So when Kang Jian borrowed 6 million against Li Sha's apartment, Qiu Qian very generously allowed him to first make a windfall. This way the 6 million, plus the 3 million that Kang Jian originally had, was flipped a few times. Within half a year of Kang Jian's company operating, it was already worth approximately 20 million.

20 million.... This number was enough to make Kang Jian's mouth go dry. Even the current popular film emperor could only earn this amount by working for more than half a year. In addition when it came to doing business, Kang Jian completely didn't need to use his brain to remember any script lines, stand out in the sun and rain, or miss out eating because he had to rush to different locations. All he had to do was attend a few functions and parties and the money started raining down. It was so easy that the amount of effort he put in completely didn't compare to the reward he got out.

After experiencing a taste of this sweetness, Kang Jian didn't want to accept any more roles. All he could think about was investment, investment and more investment.

When his manager gave him scripts he rejected all of them. If it was a simple advertisement or product representation, he would casually undertake them. He didn't have any time to spend on his fans website or meet and greets.

When he had free time, Kang Jian either spent it flipping blindly through thick financial magazines, or he would try to get close to Xiao Xu. Xu Li was the person that Qiu Qian had arranged to be by Kang Jian's side from the beginning. {T/N: Xiao Xu means "Little Xu", nickname for Xu Li.}

It was only that after earning the 20 million, the other man became evasive and didn't seem to want to pay any more attention to him. Kang Jian thought it was maybe because Xiao Xu was now jealous of his success.

Not only Xiao Xu, but all of Kang Jian's friends who knew he had started a company, including Li Min, didn't seem to look very highly upon his success. The people who didn't know the details would only smile and congratulate him in a superficial manner, however their expressions clearly showed that they didn't really believe him. As for those who knew the details, such as Li Min, they would only faintly say a few words of "you're very lucky".

Lucky!? Lucky!? Being lucky was also a form of talent okay!! When Kang Jian proudly and gloatingly showed off his bank deposit slip to Li Min, and only received these three words "you're very lucky", his face almost turned green.

So when he returned home, Kang Jian violently smashed the table. For the very first time he yelled furiously at Li Sha, "You saw what happened today ba!! Your father is so great!! He completely doesn't put me in his eyes!! Luck!! This is only luck!? After all my hard work and running around, he only says it's goddamn luck!?"

"Ah Jian...." Li Sha was frightened by Kang Jian's sudden violent outburst. She held onto her son and stood to one side. In her view, she thought her father Li Min's words weren't wrong. Kang Jian really probably was just lucky. However on the other hand she also wanted to believe that her husband was capable and she didn't want to splash cold water on him. So she only carefully replied, "No matter what, didn't we earn money? The result is good and so in time daddy will definitely recognize it. Let's use this money and repay the loan a little, then buy another house–"

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